Monday, September 17, 2012

Keeping Up With Krazy

Jump aboard the Krazy Train! 

Choo choo!!!

I take no responsibility for the maze that I'm about to lead you on. I've got about three plus week's worth of pictures, stories, updates and tales saved up that I'm about to plop down into this blog. The content may be a mess but the title couldn't be more appropriate. It's all about keeping up with my krazy kat. Routines have been thrown out the window as of late. It's all about making it through the day still standing. I find new challenges each day. But on the other side of the coin, I discover new blessings and miracles each day raising a growing and rambunctious two-year-old. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere we goooooooooooooo.......

Miss Diva WILL NOT leave the house before rummaging through her accessory drawer. It's become a reflex of sorts. After getting dressed she immediately makes a bee line for her bottom drawer, hollers "bow bow momma!!" Bow means a multitude of things: bow, hat, glasses, headband, etc. This recent accessory obsession has resulted in my car looking like a Claire's store threw up in it. She loves my "necks" (necklaces) and  "bray" (bracelets) and struts around modeling her big girl bling. "Saws" (socks) are also rising in popularity...she recently took off in a dead sprint (well, a two-year-old waddle) toward a bin full of neon socks at Walmart all the while screaming "Saw!!!! Momma!!! Saw!!!" Needless to say we have a new six-pack of colorful socks that are begging to be worn. Lord help me....if she has a purse obsession like her momma then we are all in trouble. 

Lil Red's all about the details. She has been noticeably more curious about the whats and whys of life. "Dat momma?" And if I don't answer immediately the decibels rise. "DAT MOMMA!!!!!" It's not that I can't hear's that I usually have no earthly idea what "dat" is. Her pointing skills are still a bit vague and not the most helpful. She inspects all food, books, clothes, name it! Zippers are fascinating, electronics are mind-blowing, she (and only she) is in charge of fastening her car seat snap, unplugging her portable DVD player is much more entertaining it that actually watching it...these are just a few examples of her latest interest in, for lack of a better term, figuring stuff out.

Bathtime is a riot. A messy, water-slingin' riot. Let's get one thing straight. She is in charge during this portion of the evening. She grabs her "dope" (soap) when she's ready, and only when she's ready) to be lathered up. Ya can't rush a princess, dontcha know?!

"You got that right!"

This is usually where we have some of our more interesting conversations of the day. While hidden in those bubbles she comes up with some of the silliest expressions, noises and faces....

A few Friday night's ago Hal and I met up for dinner with the Lehman's....minus Riley who was bound and determined to finish his yard work before nightfall. It had been quite awhile since we'd attempted a meal outside of the house in public seeing as how more recent outings have been somewhat challenging.

"Not this time, mom. I swear."

Well, it turns out I need to give her more credit than I do because she was an angel. A bonified sweetie all night long....well, besides insisting on eating ice and stealing drinks of my Dr. Pepper instead of eating the meal I'd ordered for her. It was nice to be out of the house on a Friday night with friends. They surprised Hallie with a birthday gift after dinner. I'd say she was pleased....

After dinner they tempted us into heading over to the Boomer football scrimmage to catch the end of the game. And that we did. Literally. We walked up the ramp as the teams were running off the field. No football for us girls but Lil Red didn't seem to mind as she ran up and down the bleachers giggling up a storm...

Going for walks with Hallie has become a thing of the past... almost. She is too much a crazy-bodied free spirit to stay seated in a stroller (or car) (or wagon) for more than ten two minutes. But usually if we have some buds alongside us it makes the ride much more enjoyable. Take for instance cousin Carmen and her red coupe.....

A few weeks ago Katie and I took the girls for a stroll to the neighborhood park on a gorgeous Sunday afternoon....


Carmen had a ball swinging with her momma and of course playing with handfuls of rocks....

Hal, being the crazy girl that she is, has taken to imitating everything the Carmen does these days. So naturally she joined in on the rock fun as well...

We've had quite a few afternoons at the park lately since the cooler temps have graced us with their presence. It's been a huge relief to be able to entertain her outdoors instead of staying cooped up inside scrambling for activities to keep her occupied and out of trouble. Well, but don't get me wrong, this girl knows how to find trouble anywhere. She IS trouble....

So if Trouble is her first name, then Danger must be her middle name....

Yep, that must be it. Meet Trouble Danger Fanning....

"Pleased to meet ya"

I do have a few alternate names picked out too. How about Messy McMessypants??

In the midst of her toy box diving she uncovered a new friend. This isn't just any old friend now. No way. These two compadres were joined at the hip one weekend. When she ate, friend ate. When she slept, friend slept. When she peed, get the picture.....

My blog log is chalk full of sayings, expressions, poses, words, phrases and other hilarious forms of entertainment that Hallie has provided us with lately. I just need to find the time to sit down and share all of them before they get jumbled up in my mommy brain. She's becoming a little lady right before our very eyes and I almost can't stand it. It's sometimes just too much to comprehend. It really is happening to me......

My baby is growing up.

Darn it, I thought somehow I could avoid this. Where can I file for an exemption??

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