Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Milk Monster

Before I get started let me entertain everyone with our weekly "dad dressed the baby" picture. Here is this week's....

So proud of his styling effort

The decision process

Impressive, huh? Hallie doesn't seem to be enjoying her clothes so much. I still can't figure out if he really thought that outfit matched or not. I think she will have to grow into those pants. I guess we can give dad props for adding a hair accessory to the ensemble. ;) Well, in Hallie's case a "head accessory" considering she is lacking in the hair department.

Well, we've got one week down, only 924 to go. That is exactly 18 years worth of work weeks minus 12 weeks (Hallie's age). Good thing I won't be the sole source of food for Hallie girl that long because I could barely keep up with her appetite at day 3 of working momma status. Riley and Nanny tell me that worrying about it isn't going to help any so I'm trying that suggestion out. If I can keep enough milk coming for 4 more weeks, we will be good to go because we will introduce cereal then. Woohoo!! Real food for my girl!! On the other hand, you can take one look at this chunky monkey and realize that she may not need "real food."

So I told everyone about babysitter #1. Now it's time to talk about babysitter #2. Or should we call her "Nannysitter?" Thursday morning involved a lot less hussle and a lil more sleeping in. Nanny arrived early Thursday morning...good thing she is used to getting up when the rest of the world is sleeping because that must have been a long morning drive. First things came first. Riley gave her a tutorial for operating the DVD player which involves 3 remotes and takes almost more time that it's worth. I got a text midmorning from Nanny telling me about their morning activities. It sounds like Hallie's old morning routine with a little pizzazz added in. Zumba that is. Hallie watched as Nanny did her Zumba workout...and she should feel like a lucky baby as others aren't allowed to watch Nanny get her Zumba groove on. Not even Papa Bill. ;) This was followed by watching Ellen, taking a stroll around the neighborhood, and then having Bible time out on the back porch. She took two short naps and got a good report card at the end of the day. Nanny told me to run errands if needed so I made a few stops on the way home. This involved talking myself out of coming home with a $60 pumpkin. My reasons for deciding NO on this massive pumpkin included a) Riley's reaction and b) it probably wouldn't have fit in my car. Aunt Katie stopped by for a visit to see her favorite girl. Nanny cooked dinner for all of us....which is something that will be welcomed come Thursday nights when Riley and I will probably be dead on our feet.

Riley and I are thinking that we can thank the Zumba workout for Hallie's 10 hours of sleep on Thursday night. HALLELUJAH!!!!! Riley and I woke up worried when our alarms were sounding before the baby had sounded. This was hands down the best night of sleep we have received in three months. Well, probably can add on a couple months of pregnancy to that total as I was not sleeping much then either thanks to excessive bathroom trips and nightmares. We had to wake Hallie up. My how the tables have turned. And she followed it up with another 10 hour sleeping sesh Friday night. It must be the seems to be the only common denominator. Thanks Nanny! Whatever you are doing is working! I caught a picture of the two ladies before Nanny left for Stillwater on Friday...

With all of the recent sleep happening, I didn't even mind waking up with her at 6 on a Saturday morning. We found it to be a great time to help purge some of the 100 shows I needed to catch up on from this week. I have a confession: I miss TV. A lot.  Each favorite show is like opening a little present all wrapped pretty and waiting for you to enjoy. So we enjoyed quite a few "presents" before Riley woke up. Lazy is the best way to describe Saturday. Thanks rain for raining on our plans.

To all of you working momma's out there....I have one do you do it? Lol! Maintain everything, that is. The first week went surprisingly well as far as keeping up with normal chores and activities. I actually found time to work out everyday this week besides Thursday. Hallie has ditched the car seat carrier and now has a great view for our strolls.

I'm ridin' like a big girl...the carrier was soooo last month."

I was also worried about the dogs transitioning back into "not going to the bathroom all day" mode. I think they were becoming majorly spoiled by me being home everyday, all day. As long as I take Emmi for a walk every night, she refrains from most of her bad behaviors....

Frozen puggle...."maybe if I don't move, mom won't notice I stole the baby's monkey....

Hallie still seems to be transitioning to the new changes, but it responding quite well. She has become pretty independent over the past couple days.....

"Duh Dad. I know how to use the remote. I saw you teaching Nanny."

Yesterday was quite a sad day for football fans in Oklahoma. Riley decided against going to homecoming in Stillwater even though I tried to convince him to go and have fun. He said he would rather not drive and sit at home with his girls. Well, I can't argue with that. Riley and I actually watched the entire game together. I think the last time that happened we were actually at the OSU when we first started dating and he could convince me to go with him to games on the weekends when I went to see him at college. The things we do for love. ;) I think those days are over, as Riley has stated that he will NEVER, EVER step foot on the OU campus for a game with me. He lucked out on one occasion when we had tickets to a game a few years ago and he had a last minute military obligation and I took my dad instead. But yesterday we sat down and watched the game together....and at halftime, I think he was ready for me to find a hobby. I don't know if it was my constant talking or me singing a very modified version of "Baby Got Back" to Hallie to make her laugh. It's ok, Ross and Rachel on Friends did it. And it works. She was lovin' it!

Hallie and I left dad at home and headed to Auntie Laura's house in Edmond for the big game. For once this season, I was actually starting to get my football mojo back and felt some fire in me. Well, it didn't last long as entertaining a baby during a game means I saw about 2 plays per drive. Girl's night was a success even if my formerly #1 team didn't perform. Girl's night for us = pizza and football. That's what real Oklahoma girls do. Hallie was a trooper through the whole game despite us trying to put her to sleep for a couple hours. She must be a true fan because she watched til the end and showed some passion....

"C'mon Bobby, get your boys in line!"
"They get pizza and all I get is milk?? What's up with that?"

"Julia, I'm going to scream if we sit down again so you might as well just hold me like this all night"

Her face looks mad here, but trust me, she was anything but mad while talking to Sara

"Mom, I'm watchin' the game, lay off the pictures!"
Hallie with Auntie Laura

"It's sooo past my bedtime Melissa"

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