Sunday, January 6, 2013

Big Girls Don't Cry

Three weeks ago I bought Hallie a new bedroom set on a whim. Nanny showed up at our house talking excitedly about an estate sale right nearby. She told me about a furniture set that sounded just perfect. She stayed with Hallie while I hurried over to the sale before it was gone. I immediately fell in love with it. It was easy to look past the awfully tacky bedding that was displayed. The bed, night stand and dresser appeared as though it had never been used even though it was somewhat old. My best guess is that it was used in the guest bedroom that had no guests. Lucky for us! I hurried to get some cash and went back to claim it. I conned Riley into taking the trailer that evening to pick it all up. We lugged it all into the spare bedroom before leaving for Enid that night. I almost wanted to put it in her room immediately but my common sense won and I knew I'd need to paint first. Let's talk about the painting......I caught quite a bit of flack due to this. Apparently it's unreasonable to paint the same room twice in one year according to my husband. In my defense though, it has been one year and two weeks. But who's counting??? ;) 

Paint I did. After much deliberation and lost sleep I settled on colors and a design. Into Sherwin Williams I walked toting the huge wall canvas that I'd purchased on clearance at Hobby Lobby a few months ago specifically for her bedroom. I instantly knew that I wanted to center everything around that canvas once I laid eyes on it. And so I did. I matched the paint to it, picked out some glaze, taped that night and got to work the following day while Hallie was at daycare. Riley was still not a huge fan of my room makeover plan so I had set out to prove to him that I could make it happen for a reasonable price and I could do it rather quickly. Nothing like a deadline to get the adrenaline pumping. I had five hours to finish painting before munchkin would return home. One wall rosy pink....three walls egg shell. Two walls with glaze....two walls in need of glaze. Hallie Grace did her best to slow down the process and sucked all of the mojo out of the me for the evening. In fact, she was straight up terrified. She had no idea why we were moving her things around and not to mention the house was a total wreck as I was busy shuffling things in and out of her room to the ,dare I say it, junk room. I knew I'd need to work fast the following morning to finish proving my point to Riley. By golly, I was going to get that room done. Glazing is no joke. I thought my arm was going to fall off. But the walls were completed, old furniture moved out and new furniture re-assembled and moved in....ta dah!!!!!!! 

Nanny surprised Hal by ordering the beautiful bedding I picked out. Woohoo!!!! That was something to get excited about! There are only so many days I can tolerate my old glow in the dark frog sleeping bag as her bed covering....... 

She's sure going to miss that old sleeping bag!

Riley opened up her window to air out the paint fumes since she would be sleeping in there the night her furniture was moved in. We played a rousing game of "lure the dog to the window and laugh hysterically."


The game went on for a good while and I enjoyed every minute of her crazy giggles and holding her hands over her mouth in excitement. She looked like a giddy teenage girl excited about a cute boy as she ran and jumped on her bed and covered her face with her little hands. Oh my heart. Oh my heart. My heart hasn't handled this big change very well. My brain is a jumbled up mess. She's been a rockstar though. No accidents in her pull-up three nights in a row! She wants to go to bed at night and marches right back to her room and attempts to hop up on the bed but in the end hollers "need help, momma!" It's nice to hear that and I'll keep making her think she needs me until she finally realizes that she's fully capable of getting onto the bed by herself. Getting off the bed is something she has mastered but that didn't come without some challenges. It took her a good two days to figure out that she wasn't trapped in a bed any longer. Crib Syndrome I suppose. She literally thought she couldn't get off the bed. I considered it a blessing as she couldn't get down and terrorize her room. She went right to sleep the first night (which was NYE) because her little self wasn't feeling well at all. She had spiked a sudden fever and went to bed right away as I held her hand to let her know I wasn't going anywhere. I knew I was playing with fire by starting things off in that manner but she was breaking my heart with how yucky she felt so I stayed. She managed to keep from rolling off in her sleep and didn't wake until after 9:00. Yippee! Naptime was a cinch the next day. I was still holding my breath to see what the evening had in store for us. Her second night went wonderfully to our surprise. She fell asleep with her babydoll in her arms after doing some playing and bossing of her stuffed animals that Riley had lined up along her bed. Since then we've only had one less than desirable experience. This just so happens to be the reason that I'm typing this post with droopy, tired eyes. Lil Miss decided to mess around in her room until 12:30 am until I finally decided it was time to force sleep to happen. How was I going to do this? I wasn't quite sure but I was going to try everything in my arsenal. "Do you want momma to rub your back?" "No", she replied. "Do you want momma to sing you a song?" "No", she replied. I didn't even know how to react when she rolled over to face me and with a very serious face said "I not a baby, momma." She sarcastic tone was unexpected and rather shocking considering she's only, oh I don't know, TWO YEARS OLD! I thought sarcasm waited until at least five to rear it's ugly head. I told her that big girls went to sleep a lot earlier than midnight. Somehow this simple statement seemed to do the trick. She rolled over, closed her eyes and gave me a boot from the bed by saying "night night, momma." I hobbled off the bed (I forgot to mention that I attained a slightly annoying injury to my heel as I was stepping off of a chair while painting her room....I stepped down onto the corner of a shelf instead of the carpet...ouch) in hopes that we could get a little extra shuteye come morning since she'd stayed up so late. Eh, not so much. I rolled over in disgust to see that the clock read 4:30. My darling dear was hollering for me in her room. I walked in to see a bright-eyed and smiley girl sitting in pee requesting yet another cheese stick. It turned out she wasn't bright-eyed but instead deliriously tired. It wasn't long before she drifted off into dreamland after I drowsily stripped her sheets and covered her bed with blankets I had on hand . I watched as she somehow took bites of her cheese stick in her sleep. I wasn't mad....just impressed. It even got me to thinking.....maybe that is the reason I can't fit into my jeans....I must somehow be eating in my sleep everynight. Yep, that must be it. ;)

Reading bedtime stories with all three of us curled up in bed is our new favorite thing. She gets to pick out three books and we take turns reading.....or whomever she assigns to each book. Bossy much?? Nah. ;) This picture just warms my heart and makes all the challenges of transition well worth it.....

Last night aside, I've never been more proud of my daughter. What a big girl she has been! She loves her new freedom. Instead of crying from her crib in the morning we instead are greeted with a happy girl who runs in to find where we are. A much better way to start our morning. 

I'm currently in my planning phase for completing her room. A trip to Hobby Lobby is a must before I can reveal her room. We are expecting the bedding to arrive this week and I still have to go pick out sheet sets and new pillows as well as a lamp. The girl's gotta have her lamp!!! For now I'll leave you with this sneak peek at her pink wall.......

I can't wait to show the finished product in a couple of weeks!!!

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