Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Simply Sublime Saturday

I awoke Saturday morning to the sound of Riley’s text tone beeping. It was about work. This is nothing new though. We’ve actually transitioned from Hallie cries waking us up to Riley’s employees texting him and waking us up. I’ve thought about secretly silencing his phone to avoid the frequent 5:30- 7:00 a.m. text messages about being late, being sick, etc. So this morning I was just a bit irked when I heard it beeping on a weekend. Funny thing was, I didn’t feel tired at all. I rolled over to look at the clock expecting the usual 7:00 but I about fell out of bed when I realized it was 8:30!!!! Yowza!!!! What did we do to deserve this lovely treat?! I quickly forgot about the way we were woken up and jumped out of bed to grab my sleeping beauty. I was thrilled to spend a full day with her and couldn’t wait to see her smiling face peeking over the crib. That’s exactly what I found. Instant perfect mood.
Another part of the reason I was in a spectacular mood was because of the dream I’d had that night. The dream itself was horrible….it was the fact that I woke up and realized I’d only been dreaming that made me so thankful and relieved. In my dream we had had a son who was born an old man (kinda like that Brad Pitt movie). I had to take these weekly shots in order to keep our son free of disease. The day I had to get this shot was the same day of Hallie’s 2nd birthday party. Long dream short, I missed her birthday party because I was waiting at the doctor’s office for three hours to get this shot for my old man baby. Strange, disturbing dream….and I was so thrilled to wake up and know that I was a mom of one and wouldn’t be missing her birthday party (but we’ve got a ways to go before that!)
We started the day off right with a good breakfast. I had to give my troops some good fuel for their bodies. After all, we had a big day full of work ahead of us…..

She gobbled down breakfast and then joined us at on the table for our grown-up breakfast and watched cartoons from atop the table…..
"Best seat in the house"

She heard that today was yard work day and knew just the perfect outfit for the occasion…. 
"It's all coming back to me now....these may be warm but they have limited functionality"

Problem is they wouldn’t zip all the way and oh yeah, she couldn’t walk in them or move her hands. Or even drive in them…. 
"A lil help here!"

It was sunny but still cold outside so us girls stuck around indoors while Riley started what would end up being an entire day of raking and bagging leaves. We spent a good part of the morning doing what any average 17 month old would do. Taking wagon rides...... 

Smothering the dogs with hugs and kisses (and a few tail yanks)…. 

Rolling on the floor…. 
That hair gets redder by the day!

Doing a load of laundry. Wait, what???

"Should we start a load of pinks mom?"

Yep, she was my big helper and actually put most of her full load from her hamper into the washing machine and was ready when she clothes were dry. She was waiting and willing to place them from the dryer into her clothes basket….. 
"I sure love the smell of clean linens."

Sorting and folding was another story though. I really didn’t need her “help” with that part….
"Sorting? How is that any fun at all?"

I started by telling her to “grab your pajamas and make a pile.” She managed to place three of her jammie sets together but then got silly and just started throwing clothes up in the air and laughing. J
About ten wagon rides around the kitchen later, she finally spotted her dada out in the yard…..

That's where she wanted to be so we bundled up and put our big girl panties on in preparation to get to work....

"Maybe I should've put on my work shoes"

We sort of got kicked out of the whole helping process. Seems that we were hindering a bit. Apparently putting her in the bag of leaves was not on Riley’s agenda. Hehehe! She had a blast though!

"I'm gonna go see if dad needs a hand.."

"Yo dad, you need some help?"

"Hold that bag open for me"


"Where'd my hat go??"

"There it is!!"

One of Riley's first priorities when we move to a new place is to put a flag up. He checked that off his list today....

Somebody had the crazy idea to take a wagon ride/dog walk. A wagon ride alone would’ve been fine. But I felt sorry for the sad-faced pouty canines at the door waiting for some fun. I leashed up Emmi and decided to let Lucy run free thinking that she would stay with us. Riley laughed as I strolled down the driveway with my posse in tow. I was going to prove to him that I could control all three of them. Hallie was the least of my troubles. After all, she just sat and giggled at the dogs. Lucy was not a good listener and she was sent packing after only a block. Emmi finished out our peaceful stroll around the neighborhood with us.
A bag of snacks, three binkies and one bottle were within reach as Hal and I headed out to finish off my list of errands. As a treat for being a good girl we stopped by to keep Nanny company at work. As always she supplied her girl with some snacks and Hal made herself right at home….

Back at home, she wandered around the garage getting into anything and everything while I flipped it into overdrive organizing and throwing away never-ending pile of boxes on the garage floor. Here is the extent of Hallie’s help with the process….. 
"Refill stat!!!"

The girl’s eyes looked like droopy city so we bathed and headed straight for bed. She was sprawled out in my arms and more than ready to close her eyes.
But before she went night-night there was one more thing to do......

Hang her princess tent that Aunt Kylie made!!! She got the idea from Pinterest and has been working hard on finishing it before she went back to college. Isn't it adorable!?

The smell of chili con queso was wafting toward the garage which meant it was time to call it a night and sit down for some yummy comfort food. The yard was clean…..the garage was half cleaned out….we had made some headway! The garage floor does in fact exist…. 

So why did it take Riley all day to rake up the leaves?? Well maybe because it wasn’t just this fall’s leaves. It was probably five year’s supply worth of fallen goodies to clean up. Where did I come up with my guess of five years? Well, considering that in some places there was a foot deep of moldy black leaves, I’d say that the previous owners did just about nothing to their yard. Eeeek.  So what does five years worth of leaves look like?? Well of course I’ve got visual evidence……
There are plenty more bags hiding behind there

A productive day. A fun day. Each new day we feel a little more settled into our home. We have a LOT of work to do but it gives us plenty to look forward to. And the best part about this time of year.....a blank calendar! Which means plenty of free weekends to cross things off of our to-do list.

Happy weekend to you all!!!! I hope your clean slate has brought about nothing but happiness and new opportunities!

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