Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Visit to McDreamy


It's that time again. Checkup time with Dr. McDreamy. As always we are two weeks behind schedule so we will call this her 6 1/2 month checkup. We had debated just cancelling her checkup with him and going to her doc here. But oh how we like him so......

Tuesday's are my day off so therefore every doctor's appointment, meeting, or any other task will be scheduled on a Tuesday from now on. Hallie's two appointements in OKC today just happened to fall on a Tuesday thankfully. It couldn't have worked out more perfect because Riley needed a ride to the airport to catch his flight to Nashville. He is off to the national practice manager convention this week to learn a thing or two about his career. All I wanted to do was jump on the plane with him but work and home called. So I answered. I can't deny that relaxing in a hotel all day and enjoying what the country capital has to offer every night sounded like absolute perfection....but alas, I just started my job....and not to mention I really doubt I could handle leaving Hallie for longer than one night. I'll test that out on Friday night when I go pick up Riley and leave Hallie with Nanny and Papa.

We had just enough time to stop by our Mustang house to check on things...and it's a good thing we did. The entire dining room was covered in leaves and a realtor had placed a paper that was hanging on our door inside on the counter. So not only did our house look ridiculous with leaves everywhere, but there was now a creepy piece of paper on the counter talking about the end of the world and warning of a deadly earthquake. GREAT! That'll sell a house fast! More like send potential buyers running fast! After cleaning up the unwanted foliage in the dining room we dropped Riley off and kissed him goodbye for the week. Hallie wasn't able to give him a proper goodbye because she was too busy screaming at the top of her lungs throwing a fit about being in her carseat for so long. I think it's almost time for a big girl carseat...she just needs to gain a few more lbs. I think she has got that covered! Lol! ;0

Once I reminded Hallie where we were headed next, she wiped her tears and shaped up quickly. I just mentioned the part about her boyfriend/doctor...I left out the part about getting shots though. Hallie made sure to wear her pretty new outfit and put on extra lotion this morning to look good and smell good for him. ;) As always she gave him some of her best grins when he walked in. And she continued to bat her eyelashes even after he called her a "chunker and a "roly poly." She is staying pretty steady on her growth curve with her height in the 20th percentile, weight in the 70th percentile and head circumference in the 90th percentile.

Height: 24.5 "
Weight: 17lb 2oz

"That's so nice of him to give me free food, huh mom?"

"But he could have included the water too...this stuff is hard to eat."

It's time to start her Gerber 2nd foods and she can start eating cereal puffs when she is able to crawl...which may be awhile because I'm convinced that she can't get the hang of crawling because her head is so big and heavy. In other words, she's top heavy. :) Heart and lungs checked out good. She was a champ when it came to taking her shots. And in the end, even though I didn't plan on making a 9th month appointment with McDreamy, I went ahead and did it. Per Hallie's request of course! First appointment was a success and we were off to the next. We realized that we had an hour to waste and the mall was conveniently nearby so we took a quick stroll inside to our favorite store...Pottery Barn Kids! Oh the magical-ness of that store just excites us (me) everytime we (I) walk in! She of course came away with a couple goodies....

"Princess Baby on the Go" and "Little Bunny Finger Puppet Book" & her easter bunny came a little early

"Mom, you might wanna bust out that can of food the doc sent home with us."

She worked up an appetite from the shopping which reminded me that my tummy was rumbling so we stopped for a bite to eat...

"Why do people keep staring at me? Do you think it's the 10 lb bow?"

Dr. Clements is my hero. She let Hal stay asleep in her carrier for her exam instead of disturbing her. She slept right through everything. We will go back in eight weeks to check for growth of the hemangioma on her nose. So considering it took her thirty seconds to check her over it was painful to fork over $85 for her to tell me what we already knew...the dot on her nose hasn't grown. Good news nonetheless!

I'm not sure if it was the nice weather or if Hallie had developed a complex after being called chunky by McDreamy, but Hallie really wanted to go for a walk when we got home. We suited her up in her best workout gear and met Aunt Katie out at the walking trails. In the words of Fergie, Hallie was walkin' through the trees just workin' on her fitness! And what better time to try out her newest pair of kicks....

Aunt Katie getitng an arm workout as well


Someone may have overdone it with the fitness so we headed home for a breathing treatment....

"I'll have to pace myself next time..."

Stay healthy baby girl!! We love our little "chunker"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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