Saturday, November 13, 2010

Infantile Baldness: A Growing Epidemic

Hallie may have more incentive to roll in her crib soon when I break the news to her. She may need to lay off sleeping on the back of her head so much because she is starting to resemble my Uncle Johnny....

Another week in the record books. And speaking of record books, that reminds me I need to catch up on Hallie's baby book. Milestones need to be documented before my small mind forgets. Now this leads me to think about scrapbooking...all the scrapbooking I couldn't seem to find time to do during my three months at home. Well if I couldn't get it done then, I'm not sure when I will ever get it done. Eh, how long can it really take? I only have approximately 2000 pictures to pick through. Whew...deep breath. It will get done before she is 18 I am making a promise to myself now on here for all to see.

Our child somehow is always cuter than the day before, more fun than the day before, and brings more joy to our lives than the day before. Minus the sometimes cranky outbursts at night (but what 3 month old doesn't do that?) she is mom and dad's perfect little girl. Our routine changes so much from day to day based on when she decides to wake up that she is a pro at adapting. The time change did throw her off a little bit. Why can't we be like the states that don't participate in that because babies don't ever get the memo about gaining an hour of sleep....she is going to be an hour earlier still but waking up an hour early. But still sleeping a solid 8-9 hours though. Can't ask for much more! Because of the confusion, she is having trouble staying awake through dinner with us....

"Parents.....I'm tirrrrrrrred.

"Ok seriously. Can't. Stay. Awake."

"Peace out folks"

Work has been surprisingly wonderful this week. I think my coworkers definitely prefer Ashley the mom as opposed to Ashley B.B. (before baby). I used to have quite the reputation of being a perfectionist and having to finish every last bit of work on my desk by the end of the day because I had nothing better to worry about. Well now I guess I have something better to worry about! In Sean's (my coworker) words, "it took a child." Riley's load at work is about to get a little bit lighter...this may just mean we will get to see him before 7:30 on week nights! Maybe he can come home at 5 or 6 like normal folk?? Another worker is taking over some of the stores that he has to travel to during the week which will save him a lot of time and allow him to focus on NE Oklahoma. So all in all, good work weeks for both of us.

Hallie has some great kids at daycare with her. One in particular...Miss Kyra. She is an adorable four year old who is obsessed with Hallie. I always enjoy asking her "how did Hallie do today?" and hearing her answer. Last week on Tuesday I was horrified to hear her answer: "bad, she cried all day long. Nothing made her happy. I tried to give her a binky but she said she didn't want it." Kids say the darndest things: my 3 month old is already talking apparently! Kyra did give me several good updates last week so it evened out in the end! On Wednesday I arrived to pick up my girl and Kyra ran in from playing outside to holler this: "Miss Mindy, please tell Hallie that Bailey and I say bye!" So cute! I am reminded everyday how blessed we are to have a babysitter right across the street and a great one at that!

Pride was flowing like crazy this week around the Fanning house! We celebrated the 235th birthday of the Marine Corp and of course Veteran's Day. So proud of Riley for his six years of service in the USMC and the seven months he spent overseas in Al Asad. I also enjoyed seeing all of the WWII veterans at work and giving them a big thank you! Their faces just light up when they hear those words! Honestly one of my favorite holidays of the year!

I used to want to be a photographer. After today, I know that I would have regretted that career choice. Photographing a 3 month old for a group photo has got to be the most challenging thing ever of course behind pleasing a 3 month old. ;) Getting a good family picture was our mission for the day. And of course a little manly stuff thrown in. We made a trip to Enid bright and early this morning so that Riley could drop off his Mustang engine at Dunsworth's to have it rebuilt. I am going to need a few lessons in cars before I embark on this journey. Case in point: Riley asked me this week how much horse power I wanted my engine to have. My answer: "5". He informed me that it would be okay for a lawnmower. Heck, I had no idea. Now that I'm up to speed, my new answer is anywhere from 350 - 450. That sound better? He is pretty excited about this step in the restoration process and has been working hard on it every time he gets a chance....

Engine is ready for some R&R

Something is missin'...

