Saturday, January 28, 2012

Everyday's a Hallieday

Or should I say everyday's a Pauladay?! It's a good thing that we have become accustomed to change (and lots of it) because this week brought about another change for the Fanning family. Well I guess the change is mainly just for Miss Hallie. She is now a full time daycare gal! After 15 months of Thursdays and Fridays being reserved for Nanny, the girl is saying bye bye to Nanny Days and hello to Paula Days. Nanny is starting a new job next week and will be on call all day. We tossed around the idea of trying to make it work with her new schedule for awhile but I am leaning towards having a steady schedule for Hal. I'm a planner, what can I say? :) She had her first full week at daycare and surprised me with how well she did. I was shocked to see that she didn't come home in her usual daycare coma. She's been known to play so hard that she's ready for bed once we get home. We call these her "Paula days" when she can't stay awake long enough to eat and her eyes are struggling to stay open as she takes a bath. Miss Paula is my hero for making a fulltime spot for our girl....I think I was in secret panic mode when I found out Nanny days were going away as I wasn't sure if she would be able to keep her fulltime. But all is well. This momma just needs to have a little more faith. Although I think I might have to start paying extra in order for Paula to feed our little horse...I hear that she's been known to eat her meal and then steal half of Paula's meal too. ;) Here's a rousing game of peek-a-boo that Miss Paula captured this week....

So I've told you how Hal did with her first week, but I haven't told you how Nanny did. Not good. :( She missed her so much that it brought her to tears just thinking about it. We tried to cheer her up with pictures but it was a tough day for Nanny. They've had a fun 15 months and we were blessed to have our Nanny days for as long as we did. I'm definitely going to miss her coming to the house and saving me some time with dressing and feeding Hal in the morning. She has kept us functioning and our household running for the past year and I tell her all the time that I don't know how we will ever show her how much we appreciate everything she does. Hal is going to miss playing all morning with Nanny in her playroom and going to the park....not to mention Nanny's yummy lunches and seeing Papa come through the door to eat with them on his lunch break. Most of all I'm going to miss Nanny texting me pictures of my girl all day while I'm working. Nanny knows she's welcome to come kidnap our girl whenever she wants her!

Just taking an afternoon nap in Nanny's backyard

Church mission work with Nanny

Guess who's catching up on her sleep after a busy week??? The sleeping beauty is now going on a five hour nap! EXCUSE ME?!?!? Unheard of. I've gone in to check on her twice now and I can't bear to wake her....she's snuggling her lamb so tight and looks way too content to be bothered. Watching up on some zzzZZZzzzzZZs is fine with me. Here's to a new routine, a new normal and a happy baby!

P.S.-  I might just let Nanny adopt Hal on the weekends from now on!

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