Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Flyin' Solo

It's hunting season ya'll. And you know what that means. Testosterone levels shoot through the roof and men everywhere load up their guns and plant themselves in their deer stands for hours upon hours. I've never been hunting for one obvious reason: I could not be quiet for more than five minutes. We were sans dad for a few days and as you can see here Riley had all the faith in the world in me to hold down the fort while he was gone....

My checklist


Riley was in Woodward from Sunday to Tuesday night in search of Bambi. Bambi must've heard that he was coming because he didn't even get to take a shot at anything. I made fun of "the checklist" but my mind was so scattered by midweek it was probably good to have a reminder. Lol! We can sum up this past weekend and beginning of this week with one word: cranky. The diapers were coming regularly, no fever, no yanking at ears, no runny nose, eating fine. Just cranky. Part of me thinks she may be teething but it's hard to tell when I feel her little gums. Some spots feel like it might be a tooth but I have nothing to compare it to. Although most of her waking hours have been spent crying with a lack of contentment, I did catch a few happy moments of my girl....

"Ok, I think I'm done crying now. Maybe."

Happy girl!

"How do I get out of this thing?"

"We've been caught Emmi! Abort mission!! Abort!!"

We have a little Houdini on our hands lately. She has started trying to escape from her Bumbo. Not sure why the sudden hatred of the used to be the magic chair. Maybe she really just wanted to get out to play with Emmi? She has also started squirming a lot in the car seat and tries to move her little arms under the arm straps. No, no!

After Riley left on Sunday I was feeling lonely and bored. Hallie and I needed to get out and about. Especially since the weather was gorgeous. What better time to start Christmas shopping!!?? My method this year is to pick one person each day and buy that gift only. It's a lot more ogranized than going out on one trip for a whole day and not being able to remember what you got who because their are twenty bags in your backseat. I couldn't resist picking up some adorable Christmas attire for Hallie Bear while we were out! Later that night we took a trip to Melissa's house in Edmond for our annual PT Thanksgiving dinner. Non-traditional this year. We had a mexican feast. I just love those girls! And it's just crazy to think we used to get together without any of these cute kiddos running around. Now we have the entertainment of three kids: Hallie, Kingston (11 months), and Maddox (2 years). It was the boys' first time to meet Hallie and I am pretty sure they wanted to get her digits by the end of the night. Especially Kingston who enjoyed laying big ol' kisses on her face. Hallie definitely had an additude to match her outfit that about a diva!! What am I creating?! We had to pass her around like a hot potato to try and get the sweet girl to calm down. Alas, we tried some Tylenol once we decided it may be teething causing the fussiness. It seemed to work because she fell asleep once we got in the car for the ride home.

Melissa & Miss Diva

Julie & Kingston

Jamie & Maddox

The PT Crew + an RN in the mix + babies!

As I type this Hallie is snoozing on our bed and I'm 85% sure that she thinks it's nightime because after the sun set it got pitch black in there with the door closed. She is my superstar tonight because we got to enjoy some playtime together after daycare and she has been asleep since then which has allowed me to bake a cake and make a trip to Walmart. I was not prepared for what I would find there. The baking isle was like a 15 shopping cart pileup. Note to self: never go to Walmart the night before a holiday, like my momma always taught me. I returned to find my munchkin still in dreamland....

"It's been a rough week."

My workaholic husband made a trip to Bartlesville today even though he had the day off. By choice. I tried to stop him. Lol. I had a great week at work with lots of celebrating for the holidays. Tuesday we made pie after pie and sold them for a fundraiser and today we made our annual Thanksgiving feast with our patients and served them and their families at lunch. It was pretty darn good if I do say so myself. The highlight of the morning was when I heard my coworker yell "is she supposed to have that in her hands?" to look over and find my patient who has been nearly comatose for the most part holding an economy sized can of cream of mushroom soup and spilling it in her lap. Awesome! When she realized that I was on my way to take the can away she just grinned! Oh the joys of working in skilled nursing!

We are looking forward to celebrating Hallie's first turkey day. Hallie will enjoy a nice big bowl of rice cereal tomorrow while we chow down on Thanksgiving favorites! Count your blessing everyone! They are overflowing!

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