Sunday, November 28, 2010

Four Months

I wrote this post yesterday but had trouble posting it until this morning...

Baby girl, you are 4 months old today! That means that dad and I are 4 months sleep-deprived! Once again, you have amazed us everyday with your development and new "tricks" that you show off. You requested to have your 4 month photo taken in the nude that's what you got....

Riley's "mini-me"

Hallie's Corner

I am pretty sure that my mom has told you every last detail of what I've been doing the past month but here are a few things you may not know:

  • I have figured out a way to escape from most of my baby pleasing devices. I can squirm off of my playmat like a pro. I can roll out of my swing and backwards off of my boppy while mom is feeding me. I can turn sideways in my carseat. And lastly, I can almost throw myself backwards out of my bumbo. Now my crib is a whole 'nother monster...that one may take some more skill development before I can figure a way out of that jail. The parents just aren't getting the message.
  • Emmi and I are BFFs. In every sense of the word. We tell secrets. We braid eachother's hair (and fur). We can't stand to be apart from one another. She completes me. We even like the same foods....excepts Emmi doesn't mind eating my sloppy seconds....

Warning: this video may contain images disturbing to some viewers

    "I told ya we are BFFs"

  • Anyone know any good arm toning exercises? I am having trouble rolling over my chubby arm and I get stuck. Just one of the things that makes me very angry! I just flop around like a fish on a hot sidewalk trying to get momentum but most of the time I just end of screaming for help....

  • I still love my baths and I LOVE to be nakey. I think I could be in the middle of a stage 5 meltdown and I would make a complete 180 if my clothes were stripped off mid-tantrum. You will probably be seeing a lot more of my hiney in the future
  • Someone get me some Rogaine!!! I am balding everywhere now! Not just the back of my head, but the sides and the top. My strawberry blonde is fading to a brownish hue these days but my baby blues are still intact!
  • Mom and dad must have a burp rag in hand at ALL times. For example, this morning in the check out line at Academy: "Um sir, your baby just threw up all over you jacket."
  • I've been very lucky to have awesome health thus far (knock on wood). Except for this silly watery, yucky eye that I woke up with today. Mom of course ran to Google "baby with watery, crusty eye" and found that squirting a couple drops of breast milk in it would kill any infection or doing a gentle massage under the eye could open up a blocked tear duct. My mother, Mrs. Paranoid herself used a home remedy on my eye?????? Excuse me?! Well she is off the hook this time because it seems to be working. Just a little bit of wateriness lingering. I'm surprised she didn't load me up in an ambulance or something. Good thing she has dad to keep her thinking logically.
  • I am getting some great sleep. My best time of the day is when mom comes in to my room and turns on my lamp to say "good morning." I usually flash her a big toothless grin just to start everyone's morning out on a good note.
  • I tried to eat big girl food as you saw last week but I'm just not ready. It's going to take some time and practice. I kinda like the ease of chugging down a bottle, ya know? Will it be okay to take bottles in my first grade sack lunch?
  • Not sure of my height and weight. I go to see my crush, I mean my doctor, on December 14th and we will see if my head is still extremely large and if I'm still extremely short.
  • It must be the jumper or the ab exercises that I've been putting in at the gym, but my midsection is definitely toning up a bit. Now my legs are another could get lost in one of those rolls!

Hallie Bear, I still miss you everyday when I'm at work. I don't think that will ever change! You are definitely doing some pretty cool things: you love to sit with  mom and read books now and you actually look at the pages. You grab for my hand now while I'm holding you...and then you won't let go! You can sit for a whole 30 minutes and watch Baby Einstein without a peep. Your hand could entertain you for hours upon hours. You slobber like a St. Bernard and there isn't a dry surface in this house. You still think your daddy is the funniest creature that ever lived. And I wouldn't want it any other way. Love you sweet girl.

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