As you have probably noticed, I did some revamping of the blog. Well hot bliggity blog, I may not be a novice blogger anymore. It has only taken me two short months to figure out how to change the color of the font in the margins. Wow, at that rate I will be a pro in no time. I hope nobody reading this is color blind (seriously) otherwise I think the green will be unreadable. You would think that blogging was something brand new to the internet world based on the ridiculous hoops one has to jump through just to add certain aspects to a blog. I think I'm happy with the "prettyness" of the blog page....for awhile at least.
What would you say if I told you I was going to cook you dinner? Then what would you say if I told you I was going to grill some hamburgers and serve them with a side of gumbo? "Huh", you ask? Riley spend Sunday afternoon watching the show Swamp People where in one episode they were making gumbo with alligator meat. He was already set on grilling burgers so I guess he thought he might as well give gumbo a shot. Curiously I asked, "so you mean we are having two things for dinner?" Riley responds, "no, the gumbo is our side dish." I hope I am not the only person who is picturing gumbo and hamburgers on the same plate. He is always making me laugh! In the end, we decided to go ahead and grill the sausage and made gumbo the following night. Considering I'd never attempted it before, we were pleasantly surprised that it tasted very good! I basically grabbed a punch of stuff out of the fridge and the seasoning cabinet and went crazy in a pot on the stove. We will call it a "gumbalaya." And as always the whole time I was cooking I kept hollering "this is going to suck" and "we can pop that pizza into the oven if it's gross!" Riley's comment while eating was "wow, we should make stuff that sucks more often."
Speaking of food, I haven't given an update on the weight loss scene as I am literally terrified to get on the scale. No number to provide, but I wore a dress that I bought in October 2009 to the wedding last weekend and I no longer feel like the underside of my arms could be used as a tent for three small children. So I guess that's a start. Notice I didn't say "fit into a dress" because I'm sure we could leave that up for debate. Eeeek. I'm still walking everyday and trying to fit in some weights when I have the energy. Fending off the evil PB M&Ms and Sprite that keep rearing their ugly heads. Is it bad to sit on the couch and eat peanut butter cups while watching The Biggest Loser? Family pictures in 1 month is my current motivation. I've been trying out new montras in my head today and I think they all fit. I don't want chocolate...I don't want pizza....I don't want ice cream...I don't want.........................
Another day down, another mommy lesson learned. This lesson I learned from my "mommy." I remembered that the doc had asked me to bring some baby Tylenol with Hallie for her checkup since he would be poking her with mean ol' needles. I was perusing the medication aisle along with an older gentleman who seemed to be having the same amount of trouble I was trying to find what we were looking for. We finally realized that we were both looking for the same item. Finally he found some baby aspirin (in chewable pill form). He handed me a bottle and I nicely accepted and placed it in the basket knowing that I wasn't going to actually buy it. The doctor had specifally said Tylenol. Me being the naive and sometimes plain stupid mom that I am, the fact that the bottle was in chewable tablet form just went way over my head!!!! So I waited until he walked away and placed it back on the shelf. We headed down the street to CVS on the hunt for Tylenol. Bingo. Got some. It was a few hours later when I was on the phone with my mom discussing Hallie's impending doom with her shots, she got a good laugh when I innocently asked her if they crushed up the pills and mixed them in with a liquid to put them into the baby's mouth. Key word: LIQUID. Oh yeah, liquid Tylenol. Duh. Ok, so I make another trip to the pharmacy to buy liquid meds. This sits fine with me until the next morning I read the bottle and it says for ages 2 and up. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!! In the words of Chandler Bing, "could I be any more clueless! Third trip to the pharmacy for INFANT Tylenol was this morning. Third times the charm. Wow, I felt pretty stupid....UNTIL....I called Riley to tell him what an idiot move I had made and he said he would have done the same thing. You're in good hands Hal, I promise...your parents are learning everyday!
We had a narcoleptic baby last night. Too bad these narcoleptic symptoms can't come during the night. ;) Everywhere we put her, she fell asleep immediately....
Asleep in dad's quilt
Asleep on dad's shoulder
Asleep on the changing table
"Make this diaper change quick please, I'm tired if you haven't noticed"
Asleep on the dog
As I strapped my precious, unsuspecting little girl into her carseat this afternoon, I couldn't help but get nervous for what was about to happen. If she is anything like her momma, she was going to hate shots! I once had to breath into a paper bag and stare at a magazine picture of a young George Clooney while receiving a tetanus shot. On another occasion (or two) I came way too close to passing out in the chair while having blood drawn. And then of course there was the time I was sent to the emergency room for "heart attack" symptoms (ask Riley about that one, he loves telling the story) where they were unable to insert an IV after three attempts...partly because of my bad veins at the time and partly because of my crazy behavior around needles. Especially ones that large in diameter. And lastly, the birth of my baby girl...the only needle that was gladly accepted in order to get my epidural. ;) We arrived at the doc's office and before checking in I realized we had lost a shoe somewhere on our journey up to the 3rd floor. So we did some backtracking with purse, diaper bag and baby carrier in tow and found it right by the car. Now back up to the doc's office. We didn't have to wait long before heading back to a room. Everyone is so nice at that place! The assistant had a great time making Hallie smile and laugh, and she was just eating it up! I undressed her and we headed out to the weight and measurement table. The girl has been doin' some serious growin'.....she weighed 12lbs 6 oz and is 22 inches long. It sure beat my guess of 11lbs 2 oz. I shouldn't be surprised based on her never-ending appetite. The scale below reads 12lbs 8 oz but she was wearing her diaper.
