Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Week 6: Operation Happy

SUCCESS!!! Seven letters have never meant so much. It's been six weeks since we first started our mission known at Operation Happy. I'm elated to say that it has worked. Come to find out I indeed do have time to work out everyday although I had fooled myself into thinking it wasn't possible....I also do have time to pack my breakfast and lunch every evening for the next day so that I can grab it and be on my way. We have also started eating very lean meals...lots of chicken, salad, and veggies. Also, NO MORE SPRITE.That's a tough one. Pretending with a lemon water from Sonic will just have to suffice. Eating healthy and running has been a winning combo and has paid off big time. I am now twelve pounds lighter and three inches off my waist. I am so incrediby excited to call myself a runner again and am somewhat ready to run my first race since three years ago. I am nowhere near done with this process...still have 15 pesky pounds to lose and would like to get to the point where running is easy again. Riley has dropped six pounds and is near ready to run his first 5K since three years ago. He got a little later start with the training but as always can kick my behind on his worst day...he's an animal! The last race we ran together was the RedBud Classic in '08...I placed 13th overall female and unfortunately always use that to measure myself against. I am nowhere near ready to run that well but I have to start somewhere. The kickstart that got us going was the hospital's Lose to Win competition...Riley, our friend Steven and I joined together as the self-titled team, LOT TO LOSE. We all dropped some pounds in the process and won't stop now since the competition ended today. Hallie has made it a little bit easier to burn extra calories since her mobility has ramped up in the past month!!

The jogging stroller has been an investment put to good use and we have spent many an afternoon cruising around the trails. It's a toss up whether or not Hallie is going to enjoy the ride or not but we always find a way to occupy her. "They" say that it takes the same amount of time to lose your baby weight as it does to gain it while you are pregnant. Well I know there are those out there that are blessed with the ability to lose the weight in record time and feel great again....as for me, it has been a struggle. But no longer!!! My goal is to be pool ready by the middle of June so that Hallie and I can enjoy days at the aquatic center without having to hide under layers. This pasty skin needs some sun!!!

Operation Happy doesn't end there.....another goal: to stop biting my nails. This one hasn't been so simple. Not that the diet and exercise have been simple but I have a lot more self control with that than I do a habit that I've had since first grade. My mother blames it on my teacher for stressing me out....I wonder what on earth could have stressed me out in first grade?? Maybe I didn't get a pretty sticker on my reading assignment?? ;) Anyhow, considering I stopped just now to bite my nail means I still have a ways to go. Ugh!

Hallie has even jumped on board with Operation Happy and has been loving her homemade baby food! And trying to give up her binky on top of that!

I don't mean by any means that every day is happy but I was spending way too many days down in the dumps and needed to do something about it. I'm happy to say Operation Happy has made a big difference!

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