Saturday, April 21, 2012

Bailey's Bachelorette Party

Did someone say party?!?!?!

Ok, I'm there. And I'm got my planning pants on.

I was blessed to be able to plan my sister's big night with these two lovely ladies.....

We made a pretty good team if I do say so myself. Oh and did I mention that I couldn't ask for a more fun pair....

I stuck with what I love to do the most and focused on decorations. From the day we decided on a theme and a date I was on a hunt through the aisles of Hobby Lobby looking for anything and everything animal print. So girly and fun!

Suprisingly I was able to find almost everything we needed at Hob Lob.

Lisa, Dara and I spent the entire afternoon last Saturday turning their house into party central. Have I mentioned how much I love to throw a party??? And have I mentioned how excited I get about little details???? Like this one....

The house was decked out in animal print and pink....the drinks were ready....the ice cream sundae bar was prepared thanks to Dara and her obsession with grinding up every kind of candy bar in sight (and anything else in sight that might serve as a topping). It was time to pick up the bachelorette. She was looking B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L in pink and black. Ask me how excited I was when I noticed that her sash matched her outfit.......

Even though I've been preparing for their nuptials, it just doesn't seem like it's real. She's my baby sis after all. But I guess she's gotta grow up sometime. She's a big girl now. With a big girl job, a big girl house and a big girl wedding in TWO weeks!!

We started the party out at Callahan's Pub for dinner and drinks upstairs. We decked out her veil with some lovely accessories and she was looking pretty darn hot!

First drink for the bride was a wedding cake martini. How appropriate...

Bailey's best friends and family started to trickle in after 6:30.....

I enjoyed the night with my BFF and fellow bridesmaid right by my side....

After dinner we loaded up and headed back to Aunt Lisa's where I couldn't wait for her to see what we'd done to the place. But we couldn't leave without a few group pics!

Her party was awaiting her inside the house and I was ready and waiting inside to catch her reaction. Priceless. 

Some of the small details and "accessories"used to decorate with are not Livin' on Hallie Time material so they will have to be kept top secret. ;) ;)

So back to the party....can I just mention how smokin' hot this dress is that Amber was wearing?!?!

We had asked the girls to bring along their pajamas with them.....more room for ice cream in their bellies! I had picked out the perfect pair for Bailey which was waiting for her on the table....

The plaid pjs got the bride's approval!!!

It came as no surprise that the two jokesters of the group ended up in footie pajamas...

Pajamas.....check. Presents.....check....

I'm only showing the gifts that are PG. But I will tell you that we were all rolling with laughter as she pulled out some of her gifts.

It's safe to say she's set for her honeymoon. I even put together a honeymoon survival kit for their big road trip to Vegas and California. It was time for everyone to load up on ice cream which just so happened to be calorie free. Trust me. 

Up close and personal chow down....

It's a good thing we had stayed on her good side up to that point......

.....because we were about to embarrass the heck out of her. It wouldn't be a party without showing her famous Britney Spears dance routine from way back when. This video is sacred.....

She was a great sport and watched the video despite wanting to strangle Dara for playing it. ;) After "mission embarrass the bride" was complete we played a rousing game of Pin the Hose on the Fireman. My cheeks were sore after laughing during this game....

The winner was Bailey's future mother-in-law! Go Kim!

Bailey and her girls decided to forego a trip out to meet up with Spencer and his bachelor party crew and instead we stayed in our pjs and watched the movie Bridesmaids.

I'm thankful that she loves me even though I'm an old lady. I kept worrying that my idea of a bachelorette party would bore her to death but it appears that we are still BFFs....

It was around midnight when things started to get a little antsy. I spent the next two hours with my eyes glued to the tv watching the tornado coverage in Woodward. Half terrified/half exhausted. I kept my tornado party in the other room so that my panic attack wouldn't put a damper on the girls' fun.

Other than the unexpected early morning events back home it was the perfect night to celebrate my lil sis. I mean really....dinner, drinks, lingerie, pajama party, ice cream, movies and me old-fashioned but that's my idea of the perfect girl's night! She was so happy to have her best friends there with her and came away with a night full of great memories and fun. But wouldn't ya know it....the bride broke all the rules and saw her honey that night. He picked her up to take her home. I let it slide though.....

In two short weeks our family will add a new member. TWO WEEKS!!!! We will stand beside the two of them and wish them well.....and once again party the night away! Did someone say party AGAIN!?!

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