Monday, April 30, 2012

21 and fun!

Dear Miss Too Cool for School,

Do you realize that this rapid rate of growing up has left me very unprepared for your quickly approaching big 2nd birthday?! How can I even begin planning for that big day when I have yet to grasp the fact that I'm going to have a two-year-old running around the house in three months. I've been doing some preliminary planning (searching for themed decorations, plates, etc.) but I always end up putting an end to it quickly after I start. It just can't be. I'm gonna go all clique on you and say that it literally seems like just yesterday that I was dressing you in your big birthday tutu and watching you stare at your birthday cake. It really does. And it almost seems like the day before yesterday that we were at the hospital dressing you in your going home outfit and loading you up in your incorrectly installed carseat base (that the nurse fixed for us idiot new parents). You are both a mystery and an open book all at the same time. I love a good mystery and I sure do love a good in short, I just love you to pieces. Here's a little bit about your 20th month of life....

A few of the things you have been loving lately: baths, brushing your teeth, watching Dora the Explorer, playing tea party, reading your Elmo and ABC books, helping me with household chores (score!), organizing your zoo animals, spinning in circles, acting like a puppy, riding in daddy's big truck, slamming doors, turning knobs, picking up rugs and relocating them, reorganizing my shoes in the closet, eating (big shocker!), stealing my Sonic drinks...and the list goes on.

You have so many new phrases and silly sounds that it is getting increasingly difficult to keep up with you. We have been working hard on your ABC's and 123's. We've hit a road block though. Ya see, your current version goes something like this: "B, B, B, B." But you've got the right tune down! You sing your B's while moving your head back and forth with each letter you say. Your number skills are very similar to love the number 2! "2, 2, 2." We count your ladybugs in your book every night and count your toes and fingers. We also like to point and add up all the horses in the field by our neighborhood....forty horses if somehow always "2." You are able to hold up your two pointer fingers when asked to show how old you are. Of course you are a little bit ahead of yourself but I guess you are just preparing to be two. Silly girl.

Your favorite word by far still continues to be cracker. This goes hand in hand with your hardy appetite. This is one thing that has ramped back up this month. You are still the queen of grazing. Most of the time you can be found munching on a bowl of grapes or a banana...and of course your beloved peanut butter crackers. I've almost cut you off from your favorite snack....but you somehow always manage to sneak them from your generous dad. So back to your are now able to say family member's names fairly clearly. I can't recall all of your new words because let's face it, you repeat everything. Here are a few new words you've tacked onto your vocab list this month: movie, move, bubble, cake, play (sounds like pay), hot, okay, paper (sounds like "paypoo"), mouse, remote (sounds like "mote"), food (sounds like "foo"), bee, bow, hat, Elmo (sounds like "Melmo"), toothbrush (sounds like "toof"), foot, eye, nose (sounds like "no"), rock...and the list could go on but my memory can't. ;) But I do have two expressions left to tell you about. You have recently picked up on my habit of shouting "woohoo" anytime something good happens. You say it with he same enthusiasm and inflection as I do...and it cracks me up. "Wooooah" is another one I love! As far as two word phrases you have been giving simple commands by combining a name with an action. Here is your favorite: "dog move!!"....and your dad's favorite is "no dada!" ;) Our favorite phrase out of your mouth this month by far has been "nigh nigh, uv ew." That's "night night, love you" for those who are not into baby decoding.

You have been binky free for three weeks now which has only helped you spout off all those new words. I must say it was probably the easiest transition imaginable....but keep in mind that I thought it mind be the end of your world as you knew it. Thank you very much for that. No really....THANK YOU!!!! But we have traded the binky for some very unruly characteristics. Behavior wise this month has been...well...dare I say.....DIFFICULT?! The terrible twos are creeping in and honestly leaves me a little bit scared if this is just the pre-terrible twos. Wowza!!! Your tantrum throwing (most often in public, yippee!) has become more frequent. We've been leaving the room and letting you cry it out on the floor. And cry you do. And cry. And cry and cry and cry. You get the point.

You still enjoy the park and are becoming braver with each trip we take. You are almost to the point where I can leave you be and quit chasing you up every step. It's those drop-offs that scare me! I see many, many days spent at the park this summer!

You have a new nighttime routine as of late. You've been taking a bath in the "big girl bathtub" (aka mommy and daddy's bathroom), brushing hair and teeth, playing and watching Dora in your playroom and then I swoop you up for your beloved bedtime books. Your favorites to read before bed are Goodnight Moon, Llama Llama Nighty Night and Happy Easter Mouse. Sometimes reading isn't on your mind though. Prying you away from your toys doesn't always leave me being your favorite parent.  So many toys, so little time I guess.....

Hallie's your name. Silly is your game. I mean silly. Like super silly. Sillier than the silliest. I have several examples of course. Like this moment on our bike the other evening. This must've been your best attempt at seeking shelter after swallowing your first bug on our ride....

Hiding in my shirt

On to more silliness. One thing has stayed are not a huge fan of going on jogs with me. I still attempt it almost every evening but only sometimes do we get further than a block before you protest and make it clear that running will only cause a headache. BUT I have discovered a sure fire way to keep you smiling while in the stroller. It involves popping a wheelie and doing a lot of zigging and zagging. I must say it adds a new dimension to my workout but it seems to guarantee me a partner. 

"Keep up the zigging with a little more zagging!!"

You LOVE accessories. You've taken to your bow and hat drawer this month. In fact you know that your outfit isn't complete until we do a looksy through the bottom drawer. Take you new hat for example. You picked it out, put it on your head and came out of your room with it cocked to the side. Should I be alarmed??

Gangster Hal

Speaking of accessories, does Dada's camo count?? You were having a pretty good time sorting through his gear out in the garage with him the other night....

You have a pretty solid and steady sleep schedule. Up and at 'em at 7:45 on weekdays and 8:30 on weekends and down for sleepy time at 8:30. I think if you had it your way you'd stay up until you passed out on the couch. Or the floor......

Pretending to be asleep in the living room with your baby

I have so many silly/cute/funny/memorable stories for you. But this story is one our our favorite moments from this month. It's no secret that you are not the type to fall asleep anywhere but your fact I think you've only fallen asleep while playing one time and that was at Paula's house. So this momma has never witnessed such an occasion with my eyes. Until the other night. The three of us were reading on the couch when we told you it was time for bed. You wandered off down your hallway and we found you lying on the your tiny rug all curled up sleeping. I immediately melted into a puddle on the floor. Your dad picked you up and put you in your crib while I stood back in awe of what had happened. My hyperactive toddler had fallen asleep voluntarily. This was a small miracle. 

NEWSFLASH: You are turning into a big girl right before our eyes. 

Your feet are growing at an exponential rate!

You are truly my very best friend in this whole world. My heart goes pitter patter every time you reach for my hand to hold. Promise me you'll still hold my hand when I'm old and gray. I love you.


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