Monday, May 16, 2011

New Tricks Up Both Sleeves

Talk about a big developmental weekend. Hallie was just marking off milestones left and, she's not walking yet, but it won't be long! For the life of us, we can't figure out how she learned this first new trick. Shaking her head "no" has become quite the entertaining activity. I'm just not sure who it's more entertaining for...Hallie or her parents. She first stunned me with it when we were riding back from the lake and I had joined her in the backseat because of the millionth meltdown she was having. We were occupying ourselves with a book from Nanny's house titled "Moo, Baa, La La La." As I turned the page and read the words "la la la" she said them right along with me. You could just tell by looking at her face that she was so into this book! I turned another page and she began shaking her head back and forth as I read the words "no, no you say." As luck would have it she performed a second time after I got my camera ready to record the little Einstein....

This whole "no no no" business is spilling over into meal time and makes for even more entertainment. Talk about Miss Independent....she sure lets me know when it is time to stop eating! (please excuse the asparagus-covered highchair)

I'm creating a monster...but it's just too much fun!

Sometimes when she gets going she just doesn't want to stop.....

She gave us a spectacular surprise on Sunday when she decided to show off her newly-found clapping skills! My grin was from ear-to-ear when she smacked those lil chubby hands together! Nothing cuter than a baby learning something new for the first time (no, she's not foaming at the mouth in this video, but in fact eating some ice cream with Papa)....

Something to clap about!

Much to our delight she has started laughing. Real belly laughs! Before we would just get some giggles out of the girl....but the other night she was in full blown cracking up mode with tears streaming down her face from laughing so hard. Heck, all three of us were laughing til we cried. Definitely top 5 family moment material right there! This was also in the car on our ride home from the lake as I was trying to cheer her up. I decided to munch on some Hallie toes and she thought it was the funniest thing she'd ever seen (no video of this because, as Riley put it, he is an old man who forgot to push record on the camera while he was "filming") But I did get a good pic of her having a great time laughing while we were making her new toy come to life the other night. I guess talking cars are pretty darn funny......

A nice big belly laugh
Along with all of her other new activities, she has also learned the importance of relaxation. She has been taking notes from her daddy and found the perfect position for tv watching the other day.....

Monkey see, monkey do

She is becoming a pro in the kitchen....she can stack measuring cups and lick spoons with the best of em and is becoming a whiz at doing the dishes.....

Anyone need a good clerical person? Hallie Grace Fanning at your service. She's a contract worker so you may have to pay a pretty penny but from the looks of it she is rather organized......

"If I remember right I think I put that file right in here....."

If that job doesn't pan out she would make an excellent food critic (notice the ginormous spoon I was feeding her with....that's how we roll when the dishes are dirty and we are in a hurry).....

"That asparagus needs cooked a lil more...please send it back to the kitchen"

What else has she been up to?? Oh ya know, just being plain ol' CUTE......

We may have outgrown the hat....what do you think?

"I like to smile....smiling's my favorite"

Geez, I don't know how I could love this girl anymore. It would be utterly impossible. I think my heart has expanded and grown four new chambers just to house all of the love I have for Miss Hallie! There you have it folks....I have an eight-chambered heart. <3

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