Friday, May 6, 2011

Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey hey......


Hallie waved bye bye yesterday! Sitting is one thing....and crawling is another.....but seeing her sweet chubby arm give me a farewell as I left in the morning was probably my proudest moment as her momma so far! We practice every morning when I drop her off and she always needs a helper to marionette her arm...until yesterday that is. It wasn't just a one time wonder either....she is now a seasoned waver at nearly four waves total.

We can also add a few other activities in her victory column this week....they are as follows......
  1. Banging her head against her high chair for fun and laughing about it
  2. Crawling up into her big girl chair and performing crazy daredevil moves
  3. Spitting out food on purpose (the bananacado is the best when spit back in your face while feeding)
She has been ornery this week...there is no other word to describe it. This is a new side to Hallie....a very silly girl is hiding in that little body. She are a duplicate of her father! Her first week on all homemade food has been, well, cleansing. I may as well have poured laxatives into her milk. Wow girl! I'm going to try some new combos for Hal this week and if they go over like the others then she will gobble them up. And speaking of gobbling things up.....

The curious girl has been discovering new ways to play. I stacked up some big blocks the other day expecting her to barrel into them and knock them down but instead she removed them one by one and peered inside to see what she might find.....

I decided it was time to drag out her Vday present. She loves it! Hallie finally made her way upon her throne by herself the other day. She was pretty darn proud!

Supervision is a must while she's in the chair. And yes, we learned the hard way. Hands on is the way it has to be while she climbs and tumbles and turns. The funny part is she will try to flip over the back of the chair and flop all over but she very cautiously gets down from the front of her throne like a little lady....

"Princesses can never be too careful"

"But they can also have fun too"

"What's that you say? Princesses need to wear clothes?"

"Is this better?"

Another one to add to your list of have been climbing the walls! Literally. Your favorite thing to pull up on is a wall. You aren't prejudice...any wall will do.

You have also taken up some carpentry work on the side in between eating and napping. Nanny tells me that you are great help getting Papa motivated to fix this broken piece of's so nice of you to help them....

"I'm gonna need some glue and a few nails stat"

Another crazy fun week watching our baby grow, learn, and just be plain silly. We love you Hallie Grace.

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