Friday, January 7, 2011

What's up Doc?

"Mom, you didn't warn me I was getting my feet amputated?!"

Remember when I told Hallie that the red dot on her nose gave her character? Well, it also earned her a trip to the dermatologist yesterday. At her 4 1/2 month checkup Dr. Stecklow told me to keep at eye on the growth of the hemangioma on her nose. He was concerned that it was growing over some very crucial structures in her nose that haven't formed bone yet and remain cartilage at this point. He told me to call Dr. Clements (the dermatologist) if it grew any. Well of course me being the paranoid freak of a mother that I am, it seems to double in size overnight. This wasn't really the case but a week later I called to make an appointment. The receptionist acted as if this was routine stuff and she mentioned that they may remove the dot in office....OR go to an outpatient surgery center and have it lasered off. EEEEEEK!!!!!!!!Surgery center? Anesthesia? No thank you. Not for my girl.

I gladly took the morning off work and Hallie and I had a great time sleeping in (which means 5:45, lol) and hanging around the house. I thought what better time to kick back on the couch and catch up on some tv. Except there was just one little problem. Hallie had gotten ahold of the remote the night before and used it as a chew toy. Poor remote paid the price...I think it's fried from all of the slobber. Everytime I want to change the channel I have to bang violently against the edge of the couch, which scares Hallie, so I was stuck with what was on Bravo (commercials and all, gasp!) We were in luck though....Real Housewives of NJ marathon!! After getting in plenty of time with her toys and books, we made our way to the clinic and found ourselves in the most friendly and inviting doctor's office I've ever been in. From the receptionist to the other patients waiting in the waiting room to Dr. Clements herself. What a wonderful lady she was! She immediately reached for Hallie and snatched her from my arms. Not to check out her red spots, but to play with her and sing to her. After the gooing and gahing she took a look at her thigh and nose. After taking some measurements she assured me that there was no need to worry at all. She wants us to keep an eye on them and see her back in 6 weeks to measure for growth. The hemangiomas will disappear at some point. After she was through with her assessment and letting me know where we would to go from here, she spent a few minutes squatting down at Hallie's level and giving her some good advice on life. I think it went something like this: "Don't ever let this world corrupt you sweet girl, stay innocent. And be nice to your parents because they love you so. That means when they say you are grounded, that means you are grounded. Surely you won't ever be grounded though, no, you are much too sweet." She left us by saying that Hallie had made her day! As sweet as the doc was, we really don't want to have a reason to see her ever again!

But if Hallie would like to have weekly checkups with the pediatrician just for the fun of it that would be fine by me....I thoroughly enjoyed relaxing all morning, picking up Chipotle for lunch and going in to work at 1 o'clock. Thank you silly red dots!

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