Monday, May 9, 2011

My 1st Mama's Day

A very bittersweet day. Here's the sweet part......

My very first Mother's Day. I don't think anyone gave Hallie the memo........

"I'm sorry mom, give me a moment!"

Riley and Hallie did a spectacular job at spoiling me on this extra special day. I might add that Riley deserves a special pat on the back....he actually went shopping AHEAD OF TIME. And the reason I know is because I made it someone difficult for him. It's kind of a funny story so I'll share. I was out shopping with Hal and as we were checking out at a store downtown, in walks none other than my loving husband. Hmmmm? Didn't know he enjoyed shopping for women's clothing. Poor guy just looked at me as if to say "really babe?" Ruined that potential surprise #1. He had been helped with a few hints from Nanny and had come to search for a pair of shoes and bag I had been wanting. So he left empty-handed and looking defeated. We walked out together and I told him I was headed to the nail salon. Again I received another look of "seriously babe?" Well I guess there goes potential surprise #2. Poor guy. I jokingly asked him "should I pick up my gift card while I'm there?" We had a pretty good laugh......I guess we still need some practice shopping for suprises in a small town. ;)

My pretty girl tolerated me playing dress up with her that morning while getting her ready for church....she's my little doll.....

My favorite gift!

We had Mother's Day lunch after church while Hallie caught up on some much needed shut-eye......



After lunch my two loves surprised me with some beautiful white daisies and red Gerber daisies, a full body massage, a month of tanning, and the tearjerker was a Pandora bracelet with a ruby Hallie charm on it which is her birthstone. Jackpot!! My first thought was that I wanted to add a charm that symbolized my mom....and was later surprised with just that....a "K" charm from my sister--in-law Katie. Another tearjerker. I was spoiled with a pedicure and some Halle Berry (how appropriate) perfume from Nanny and lots of quality time with my little lady today! Though she spent the first half of the day being pretty cranky all it took was a nice long 2 1/2 hour nap. That did the trick!  Soon my smily girl was back in action.

Hallie and dad were full of surprises!




That afternoon we helped Great-grandpa Delbert celebrate his 89th birthday. It was a packed house at his John Deere themed party! He was all smiles about it too....

The Birthday Boy

She liked the props

Hallie and her third-cousin Bowen spent some time being shy around one another......

"Can we get out of the chair now?"

Of couse we made the two preggo mommas at the party pose for a photo op....Riley's cousin Sarah is three short days away from meeting her second son Bhric and Katie is now seven months pregnant with Carmen Jo.....

Just a side note: did anyone else not expect it to be so stinking HOT this weekend....the weather kinda put a damper on our plans to spend the afternoon at the park after the birthday party. I guess we don't pay enough attention to the forecast because my eyes bugged out of my head when I took one look at the thermostat.....


This was unlike any other Mother's Day I've celebrated before. The first without my loving mother and the first with a child of my own. Could it get anymore bittersweet than that folks? I must say that I kept my cool for the majority of the day but got a little misty-eyed in church when they were flashing words describing the love a mother over the screen....I miss my momma more than words can say and I still struggle with understanding why this had to happen and how she was here with us and gone in a heartbeat. What I wouldn't give to spend just one more Mother's Day with my special lady. I miss my friend, my shoulder to cry on, my person to share my failures with, my #1 fan, the grandmother of my daughter.....I miss everything about her. Even her stubbornness. :) I hope she knew how much she meant to me and just how much I truly cherished every second I spent with her. She was one a kind that's for sure!
To honor some very special mothers we spent the evening at a rose garden party at Nanny and Papa's house. Nanny came up with the wonderful idea last week to honor her mother and Bill's mom and to plant rose bushes in memory of my mother and our brother-in-law Luke's mother who passed away in March this year. We cooked out and celebrated the beginning of the rose garden with some yummy cake and let some special balloons go for my mom and Luke's mom Cindy. Nanny surprise Hallie and Carmen with special books titles "A Ladder to the Moon"  which tells a story of a grandmother climbing down from heaven to spend time with her grandchild. Yet another tearjerker. Man, today was full of those!

Hallie was hesitant to let her special pink balloon go...guess she wanted to hold onto it a little bit longer. She finally sent up her present to Grammy and we watched as it flew high in the sky.....

Happy Mother's Day Grammy

Hallie saw that there was a lot of cleaning up to be done after dinner so she got to work in the kitchen. I might add that she scored a big prize when she dug out a frosting covered spoon from the dishwasher and went to town on it. Oh that girl!!!

"You probably wouldn't tell by looking at me, but I'm a pretty hard worker...."

The men were in denial once the steaks were eaten and the cake was scarfed down.....time for the work to begin. I swear I would have helped had I not been more in the way than actually helping. So us girls decided to supervise instead.

The work begins

Putting those muscles to good use

Breaking ground on the rose garden

"Please don't make me put clothes on Mom"

Emmi was in heaven having so much room to roam

The boys worked....the girls watched

My pretty girls

Making hard work look easy

"It's been a long day Uncle Luke....mind if I kick back here?"

This weekend was yet another one to place in my memory vault. I just can't explain the pride that comes along with being the momma of such a sweet little girl (even though she didn't start out the day so sweet). Being a mom is exactly how people described it to me before I actually had a child: "it's the most challenging and the most rewarding job in the world." It's cliche but so very true! Rewards they are plenty these days!!!

P.S. - Why can't we have a Mother's Day every month?? Someone should look into making that happen......

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