Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hallie and Mommy's Staycation

That picture above just about sums it up. We relaxed. And that's all there was to it. But of course I've got a lot to share though. It wouldn't be livin' on Hallie time if I didn't expound a bit, right?

So why did we have this little staycation last week? Well, it's a rather long story. But I'll make it short. ;)

Riley and I had made plans awhile back for the three of us to go with him to OKC for one of his work conferences the end of the last week in March. I was looking forward to just getting out of town and taking a couple days off work. I made resevervations downtown where Hallie could have access to an indoor waterpark and we were officially ready for a couple days of nothing but swimming and movies in bed......

....or were we???? Guess not.

The beginning of last week started out pretty yucky. Well, the week wasn't yucky....but more like my right eye. I've never had pink eye before so I really didn't want to believe that that's what was going on. I assumed it was just from yard work...all of that nasty dust and debris flying around. As my eye got worse over the course of three days and finally jumped over to the left eye I finally gave in and went to the doctor. Oh yeah, I guess I should also mention that my throat felt like I'd swallowed a bunch of knives and was on fire. I chose not to eat just to avoid swallowing. The doc ended up giving me eye drops, a z-pack to whip what appeared to be the beginning of strep throat and some prescription strength allergy meds. I was all set. Well, kinda. I went ahead and worked on Wednesday since the doc said it would be okay to see patients. I ended early that day simply because I was exhausted. But for the life of me I just could not seem to force mysef to rest. That afternoon after work I was out walking being pulled by the dogs, doing chores and trying to organize the fridge. All things that weren't necessary but for some reason I chose them over taking a nap and recovering a bit. It was no surprise that I still felt like dog doo doo the next day which meant it was time to decide whether I was going to stay home or leave town. I decided it would be good to get away and I had convinced myself that taking Hal along wouldn't be too stressful. So I packed. And I packed and packed and packed. You would've though we were going to be heading on a trip around the world. Riley got home at the end of the day later than expected and exhausted. He was tired. I was pooped. Hallie was not in the greatest of moods to be getting in the car for a long drive. So he decided to leave the next morning. And I decided that I didn't like that plan. ;) So after much pouting about all that I had packed.....I decided to stay.

Thursday morning, after Riley left early that morning, I woke up feeling like a new person. My eyes were both white again and my throat didn't hate me any longer. I knew right then and there that Hallie and I had a couple wonderful days ahead of us. We spent Thursday taking many wagon rides, running circles in the driveway and watching cartoons while relaxing on the couch. The morning was just beautiful which meant we were outdoors until naptime came around.......

"Can the dogs come out and play?"

The crazy little driver ran her car into a big bush.....

She looked a little worried upon exiting the vehicle.....

"What am I gonna tell dad when he gets home?!?!"

Her worry got the best of her and she started throwing things.....

"He's gonna ground me....and I'll never get to see my friends....and my life is over...."

Both of us girls took naps that afternoon. I can't remember the last time I did that. Besides the UPS lady ringing the doorbell in the middle of said nap, it was quite wonderful and everything I'd dreamed it would be. ;) We had an Easter egg hunt that afternoon. We have about a million eggs lying around the house and I thought it rather silly that we were waiting to use them for just one afternoon on Easter Sunday. Why not get more use out of them? And the girl is obsessed with "ehhs" anyway. Egg hunt practice ensued!

It rained Thursday evening. And it kept raining. It just didn't stop. I began to get worried about my big plans for the evening. Ya see, there aren't many nights that I have the couch and tv all to myself. My plans were to curl up under my favorite blanket and watch Footloose after I put Hal to bed. Like I said, big plans. ;) That rain kept falling and it seems to be falling right on our dish outside. Hal didn't seem to mind the rain though.....

"Rain is a good thing."

She stood at the door and just stared in awe. The girl hasn't seen a lot of it in her short little life....

"Can I go play in it?"

Hal passed out after about twenty favorite books.....I watched my movie.....all was right with the world. The rain smelled so yummy. It's amazing what taking some time off work can do for your mindset. Aww. I felt refreshed and ready to take on Friday. Luckily there wasn't much to take on though because it was day #2 of staycation. Hal was a bit somber Friday morning. It may have had something to do with making a trip to Walmart first thing that morning....


I thought that the park would cheer her up so we took a ride in the blue shuttle around the corner. At the park we found some kids who were out of school for the day. Commence the bullying. Hal was not given a very warm welcome as these kiddos told her that she couldn't play there because it was their park. I was frankly disgusted. And sad. Hal looked pretty sad as she got out of the wagon and walked around. She stood back hanging onto my leg for awhile until the two kids finally decided that Hal was actually a pretty cool "baby."

"You bet your Tonka truck I'm cool, dude"

She skirted around the bullies for awhile until they left the park. Hal was pretty excited about their departure as was I considering the oldest boy was swinging a sock full of rocks around and throwing it. Mind you this is the same kid that was throwing glass bottles in the street and busting them all the while laughing. Like I said, Hal was happy to have the park to herself.....
"Nanny nanny boo boo, they can't get me!"

We took our party back to the house and did a little kicking back in the driveway. She kept crawling up in the stroller so I thought I'd take advantage of her willingness and we went for a run. She was a great sport (which is rare these days in the stroller) and snacked on her Cuties while I huffed and puffed up the hills. Once we got back to the house we both did some running up and down the driveway. She got a kick out of high-fiving everytime we passed eachother. Nap time was right around the corner but I think she was in a bit of denial....
"I'm not are just seeing things!"

"I've got places to go....invisible people to push."

A long nap from Hallie was well-received by this momma. I took that time to get prepared for Aunt B's wedding shower the next day. It took every last second of her three hour nap to prepare the food and decorations. As always, it took a lot longer than I'd expected because I'd taken on more than necessary. But nothing felt like enough considering it was for my baby sis! In fact, I wish I could've done even more! Hal awoke with the promise of daddy coming home soon. We left the driveway on a wagon ride and looked back to see him pulling in. We did a u-turn and headed back to give him hugs and kisses! We'd missed him!
"When did you say he's coming home again?"

She was one happy little chick after spending two days at home with me. I wholeheartedly felt just as happy!

I giggle everytime I look at this next picture. She's ridiculous. She's hilarious. I can't get enough. I thought we'd do a little "flower girl practice" while we had the extra time. We've tried this twice before and each "practice" ends like this....
"Who's idea was this!?!?!"

The dress came off. Dad was bearing gifts. So all was well.

Riley had sent me a picture earlier that day of the pink Barbie fishing pole he'd picked up for his girl from Bass Pro Shop. Here fishie, fishie......
"To the pond, dad!!"

Seeing him teach her how to cast and reel in her plastic blue fishy made my heart swell.

Nevermind the fact that she was a blaring hazard swinging the pole around and twisting up the line....but we just stood back and laughed. She already loves to "fish." Oh, and cookies. Have I mentioned she loves cookies too?? And did I mention that she LOVES to say the word "cookie?"
"I'll be your bridal shower taste-tester anyday, momma"

It's Sunday evening which makes four days off work in a row now. I'm on cloud nine. Rejuvenated, refreshed and restored. My staycation with Hallie was nothing short of wonderful. All smiles and giggles. Cartoons and Cuties. Park trips and wagon rides. Naps and cuddling. She learns so much everyday it's incredible. I was holding out on winning that big lottery so that I could have a staycation with Hallie every day of the week....but alas, I hear somebody else won it. ;) Until then I'll keep on trying to squeeze every last bit of time out of my day to devote to her. Man, she's an awesome creature. Thank you God!

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