Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hallie's State Fair and Enid Adventures

September 15-17:

Slightly overdue post but I do have a good excuse: we had so much fun during our trip to Enid that it's been difficult to remember everything....thus me avoiding it all-together. No longer will I stall though...our state fair story deserves to be told!!! ;)

Lil Red and I left Woodward early Saturday morning on our way to Enid to pick up some of our favorite girls. Hal and I discussed our favorite fair foods on the way there in order to fully prepare for the day ahead. Yes, that's right....Dara, Bailey, Hal and I were all headed to fair food heaven in OKC. The girls joined us in my car and Dara found out very quickly what sort of responsibilities come with sitting in the backseat next to the potty queen. She may or may not have taken advantage of the fact that Dara was at her disposal and able to plop her on the potty at any moment. Let's just say there were lots of moments. We pulled into the fair around 1:00 and were finally unloaded and ready to head inside around 1:45. Parking was an absolute nightmare. Just let Hal's face tell you how bad it was....

The rain was falling as we made our way up to buy tickets but it dissipated quickly. Praise the Lord because my hair really couldn't handle anymore wetness or humidity. See what I mean?!?!

There's no need to beat around the bush now when I tell you about what we did upon arriving. It goes without saying. Duh....

Join me, would you, on a fair food tour that will leave your mouth watering. Disclaimer: this is all of our food combined. I DID NOT consume all of it....although I wanted to and probably could have packed it all away somewhere.....

#1: Fried Mac n Cheese.....

#2: Giant Corndog...

#3: Chicken Strips....

#4: Curly Fries....

#5: Fried Pickles....

#6: Smore on a Stick.....

#7: Chocolate Covered ButterFinger Cheesecake on a Stick....

#8: Deep Fried Cake Donut Fruity Pebble Pops....

#9: Giant Cheesestick....

#10: Jug o' Root Beer....

Hands down favorite this year: a repeat of last year....chocolate-covered cheesecake!! Hal was a sampler of each food and seemed to approve of all of them. What she didn't approve of???? Walking!

But she did LOVE swinging!!!

.....and trying to jump in the fountain.....

....and her blowup Dora friend was a pretty big hit too....

I kid you not, she was NOT letting go of that doll. No matter what.....

...until I gently pried (ha) it out of her hands after she zonked out....

We finished up some shopping inside the fair buildings and sat down with our cups of gelato (not photographed) while Hal continued to snooze away in her stroller. Aw, I die. She's precious....

As we walked away after ordering our cake donut ball and mozzarella stick she must've smelled the goodness and woke up reaching for a bit. Big shocker!!

I can't forget to mention one of the funnier moments of the day. The potty situation was a bit tricky seeing as how the lines to use the restrooms were fairly long and baby girl's bladder doesn't understand lines and waiting. So we did what we had to do....

The four of us spent way too much money (ok, maybe just me), ate way too much food (if there is such a thing) and had way too much fun together (but that's just standard when we get together). Ladies day out at the fair was the perfect way to spend a Saturday.....

We were so exhausted from all the chewing and walking and talking that we headed straight home and made it back to Enid around 6:30. Not too shabby. We still had plenty of time for some evening fun with the rest of the Enidites! I was astounded when I walked in to see my dad's new cabinets combined with his recently updated cabinets and backsplash.....

Hallie wanted to go share some love with Aunt Lisa and Uncle David so we spent some time over there after returning to Enid. Hal was showered with gifts as usual....a cute new outfit and some Dallas Cowboys bandaids that David thought she'd love. And she DID! Us girls headed back over to dad's house where we had plenty of laughs and some late night fun that night watching a The Five Year Engagement and just hanging out. The next morning we loaded up early to go grab some milk down the street and returned to a delicious breakfast made by Gman.....

Lovin' life at Gman's

"I didn't even know men could cook, Gman??"

Hal was quite a big fan of her eggs and sausage....

Each time we go to Enid I seem to be reminded just how amazing my dad is. He loves this girl so very much...

Only Hallie Grace can get away with picking off Gman's pretty hibiscus blooms....

I can't forget to point out the obvious addition of something very cute and much-anticipated in these photos from our outdoor playtime that morning. PIGTAILS!!!!!!

Dara played with Hallie while Gman and I tackled the task of sorting through mom's belongings. That, my friends, was the real reason I'd come to spend the whole weekend. The time had come to sort and clean and take on the tough job of looking through her things. We started with the bathroom which took quite a while....turns out that my mom was a bathroom packrat....or was it Bailey? Not sure. Either way....SO MUCH STUFF!!!! We bagged up four trash bags and organized the rest neatly under the sink. Time for a break, WHEW. We all spent some time out in the yard until Bailey came over to keep us company. And by "keep us company" I mean that she wanted me to give her back massages. Us four girls sat around on the bed while the girls took turns getting some therapy from me.....and Hal. She worked wonders on Aunt B's angel wing tattoo with a blue crayon....


She used a slightly more aggressive approach to helping Bailey's back feel better....

Blurry but HILARIOUS!!

Poor Aunt B!

