Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dum Dum da Dum

That was supposed to be the wedding march in honor of the newlyweds Heather & James....

The Bullocks

But we'll come back to that later....

Lots of Hallie Time has been had lately. Thursday night was a daddy/daughter night at the Fannings while I met my friends Laura and Melissa for some yummy food at Fish City Grill in Edmond. While we were waiting patiently on dad to get home to do the baby handoff, Hallie and I got her all bathed and ready for playtime with dad...

"Bath time?? YES!"

 Hallie and I made this onesie for Riley when she was about the size of a lima bean in my belly

I was hoping that I wouldn't be an hour late to this dinner like the last one. Only 12 minutes late....I call that a success in mommy land. I would have never thought in a million years I would say that being late was a success but priorities they are a-changin'! ;) We all joked that the chronically late people now seem on time compared to me. It was nice to catch up with eachother and start to plan our annual holiday parties! I hope they don't mind having Ashley + 1 this year...I'm sure Hallie can carve a mean pumpkin and decorate sugar cookies like a pro with her evolved fine motor skills and all! Hallie got a bad report card when I arrived home...cranky and fussy all night long with dad. Sleeping that night wasn't much better, and I think this is why.....

Finally gave in to a nap

Friday was just your average day at home with a baby that refuses to nap...lots of entertainment! We had a fun time trying out some of her toys...still not into watching mommy shake her rattles but she still loves watching the monkey and butterflies fly around in her jungle...


Dad got home at 5 o'clock on Friday...unheard of!!! So we all relaxed and lounged around for awhile before we had to get ready for the evening. Hallie was starting to get the munchies but I really needed to get a jump on getting ready if we were going to get out of the house on time so I asked Riley to give her a bath since she loves them so much and I figured it would calm her down. Riley tried every trick in the book to get out of bathing the little Hallie Bear. "But babe, she is embarrassed when I see her naked." "But babe, you are so good at it." "I'm not sure how to do it right." Nice try dad. So we had yet another bath tutorial and yes it's official...she is not embarrassed and he is fully capable of giving a baby bath without endangering anyone. Good job Dad!

"See Dad, you know how to do it!"

"I love you daddy."

Look how thrilled they are...

We were dressed and ready to go...

The three of us met our good friends Matt and Heather for dinner before heading to the Woodward Boomer football game in Peidmont. It was Riley's first game to go to since graduating HS and Hallie's first football game. We had a great time catching up and joking around at, I have missed those two! It was their first time to meet Hallie and I think she won them over with her good nature at dinner...that would soon change though at the game. I honestly don't think I watched one down during the game but I had a great time talking with Heather and her sister Stephanie. This was the point in the night where Hallie wasn't hating life...

Hallie with 2 of her fellow red-headed friends

After much screaming and some eating, she finally got warm and cozy for a nap...

"This football stuff is for the birds"

Most of the fussiness can probably be blamed on me. I learned many baby lessons this weekend, and here is #1: Even if it is 85 degrees when you leave the house, it will drop to 70 below as the night goes on, so don't dress your baby in short sleeves. Bad mom (slap on wrist). Riley got to visit with a bunch of Woodwardians and watch a good game. By the time we got home we were all exhausted. Hallie slept for a 6 hour span probably from all the shivering she did at the game. Only kidding. So Hallie slept good Friday night....Riley on the other hand did not. Freight train snoring and sleep walking basically equal one crying hungry baby at 3 am. I spent most of the night nudging him and listening to his crazy talking in his sleep. Part of me was thoroughly entertained by this, but the other part was thinking, "are ya kiddin' me? My baby sleeps better than my husband?!" At one point in the night I found him with the light on in the living room lying in his chair. I went and led him back to bed and listened as he started a string of crazy words...the only recognizable thing out of his mouth was "p.h.a.t." Last I checked that stood for "pretty, hot and tempting." What kinda dreams are you having there Riley?? When I finally got my sleepwalker back to bed, Hallie decided to do some crib dancing of her own. Needless to say, the morning came much too soon.

I had a busy morning ahead of me so good thing my alarm clock (Hallie) went off an hour ahead of schedule...because I ended up using every bit of that extra hour. Dad slept in while Hallie and I checked things off our my list. Well, she mostly just layed around and looked cute...

"Do I have to get dressed mom?"