"Hey, this is kinda like that show mom watches where they weigh in every week, except that it's okay if I gain weight!"
Hallie and I had to wait awhile in the room before the doc came in. Somehow by the grace of God, I was able to keep her entertained for 20 minutes. I think she enjoyed being "nakey" and looking at all the fun stuff on the walls. We were having a smile-a-thon when Dr. Stecklow came in.
Lovin' on my girl
Unsuspecting patient
"They are gonna do WHAT?"
"She thinks I don't know she's sucking up."
She had definitely saved up some smiles and laughs for him! She LOVED him...I don't think I've ever seen her that exuberant. Good timing sister girl! Way to show off your social skills for the doc! Riley had commented that Hallie would have a crush on him and I think she made it clear that she did. I think Riley may even have a crush on Hallie's doctor. Lol! He said she has shot up from the 12 percentile to the 85th percentile in weight but remains a "shorty" at 22 inches in the 25th percentile. Eh, she really has no hope in the height department so that's to be expected. ;) Her brain must be growing nicely (yay) because she was in the 85 percentile for head circumference. That was about the cutest thing I've ever seen when the nurse measured her cute little head while I was holding her up in sitting. The doc commented that the hemangioma on her right leg had grown but was still normal and will most likely disappear by the time she is 2 years old. You may have noticed it in some of her looks like a big red dot. He said she has a great social smile and seemed to be the happiest baby he had seen all day. She remains "perfect." Those were the words he used when he did his assessment on her birthday. After he finished his assessment, he left and told us the nurse would be in shortly to bring the pain. Not his exact words but it was true. I held her hand and talked in her ear to try to calm her down. She did so good for the oral vaccine and fine with the first 2 shots, but the last one did her in. Poor girl turned red in the face and no sound came out of her mouth for awhile...then the scream of all screams came out. As soon as she had her Tazmanian Devil bandaids on and I was able to pick her, she calmed down right away. I gave her some Tylenol (the right kind, lol) and we were on our way. She was asleep by the time we pulled out of the parking lot. Grammy was right across the street in a recovery room at Baptist. She had a heart cath performed earlier today and had to lie flat on her back for 2 hours so we went over to keep her and Aunt Lana entertained for the afternoon. Hallie's pretty good at taking Grammy's mind off of things. I told my mom, "this is Hallie's first time to visit you in a hospital and hopefully it will be her last!" Word got around that there was a baby on the floor so each of the workers had to come in separately and check her out.
"I know you said it's been awhile since you've fed a baby but you are doing a mighty fine job"
"Grammy, these beds aren't that comfortable but the TV is a nice touch."
After Grammy got the okay to leave for the day we went across the street for some dinner. Hallie was peaceful for awhile but wasn't enjoying life so much after her bottle ran out. OH NO! We said bye to Grammy and Aunt Lana and headed home to show dad Hallie's battle wounds (her bandaids) ;)
"Grammy, you know I don't like shrimp."
(fyi, we weren't really feeding her seafood...or any other food for that matter, it just made for a funny picture)
Hallie's Corner
Wanna know what I've been up to lately? What was that? Oh, my mom gives you way too many details already. I see. Well I will give you the abridged version in that case. My little sausage fingers get tired after a couple minutes of typing anyways so it's a win win for both of us.
- I helped my dad grill out on Sunday night..that grills kinda hot! But the food smells good. He really appreciated my help...I cried out when the burgers were ready to flip, and then cried out again when they were done. When I really think about it, I guess I did more crying than helping.
Next I helped mommy cook inside. I don't know why she put me in this strange torture device. Don't call DHS just yet though...I think this baby holder thingy could be fun if I didn't have a soaking wet diaper while straddling it. Mom was thrilled that I was there to give her some background noise while she cut up vegetables. Well duh mom, if you want me to stop crying, don't cut up onions right by me! It's that simple.
- On a Madness scale from 0-10 I was a 50! I am not sure if it was the onions or the fact that I didn't win the Woodward News Cutest Baby Photo contest, but I turned bright red and shot flames out of my mouth. Mom and dad tried to console me, but I wasn't having it. Isn't every girl entitled to a good cry once in awhile? Ok, I'll be honest. I was devastated when dad told me I didn't win the contest. I really don't see what they saw in that little girl who won...she had a triple chin! And I only have a double chin! Mom assured me that I was beautiful inside and outside....I hope by "inside" she wasn't referring to what's inside my dirty diapers. One minute later I was happy as a peach and entertaining mom and dad. Fuming to satisfied faster than you can say "where did we put those earplugs?"
- On the flip side of the coin, I can go from angel to pissed off in about 5 seconds flat. In this case, I had a very good reason. My hat obscured my vision of all the crazies at Walmart.
I've finally got this thumb sucking thing down. I'm still a little bit clumsy and I sometimes suck it upside down so I spend a lot of time practicing now. It's no milk, but it's better than my binky. I'm so over my binky...
Something terrible happened today. I can't even recall the events because they were just too dramatic. I was naked, in a cold room, in the arms of a stranger who was holding this long, pointy object. All I can tell you is that I'm super tired now and I will probably sleep all day and night.....hey, wait a minute! Was this mom's evil plan???
P.S. My Grammy and I both had to visit the doctor today. She was right across the street from me...I think she's following me! ;) She gave me kisses and I think it helped the pain a little bit.
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