We also sorted through the office room which was both entertaining and depressing. So many memories. There are lots of things I could talk about but for some reason I just don't feel like it. So I'll leave it at that. The day flew by as Hallie took a nap, Gman did some cleaning around the house and us girls did some major damage to our wallets....ok, maybe it was just me again. I feel deprived of good places to shop so when I'm plopped in a town with stores I go a little nuts...it's no secret. I cleared out the Halloween store and even got some free loot. Where on earth was I going to fit eight giant corn stalks in my car? We made it work but it wasn't without a lot of laughs and me being made fun of. We found out that I had an even bigger problem when we made our next stop at Ross. Five bags later and I was debating about strapping Hal to the top of the car on our way home to Woodward. I was out of room to shove bags. Back home we went! The girls split off and I went to pick up a pizza from Papa Murphy's to take over to David and Lisa's. The Cowboys were losing so it wasn't the most opportune time to walk in the Dallas fanatic's house. Ha! Lisa had been cooking dinner so I popped my pizza in the oven and soon everyone was sitting around the table for dinner. Dara's friend Shawnae was there along with my dad. Hallie did her usual disappearing act from the dinner table and left her plate to get cold while she ran in circles around the living room banging plastic bowling pins against her head. She accomplished her goal....we were all laughing. ;)

For her next circus trick she bopped Aunt Lisa on the head with said pins....

Bopping Aunt Lisa on the head

Her next act was blowing the pins out of her mouth and giggling....

What a hoot!

Little girl loves family time!!!

We had the pleasure of partaking in a little Skype sesh with Garrett. Hal was uncharacteristically sweet to her cuzzo and came over to give him a big "Hi Gar" and "I love you." We were pretty startled when all of a sudden a mad dressed in black showed up behind him in the shot....

No need to fear, just his film school roommate. Totally normal activity.

Hal made a new friend in Shawnae that evening....they flipped and flung and flailed around until they were both worn out.....

It was getting pretty late so Hal packed up her Minnie Mouse bowling set and headed back to Gman's for some shut-eye.....

It felt spectacular to be spending yet another night in Enid. What a relief to be staying put and not having to pack up and leave just yet. Gman was a fan of our presence as well as he isn't used to us staying for an entire weekend. Anytime, G! ;) It's obvious that our fun continued into the next morning after a long night of good sleep. Hallie slept in a bit on Monday morning which was much appreciated. She was a hungry hippo ready for breakfast upon waking up. The Doras were hungry too.....

"Eat, Dora, eat"

Missy must've felt right at home because it appeared that she was never leaving her spot in Gman's easy chair.....

I had picked up a few toys to keep at Gman's house the day before and princess Hallie was chomping at the bit to open up her new fun ASAP. Seriously....she was jumping up and down and squealing with excitement over her package of dressup gear. I was proud of how quickly she dressed herself in bracelets, necklaces, shoes and her very special sunglasses....

We were not convincing her that the tiara belonged on top of her head. Well, to be honest, it looked infinitely cooler as a pair of shades anyways....

"Step aside Lady Gaga"

She even through in the prissy pose that her dada had taught her earlier in the week.....

Pose Hallie!

Gman happened to be on vacation that week so we were able to spend part of the morning with him until he left for a doctor's appointment and meeting with his lawyer. Hallie and I spent the morning doing some shopping at Hobby Lobby and taking a trip to Meadowlake Park. I was a bit disillusioned about the condition of the park that I used to play at as a little girl. It's gone downhill and I was sad to see what bad shape it was in. Hal wasn't too impressed either....

"I think I'll just stay up here, mom"

Wiping the sand from her shoes and feet, hehe!

Here's a funny for ya. See these things that had fallen from the trees???


Guess what Hallie thought they were? Yep, that's right. "POOP, momma!!! EEEEWWW! POOP!" After tiptoeing around the pieces of "poop" she did go down the slide once and landed in a big puddle of water. That is when sassy pants decided that the "poop", sand and water was all a bit too much too handle. Have I mentioned that she's prissy???? Ok, just checking. We headed to the grocery store to gather ingredients for some girly activity...brownie baking!

We met dad at the house and picked him up for some furniture shopping. Hal got the best seat in the house on the way into the store....

She was ready and willing to help test out mattresses and beds. Ok, more than willing....

"This is the one!"

We picked out a beautiful bedroom set for Gman's guest room all the while trying to contain the human tornado that was Hallie. She was a sweetheart to our saleslady and interacted well the whole time....that is until we got up to the front to order and pay. Mickey Mouse was the only one who could save me by that point! It was clearly naptime! But we had one more important stop to make before we could go get some shuteye. Lana and Danny were surprised by a visit from Hallie that afternoon. She was in heaven what with all the suckers, endless supply of water cups and toy cars sitting around....

Hal vroomed the cars around all the while having a chat with Lana....

She took a much needed nap around 2:30 and gave me plenty of time to get things accomplished. I had butterflies in the stomach all day as I thought about what our evening would bring. We had scheduled Hal's two year photos with Miss Mandy in downtown Enid. I sat at the table with Bailey spilling my brain to her about all the horrendous possibilities. Aunt B, Dad and Lisa had all signed on as backups in case things got out of hand and we needed some fresh people in there to make her laugh. Well, it turns out that nobody else was needed. She woke up a tad bit sassy from her nap and had me worried all the way up until we pulled out of the driveway. We met Mandy downtown and got to shootin' immediately.

I could not have asked for a more perfect evening photo session. Perfect photog, perfect subject, perfect weather....PERFECT!!!! We were finally done around 7:45 and headed straight back home with about twenty tons of suitcases, shopping bags and other loot in tow. I did make room for Hal in the end...she makes a pretty good companion in the car lately. Well, besides the frequent potty stops that terrify me when it's dark at night. She took in some Mickey and Dora on the way home while I reflected on an amazing weekend with my family. We missed Riley who was back at home painting the house, cleaning up the shrubs and working his tail off to surprise us with a freshly painted garage door by the time we got home. It looked amazing as we pulled in. It looked like a whole new house!!! Once again, I'm reminded about how incredibly blessed I am to have an amazing dad AND husband who know what hard work is and aren't afraid to take on big tasks. Blessed, blessed, blessed!!!!!!!

P.S.- it took two weeks to unpack all of the bags, sacks, etc from our weekend trip.

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