We actually were in the car and headed for Tulsa ON TIME! Success again! It is amazing to me just how much is necessary to pack for a 10 lb little nugget for just one afternoon! I looked back to check on her as we pulled out of the driveway and something struck me as of course I had to take a photo. Something probably silly, but I loved seeing our little family's clothes hanging there together...

First we met Nanny, Papa, Aunt Kylie & boyfriend Bret, and Riley's Aunt Norma and Uncle Danny for lunch. Norma and Danny had driven down from Wyoming earlier in the week and it was their first time to meet Hallie and our first time to see them in quite awhile. Hallie was probably thrilled to get out of her carseat as she was so HOT! Mom had dressed her in long sleeves and tights and dad had covered her up with a blanket. Lesson #2: I give up on dressing baby during this strange weather. We had a good lunch, but Hallie just couldn't seem to decide what she wanted to order though...

"What would you suggest Aunt Kylie? Should I go with the bacon cheeseburger or something light like the grilled chicken salad?"

Next we drove across the street to pick up Hallie's Great Grandma Virginia. This was Hallie's first time to meet her as well. I think they hit it off! I laughed as we entered the assisted living area and Riley turned into Robo Dad, defending baby from possible germs and unpredictable residents. The ladies sitting up front when we walked in just loved Hallie. I mentioned that she should be a "therapy baby" and visit assisted living facitilites to provide some cheer. I am guessing Dad would veto this immediately! Lol!

Robo Dad sheltering her on the patio ;)

Short on time, we hurried to the hotel in Owasso to get dressed for the big event. Lesson #3: Make sure you fill your breast pump with 8 batteries instead of 4 or you will be out of luck. Hallie had a public dressing room but didn't seem to mind much...
"Mom, you know I'm not modest."

Just chillin' with Great Grandma Vice

Pretty ladies

Exhausted !

Just contemplating the meaning of life

We made it in time to sneak a peak at the beatiful bride prior to the wedding. Heather looked stunning and so very happy! Hallie was a social butterfly and was passed around to meet a bunch of new people: Great Aunt Sandy and Great Uncle Kent, Riley's great uncle Robert, 2nd cousins Heidi and Michael and their one-year-old daughter Isabelle (Hallie's 3rd cousin). Isablle just loved Hallie and wanted to touch her and talk to her. Hallie and I watched the wedding from the foyer because she made it clear that being quiet wasn't on her agenda. Lesson #4: Have an exit plan. Well, I sort of had a plan, but ended up leaving all of my needed items with Riley in the santuary. So we improvised. ;) Sad that I missed the ceremony, but so happy for the newlyweds and their new, exciting life together.....

At the recpetion we quickly got used to the fact that we were free to mingle knowing that there was always someone wanting to love on Hallie. Lesson #5: Don't bother putting pretty shoes on a baby, because they won't stay on for more than 3 seconds. Lesson #6: Don't wear a dress if you plan on nursing that day. Just think about it. Lol! Lesson #7: Do NOT wear 4 inch heels. With all of these lessons being learned, of course I had to get as many mommy tips from Heidi as possible. They had a band playing and Riley couldn't resist showing off his dancing moves...his favorite part of a wedding. Unfortunately I missed seeing his superb dancing. :( Here are some pics from the reception...

"Being a social butterfly is tough work..feed me Aunt Katie!"

"You silly Nanny."

Beautiful Bride

"Papa, I'm thinkin' about taking a nap right here, so hold still"

Great Aunt MaryAnn

The whole gang

End of the day, and we are looking kinda rough

Little girls are just WAY TOO MUCH FUN to dress up!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Riley woke up super early this morn and headed out the door for a quick trip to the farm in May, Ok. Wait, did I say quick? I meant 6 hour roundtrip. The reason he is headed out there: to drop off some farming implements that he just couldn't resist buying this week. To each his own. Lol! I get excited about buying clothes, his is farming equipment I guess.  I really don't know what an implement is, so in other words, he bought some old farming devices to use to do something for hunting. There ya go. We can't wait for him to get home because we have a full day of nothing planned! Relaxation!

And I'll end with a very telling photo. I bet you can't guess who dressed Hallie this morning....

"Dad, Fall just started...these are for later!"

P.S. Dad, I'm sorry for the long post! Lol! :)

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