Sunday, January 6, 2013

Funny Farm

I realize this is sorta mean. But I must say it. Ok, here daughter.....she's a......a.....a.....PANSY!! What Riley and I thought would be a fun Saturday afternoon at the farm ended up being life-altering for Hallie Grace. Ok, not really, but you would've thought we were dragging her over hot coals as we walked toward the herd of cows. Well, let me not get ahead of myself here. I'll start from the beginning.....

Simply put, Hal had some cowgirl boots to break in and the cowgirl hat that had been collecting dust in her closet was also in need of some attention. To the farm we must go! But first we had to pick out just the right outfit for some time on the farm. Feast your eyes on Lil Red's final selection.....

Riley took us to grab a bite to eat and a chocolate milkshake before we left town. These two sat side by side chatting about cows and pigs and other sorts of farm things....

"Do cows eat french fries??"

She was playing the part of a lioness with her furry hood around her face. The people around us were serenaded by many loud lion growls.

Alas, we pulled into the open field and drove toward what we thought would be exciting to Hal. Oh, but no. Behold this terrifying sight......

Attack of the mad cows

So why was this cowgirl so spooked by farm life???

"Hmmm, I can't quite put my finger on it..."

While Riley worked on parking his trailer I hopped in Papa's truck and loaded up Hal to take a ride around the pasture. She didn't seem to mind as long as the window was rolled up. But once they came down it was as if I'd taken a cattle prod to her.....

"I think I figured out why I don't like the cows..."

We headed back into the farm building but wouldn't ya know it, some of those mean ol' cows kept peeking around the corner.....

"Cuz they mooooooooooo!!!"

This is my girl who will climb atop the tallest tower, er I mean couch, slide on ice, go backwards and sideways down the swirly slide at the park and can run like the wind.......but cows.....cows are just too much to handle. But she sure does make a mighty cute cowgirl, dontcha think? 

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