Sunday, August 18, 2013

Carmen Jo Turns Two!


These girls of our's have decided to keep on growing despite their mothers' requests to we keep on celebrating as they reach these big milestones! Hallie and I weren't able to make it over to see Carmen on her actual birthday but we caught up with her the day after and let her open one of her birthday gifts. She loved her new dollhouse!

Katie and Luke had planned a cookout to honor their baby girl on Sunday last weekend at Boiling Springs. It was a great group with a mix of family and friends from our Sunday school class. Carmen, Hal, Kaleigh, Colt, Riley and Keslee played around the park area, Luke manned the grill and the ladies took turns swinging the kiddos while the guys sat around and talked.....

Carmen's cake was Dora-licious and cute as could be! Hallie was a pal and tested out the candle of top by taking a big bite of it....goofball!

Mmmmmm, I love me some July/August birthdays all in a row!!!! Cake and ice cream galore!

Hal supervised as the birthday girl opened up her goodies....

Carmen wasn't the type to toss her cards aside....I caught this sweet pic of her "reading" one of her cards...

Thanks to the Shirleys for a fun night at the park celebrating one sweet little gal.....

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