Hallie was a good passenger as always and slept the whole way to Etown. I was a pleasant passenger as well thanks to the CD I made prior to the roadtrip so that I wouldn't be forced to listen to hours of Motley Crue and Korn. Riley dropped us girls off at Grammy and G-man's house while he went to the engine place. I guess we will be waiting for a call on Tuesday to see what the damage will be as far as repairs and costs for the motor. Eeeek. Like I keep telling myself..."whatever keeps him happy, whatever keeps him happy." Lol! Back at the "staging area", us girls were getting ready for pictures. Of course Hallie was hanging out in her pajamas and waiting to put her nice clothes on at the very last minute to save them from falling victim to a blowout or spitup. Spitting up has become her thing this week. All the time...and all over the place. Laundry seems to have doubled this week! Hallie girl must have used up all of her smiles and her good mood was nowhere to be found when we entered the studio for pictures. The photographer made it as painless as possible....the binky was our friend as we kept it in her mouth until the very last second and popped it out just in time for him to snap the photo. No smiles, but we did get some cute faces from her! No spitup, no blowouts, and no outbursts so I'd say it was a success.

Getting ready to smile pretty for pics

When we got back to the house I decided we should take some snapshots outside in the pretty fall colors...just in case my girl had frowned in all the pics we had just taken or Riley had blinked in all of them!

We love our momma!

Funny couple

She kinda resembles her daddy, don't ya think??!


Hallie's Corner

My new skill this week: discovering that my hands serve a purpose.

They are awesome for chewing on strings.......

Also great to suck on.....

Best of all, they hold my binky in.....

And let me take it out....

I've got to say, this is by far the coolest thing I've learned to do. They are pretty pun intended folks. It gives me a whole lot more freedom and allows me to make more choices on my own. For example, if I don't want my binky anymore but I want to keep it close to me as opposed to spitting it out and letting it drop to the floor, I can simply remove it with my hand and hold it there until I want to use it again. Cool, huh? Now if I can just figure out what those wiggly things connected to the end of my legs are.....

I had a pretty great week. Lots of fun times with my daycare friends. Kyra draws me a picture everyday and seems to really care about me. She tries to help me out when I cry and makes me smile when I'm sad. Wednesday night Mommy and I surprised daddy with his favorite meal and a gift for his birthday. Not his real birthday, dummies. The Marine Corp 235th birthday! I am super proud of my daddy and I think he knows that now!
Ooo Rah!!!

Nanny and I had a lazy day on Thursday...well my day was lazy because I took a three hour nap! I think Nanny found plenty to do while I was getting some rest. I kinda gave mommy a hard time when she got home from work. I played this mean little game where I would cry everytime Nanny would hand me to mom and then wail until Nanny would pick me back up again. I think I hurt mommy's feelings a little but Nanny and I were having fun and she had left me all day for work! Aunt Kylie and I were BFFs on Friday and we had fun too! So much fun that we were both pretty worn out when mommy got home from work....

I begged Aunt Kylie to stay for dinner and of course she gave in to me! I fell asleep for one second and the next thing I know, my parents are telling me that she left to go back to college. Seriously?! I was only asleep for five minutes!

I guess my mom didn't get the memo that I am tired of taking pictures for awhile because we had to take more today. Geez! But I toughed it out and actually made everyone laugh with my silly faces! Minus the picture portion of the day, I had an awesome time in Enid! Grammy and G-man loved on me all day! People flocked in from afar to get their hands on me....I got to see my cousin Dara, my Great Aunts Lisa and Lana, and my honorary Aunt Heather...and of course Aunt B and Spencer. I played and napped while everyone else watched the OU game. I didn't want to leave but dad was in a hurry to get back home to watch his football game. I was so tired by the time we got home from all of the smiling and talking that I asked mom if I could blog first tonight so that I could get to bed early...she was nice enough to let me.

P.S. - I am very mad at my sister Emmi. She chewed up my favorite rattle today while we were gone. Just because she doesn't get to play with me all day and go on walks regularly is not MY fault! Why didn't she just chew up mom's bra or something...that's who she is really mad at anyways! Sheesh!

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