Sunday, April 8, 2012

Baby Jesse's On His Way

Saturday was Riley's cousin Angela's baby shower in Tulsa. Although there were many requests to bring little one along with me I decided to forego the terror in the car and keep the screaming to a minimum. Riley spent the day at home painting the outside of our house (that man will take on any job, I tell ya!) so Hallie made the first leg of the long trip with me and I dropped her off in Enid for a day with family. Judging by the drive to Enid neither of us would've been in a great mood upon arriving in Tulsa had we ridden the entire trip together. I pulled into the church at 2:00 on the dot. How's that for Mr. Magellan's calculations. I had to rely on my friend Magellan this trip considering that Tulsa and I are not familiar with one another whatsoever. In fact, I'm just downright terrified of driving there....but I must say I was proud that I only got two honks and one not so nice hand gesture. I had expected more! ;)

There were a lot of faces that I hadn't seen in a very long time. Riley's grandma, Aunt MaryAnn, Aunt Sandy, cousin Hannah, Linda and Lonna and of course the woman (and man) of the hour....proud parents-to-be Angela and Don. Don's mom and Aunt Sandy hosted the beautiful shower. You could tell how much thought and effort they put into making it a special day for Angela. Here are a few pictures I snapped of the shower.....

This was delish! It had blue raspberry Koolaid in it

An adorable cupcake cake

Some of Don's baby gear

She had a very good turnout...which meant tons and tons of gifts!!

Aunt Sandy embroidered this precious little bib for the monkey she placed on top of the diaper cake....

Might I add that it was her first stab at a diaper cake and I'd say she did a pretty great job!

Finally! I got a picture of the momma to be!

Angela and Don with the hostesses and Jesse's grandma MaryAnn


It was nice to catch up with everyone at our table. It'd been quite awhile since we'd all been together. It won't be that long until the next get together because Angela and Don are having a celebration in July. Baby
boy is entering a family with a LOT of girls....he's gonna be a pretty spoiled little guy with that being said. ;)

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