Wednesday, January 5, 2011

One-handed girl in a two-handed world

Normally I would say my parents are my heroes. If you asked me this week I would tell you that single parents are my heroes. My new mantra is "two more weeks alone, two more weeks alone, two more weeks alone..." I have always been one to multi-task and actually it might be one of my favorite things to do, BUT I have taken multi-tasking to a whole new level this week. Picture this: balancing in a squatting position with baby on left hip with bottle propped on my left shoulder with her half-holding it all the while talking on the phone and transferring clothes from the washer to the dryer one-handed. One task that is not possible to perform one-handed...bottle washing. Can't be done. I've tried and it wasn't pretty. Now one-handed tasks aren't always boring things like dishes and laundry. No, they can be fun such as eating out with a friend and balancing your baby on the table with your left hand while you eat with your right. This only works in the case that your baby is happily munching on chopsticks. But do beware of the danger...he or she may poke their eye out. 

Hallie has had a very poopy week at daycare. By that I mean she has pooped through seven outfits in three days time. I told Mindi that she saves all the good ones for her. On Tuesday I got a text from Miss Mindy saying, "Hallie has used both sets of clothes and I have improvised, BUT she will need a bath ASAP, lol!" This is how I found my girl...dressed in a toddler boys' sweatshirt...

"Do I stink or something? We never takes baths in the afternoon!?"

Hal and I have played like it was our job this week. Play, play, and play some more. We have given every toy in the house the attention it deserves. "No toy left behind" is my new motto! She is a pro at knocking down blocks that I stack up. She will take a whack at the tower and then look at me and smile when they tumble to the floor. Silly girl! She makes sitting up at 5 months look like a piece of cake....

"oooo, this looks like a great place to spit up in...don't mind if I do."

Not even mobile and already making messes


And don't forget Baby Einstein. Oh no, we can't forget that. Her serious obsession has slowed down this week but she still enjoys her learning time. Thanks to Grammy we have a new video. Baby's First Sounds. There are certain parts of these videos that just captivate her...and others that leave her uninterested. I can tell you that she probably won't enjoy taking a foreign language class in the future because everytime the video lady speaks in Spanish or French she turns away and starts to holler. I guess my baby has no interest in being multi-cultural at this point in life.

We were blessed with the company of some of our favorite people so far this week. Aunt B and Uncle Spency stopped in to visit on Sunday night after Riley headed to Woodward. Grammy popped in to visit on Tuesday and was hands-on with the babe while I got some chores done. Hal fell asleep in her arms and looked so peaceful that my mom didn't want to put her down. But alas, she had to get back to Enid before she fell asleep herself. Tonight we met up with our best pal Laura for dinner. Auntie Laura. She always cheers us up. Nanny will be here soon for her end of the week playdate with Hallie. Hallie told me to not even bother cleaning up her toys because her and Nanny were going to play all day tomorrow. ;) And Friday is approaching rapidly when DAD will arrive!!!!!!

Riley continues to protect his girls from afar. He goes through a checklist with me every night on the phone. "Did you lock the doors?" "Did you turn the light on outside?" I have to admit I am pretty creeped out at night when I hop in bed...and I literally mean hop. I take a leap once I get close to the bed so that the monsters won't grab my feet. Yep, there have been monsters under my bed since I was ten. I let them stay under my bed still so that Hallie won't have any under her bed or in her closet. Now that I have shared that very embarrassing piece of information with the blogging world I will move on. I am relieved to say that we now have a place to park our family in Woodward. At first I typed "happy and relieved" but erased the happy part because I'm still working on being happy about living in a rental duplex. Riley went and took a look inside the place tonight and he thinks it will work for the time being. We will be able to move in anytime after tomorrow. The great part about contract and a month to month basis, they allow pets, and it isn't a run-down dump according to Riley. OMG, I feel like I just described a college boy finding a place to live during the school year. This is the strangest feeling in the world. Picking up and moving everything. Life as we know it is no longer. Strange. New doctors, new vets, new babysitters, new church, new home, new job, new massage therapist. See how I snuck that one in there. Well I'm gonna need a good one after all of this moving business.  

Hallie's Corner

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