Sunday, June 23, 2013

Riley's Half Crazy Now

He did it, HE DID IT, he DID it!!!!!!

I always knew he was crazy. Now it's official.....

 All of those long, hot training runs in the middle of the day (this was not condoned by me) finally paid off....

During this particular training run Hallie and I went to check up on him as he ran the course one week prior to the race. It was in the mid 90's and way too hot to be out running in. He was chugging along so we drove next to him for awhile and cheered him on....until we got the stink eye from him....I suppose I'd have done the same thing too. ;)

When we heard back in April that the local Lion's club would be hosting the Lionheart Half Marathon/5K we were ecstatic. I signed up immediately and Riley half decided to do the half (how appropriate). The weather may have not been the best to train in but the timing was wonderful considering we'd just continue our training after the OKC Memorial marathon. I think this is good time to mention why I didn't end up running with my man.Ya see, he stole my long run training day. Just straight up stole Sunday afternoons away from me. It took me about two Sundays to get over it and enjoy my time sitting on the couch while he was out burning up in the heat. So I settled for the 5K. My pride for him grew each week as I watched him gear up and go out for run after run even though it was the very last thing he wanted to do. He'd ice his knees every night telling me that he didn't know if he'd actually go through with it. I'd say "yes, you are going to do it....because you stole my long run day...and because you can do it."

He was up at the crack of dawn eating a turkey sandwich in the kitchen on raceday. As always on race day, the thought of food had my stomach churning. Papa Bill and I stretched together at the start line and watched the half-marathoners start their race. In the end it was a great race and perfect weather (considering it's June)......

Riley at the start 

Uncle Tom taking off

The 5K started thirty minutes after the half-marathon at 8:00....

Hallie Grace and Nanny barely missed me at the finish but they arrived shortly after....

I placed fourth female overall and Papa Bill got first place in his age group.....

Riley's cousin Emily placed 5th overall and her momma, Michelle placed in her age group. Uncle Tom had an interesting ending to his first half-marathon that I'm sure he won't forget about anytime soon. I was pretty bummed about my time considering I'd been training at a much faster pace. It wasn't a run to write home about but it did encourage me to get some of this weight off and train harder for the next one I do! :)-

Hal sure is a good motivator and cheerleader.....

She was a patient fan waiting for over an hour for Riley to make his way to the finish line. She had plenty of friends to keep her occupied....

Hallie Grace & Gracie

Not sure what to think about this sweaty guy

It was exciting to cheer on my running buddies as they crossed the finish line. Everyone did awesome in the heat, humidity and hills. So proud!

Kate flyin' in

Sweet Harlynn and her pretty mommy after the race

Even though we tend to fret before a race saying things like "what would happen if our alarms just accidentally didn't go off in the morning", there is really no better way to kick off a day than with a race. Hal will be joining us before long.....

It runs in the family

Welcome to the 13.1 club babe!!!

3rd in his age group!

Just a sidenote: THIS is NOT the way to prep for a race. Never again. Die sugar, die!!!

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