Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shaking Things Up

Last night was another first for Hallie. She slept in her her crib...away from mom and dad...she did and dad, not so much. After talking with the doc yesterday about the difficulty we were having developing an eating schedule and sleeping routine, he gave me some advice. Don't have her sleep in the same room as me because if she smells me or hears me, she will take advantage of me. He also said to not let her fall asleep while eating and don't rock her to sleep. Lots of good advice so we decided to try it out. She was being fussy all evening as the doc had warned and after giving her some more Tylenol  she decided to go to sleep. So Riley was going to put her down in the crib but got about as far as saying goodnight and had to leave because she was being a big sweetheart and smiling at him. He couldn't be the bad guy so momma had to step in. Yeah right, like I have an iron hand. I looked at her so innocent and sweet lying in her big girl crib and I couldn't do it, so I snatched her up and we went back to the living room. She was wide awake at this point and was putting on the charm. I swear that she knew what was going on and was playing me yet again. She was basically singing to me with her non-stop cooing, laughing, and smiling! I was laughing and crying all at the same time. Finally after a little more milk, she went limp in my arms and I reluctantly took her back to the crib where she immediately woke up again. More bottle, more twinkle twinkle little star, but NO sleep. So we got back out of the crib and did some swaying and singing in the room. That did her in and she was out. For about an hour and fifteen minutes. Lol! The monitor was my enemy last night as I had it turned up so loud that I could hear every rustle of the sheet and every baby grunt. Luckily, the sleep demons didn't keep her awake for long and she slept another few hours. I would give her first night in the crib a 5 out of 10. Not horrible, but it can only get better. It's dad's turn tonight to be the bad guy though. ;)

Not only are we shaking things up with the sleeping situation, but the ground below us was literally shakin' up as well. We experienced a 5.1 magnitude earthquake this morning around 9. We were in the office at my desk and all of a sudden felt it start shaking. Then I noticed the painting above me on the wall was shaking. My first thought: must be the universe imploding. Well maybe that's a tad bit dramatic but it was the strangest feeling. Something brand new. My second thought was that it was a HUGE gust of wind so I looked outside and noticed the trees blowing quite a bit, but after about 5 seconds of shaking, the trees had died down. Not wanting to believe that it could actually be an earthquake I had convinced myself that it was a freak gust of wind that shook our entire house. Lol! Totally plausible. I didn't realize it was an actual quake until we got a text from Nanny asking if we had felt the ground shake. Who would have thought? I guess we have all the good stuff here in Okie Land.

Here is the groggy little girl this morning while we did our normal getting ready routine...

"What time is it ma? I'm still tired."

The Mad Hatter

Her last good cry before she took the longest nap in history

Hallie and I decided that we were wasting away our final days at home together so we decided to get out and about today. There won't be any "Hallie's Corner" today because she has literally slept the entire day. She must still be recovering from yesterday in combo with the Tylenol because she is now going on 7 hours of straight napping. And here is what she slept through: we met my friend Laura, who works for the OU PT program, at the new Allied Health Building to take a quick tour of their brand new digs. Now I was pretty excited about seeing this fancy schmancy place of learning because if you had seen the building that we had to go to PT school in, you would know why. It looked like asbestos central with open pipes overhead and carpet from the '70's. I was more than a little jealous of all the PT students getting to enjoy this gorgeous new building...not to mention the program now is a PT doctorate...I guess my classmates and I missed the boat on everything! Geez! Auntie Laura, as we refer to her, showed us around and I got to see lots of old professors and familiar faces. It was nice walking the halls knowing that I didn't have to be worried about some big assignment or killer test coming up. The program director complimented me on my little boy. Yes, BOY. My "boy" was decked out in pink and purple stripes with a huge pink flower on her head sitting in her pink carseat. Oh boy.

After lugging the baby carrier around for about 30 minutes I was exhausted and ready for some lunch. We tried a new place downtown called Iguana...good Mexican food. Oh yeah, and Hallie still had yet to open her eyes. Right next door was the devil...Sara Sara Cupcakes that is. I'd never been and have always wanted to try their yummy goodness so of course we had to go! What a cute little place with a modern/ bakery theme! Hallie was a doll and picked out a cupcake to bring home for dad. She must know him well because she picked out a peach cobbler. We sat out on the porch, talked, and ate as Hallie remained asleep. I even tried tickling her feet and playing with her hands...nothin' was waking that girl up. You may ask how she picked out Daddy's cupcake if she was asleep...well, we communicate telepathically. Special baby powers.

The cupcake was almost as big as Hallie

We said goodbye to Auntie Laura and made a quick trip to the mall where she continued to sleep through car transfers in and out and riding in the stroller for awhile. She slept through our last stop at my work and now that we are at home and out of the moving car, I am beginning to wonder if the sleep demons have her held hostage. My productivity would benefit greatly but I do miss her smile.

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