Sunday, October 3, 2010


Yesterday could not have been betterFirst of all, how gorgeous is this weather...we just had to take a family walk to enjoy it. It was also a nice way to calm Hallie down. After cooking breakfast and cleaning the house a bit, I bathed Hallie and got her dressed and ready for the big game! BUT Riley had other plans for her gameday attire, even if it wasn't even close to fitting.....

Baby on stilts??
Maybe she will fit into these when she's 4.

She was pretty embarrassed

Riley planted himself in the garage and we kicked off the restoration of the 'ol Mustang. Even though I told him it was his project now, I did lend some muscle power (yeah right) in the removal of the hood so that he could start removing the motor. Removing the motor?? That just blows my mind. He looked like an old pro out there, like it's something he does everyday...taking the parts off one at a time and taking pictures of everything and labeling. I asked him if it's challenging and he said "it's fun." I'm impressed to say the least! I always know when he is ready to "do work." He comes out of the bedroom dressed in his work boots and an old pair of wranglers with a look of determination on his face. That's when you just step aside and let the work get done. ;)

Hallie and I cuddled up inside and got ready for my favorite game of the year, the Red River Rivalry! Long gone are the days of actually traveling down to Dallas for the big game. Nothin' better than a huge caravan of decked out Sooner fan vehicles driving down I-35 getting heckled by all of the Longhorn fans that pass! Although I have fond memories, I did much prefer watching the game at home with my girl, Grammy, and G-man yesterday. They arrived midway through the first quarter...which was about the only part of the game that I wasn't chewing my nails off. Luckily they were thinking of Hallie and they brought her some awesome game gear to wear. I think she looks pretty good in crimson...

Tough stuff

The grandparents had a great time keeping Hallie entertained and AWAKE. She was the perfect little baby, leading my mom to continually say "Ashley, I don't know what you were talking about when you said she was being cranky. She seems perfect to me."  The little stinker proved me wrong in every way yesterday. She sat on G-man's lap and had her head cranked around toward the TV most of the afternoon.

Happy Girl

Teaching her tradition: how to throw up her finger for kickoffs

"Eh, Landry Jones, Schmandry Jones. This game is too close!"

Come on Grammy, let's go outside, this football stuff is boring.

I guess distraction is a good tactic to convince her that she doesn't actually want to eat every 15 minutes. The art of distraction: my new friend.

She loves to look outside

I also learned that breastfeeding a baby during the last few minutes of a nail-biting game is not a great idea. For many reasons. Your cheering mobility is greatly limited to quiet clapping and whisper yelling and if you don't follow these rules it is easy to scare the poop out of your baby! Sorry Hallie, momma loves you! If babies have "lists", then I was on Hallie's list yesterday. Everyone said I was being crazy, but I really think she was mad at me yesterday. Lol. I honestly think she was giving me the cold shoulder. Or maybe she knew we were leaving her. Either way, I am glad she is easily forgiving.

Riley had asked for a deadline for his garage fun so I thought 6:30 sounded good. He was pleased with that because it gave him a good 4 1/2 hours to work on the car and he didn't have to watch the game with us. I guess he considered the living room enemy territory. We were out the door at 6:30 and couldn't have been running any faster to get away from the house. Totally kidding, because I think we stood and stared at her and smiled for a minute in a trance before I realized we were supposed to be walking out the door. Driving to dinner was so peaceful and relaxing. I wasn't worrying about whether she was about to cry or thinking about if she was going to cry when we got where we were going. We definitely took for granted the weekly date nights BB (before baby). We had a great dinner just enjoying silence and eachother's company. Yep, we sat in complete silence just to see what it was like. I'm only kidding but it was very relaxing to just focus on eachother. We had planned to go to a movie before Thursday when I suggested we do something so much funner....BOWLING! Neither of us had been bowling in about 6 years so we figured we ought to test out our skills. We pulled up to the bowling alley just to realize that it didn't exist anymore. Riley turned to me and said, "well it is getting late, I guess we could just go home so your parents don't have to get back so late." Seriously??? It was 8 o'clock. If that is late then we belong in a retirement village and we should have made it to the 4:30 buffet at Golden Corral. We ended up finding a bowling alley and had some fun. Riley decided to play "Bowling with the Stars." I will just let you use your imagination. I really haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

Check out that form! ;)

 Lots of sabotage happened and I think had it not, I may have won all four games. I think he's afraid to really play because I am the family putt-putt champion...putt-putt skills definitely don't transfer over to bowling though. We joked that we would find out if we are out of shape in the morning: if we were sore from bowling then it's a definite YES! We savored the drive home but were both so tired we were kind of looking forward to getting back. The sleep demons had just taken Hallie to dream land and Grammy and G-man had happy looks on their faces. I expected to get back and have them toss the baby to us as they ran out the door shouting "don't call us to babysit again!"  Haha! They said they had a great day celebrating their wedding anniversary and spending time with "their" Hallie. Whatever they did worked because she slept ALL NIGHT LONG! Tell me the secret ya'll!

My HOT date!

Hallie's Corner

Let me start off by saying HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Grammy & G-man! I made them a card yesterday that said "you must have done something right, because you have me now!" I think they liked it. ;) I can't believe all my grandparents love me so much and they have only known me for 2 months...I got to shop with my Nanny on Friday and then spend Saturday with Grammy and G-man! I would have seen Papa Bill this week for dinner but dad had to work late.

I was a little tiffed at my mom yesterday. I can tell that she doesn't know why. Acting all "oh, I'm so innocent" and all. She should know what she did. When I got up at 2 in the morning to play, she kept the lights off and tried to lure me into dream land. I didn't want to go to dream land, hence me waking up! She even tried singing to me! Ugh! She still doesn't know what she did wrong, but I'm not telling. It was hard to stay mad at her this morning when she was ready to play with me when I woke up at 6. I don't get what the big difference is between 2 and 6?? A 15 minute nap does my body good. ;)

:( I played hard yesterday and did tons of smiling. That stuff is hard work. Ya know, all these people want me to do it all the time, but as they say, it takes 17 muscles to smile!

My cousin Dara stopped by to play with me too. She has enough energy to supply a lightbulb for 10 years, so that wore me out! By the time mom and dad came home I was sound asleep in G-man's arms.

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