Thursday, October 18, 2012

B-ville with the B-friends

"Friendship is born in that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one."
― C.S. Lewis

We will just call this weekend a three day therapy session for this momma. What more could I ask for? A "Mr. Mom" husband who was on Hallie duty all weekend while I spent some overdue quality time with my two best friends....nope, couldn't ask for more. ;) 

Heather and I left early Friday morning with plans to make it to Bentonville, Arkansas earlier than we did last time we made the drive. My day began bright and early...well, I guess I should say dark and early considering my running shoes and I had hit the pavement at 6:00 a.m. for a dreaded ten mile run. Luckily it turned out to be not so bad and actually started the day out in a very motivating way. I set a pace record for that distance and was feeling hyped up for our drive. I parked my car at dad's house in Enid and hopped in with Heather for the four hour drive. Despite a slight detour (aka getting lost again) we made it to Kyser's house around 3:00. Her in-laws were holding down the fort with sweet baby Adalyn so we spent the next hour chatting with them and getting some much-anticipated playtime in with baby girl. She was full of giggles and smiles for her two long lost aunties....

Kyser came home from work early and we spent time exchanging our overdue hugs, catching up, playing with Adalyn and getting her gussied up for a night out with the girls.....

We went out to dinner that evening to Table Mesa, a local Mexican restaurant in cozy downtown Bentonville. Kyser spoke highly of it and she was spot was definitely unique and delicious. We waited about thirty minutes before being seated and Adalyn proved to be the perfect little dinner guest the entire time....

I just can't get enough of being in the presence of these ladies who know me best...

Downtown is just the cutest little place and had it not been late (and most shops were closed) we would've explored a bit more. But we did have a chance to make a quick stop by Sam Walton's very first store....

Kyser has a wonderful job at Sam's headquarters in Bentonville so I felt like we were receiving a tour from an "insider" who knows a lot about Walmart's history. I loved seeing this recreation of Mr. Walton's office...

We decided to hit the hay early that night after realizing that all three of us were dog tired. Kyser had an early  Saturday morning meeting at work the next day which was delayed a bit when she walked out to her car that morning to find that her bright and genius friend (me) accidentally left her car on all night while my phone was charging. Yes, I felt like an idiot. And yes, I wanted to crawl in a hole and curse at myself. But she took it in stride and hopped in Heather's car and off to work she flew. Jeff left for work that morning also while Heather and I spent some bonding time with baby girl. She fed and loved on Adalyn while I went for a morning run in the beautiful fall weather. I had no idea where I was going but took off down a side road that had gorgeous orange and red-leaved trees that led down to some old country style houses that reminded me of quaint B&Bs. It was relaxing to say the least and a welcomed change from my normal Woodward running route. Once I got back we took turns getting ready and playing with Adalyn. She was such a good girl!

Once Kyser returned home I realized that she still wanted to be my friend even though I'd done something as bone-headed as draining her car battery all night. The big question Adalyn's daddy going to forgive me for teaching her how to say "boomer sooner?" Baby girl and I watched the first quarter of the OU/Texas game together and cheered loud....

Hogs fan or Sooner fan, it matters not...she is an undeniably sweet little girl....

The three musketeers headed out for a day of frivolous fun, good food and shopping!!! We met Jeff at Five Guys for lunch where we scarfed down some burgers and cajun fries. So salty....soooooooo very good! Jeff headed to Fayetville for the day while us girls got our shop on. Kyser knew I'd be drooling over some gorgeous baby fashion at Ever After. And I was. Drooling that is.

Hallie scored and came away with a new winter church coat and an outfit that I couldn't have possibly resisted. Next we hunted down a Halloween store, Hobby Lobby and finally The Promenade where we strolled and shopped. Kyser snuggled Adalyn close until she fell into the sweetest little sleep....

I needed some running shoes desperately and scored a pair of Under Armour running pants for $6 while I was searching for shoes. That was enough to make my day! And then new shoes to top it off...well, I was in heaven. We hit up our favorite store, Francesca's before we decided we were all hungry and ready to try out a restaurant right around the corner. Hullihan's proved to be a very unique dining experience...a place that I will definitely return to. Another great day of shopping and talking spent with my BFFs.....

Adalyn was feeling the affects of skipping a nap and realized just how tired she was on the way home. As we drove in the pouring rain back to Kyser's house we realized that my bonehead move that morning had come back to bite us in the butt. Jeff had driven her car to Fayetville after he charged the dead battery which meant he had her garage door opener and keys...which meant we were sort of screwed. Oops. The four of us girls sat in the driveway for a good while as Kyser consoled tired baby girl and we waited for Jeff to pull in to rescue us. Once we got in we realized that we were all just as pooped as Adalyn was so we chatted for a bit and then went to bed. Man, we are getting old! 

The next morning was bittersweet. We got around early, packed our bags and said our goodbyes yet again. The weekend flew by way too fast....we seem to keep extending it each time we visit. Next time we make our way to Bentonville I do believe that Hallie Grace will be ready to join us. Heather is going to have to jump on board and add to the second generation of BFF baby girls....Heather, are you reading this friend? ;)

Adalyn sent us a very sweet "thank you" text after we'd left that morning along with a ooey gooey sweet picture.....

The more I think about these ladies that I call my best friends, the more I realize just how blessed we are to have eachother. We may not text everyday or call eachother as often as we should but we never fail to pick right back up where we left off. Well.....Facebook sort of helps too. ;) Until next time, 3 Musketeers!!

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