Friday, September 23, 2011

You Silly Goose

If you spent a day in our house you would probably hear the term "silly goose" at least ten times, if not more. Reason being that the girl never stops doing something incredibly silly. The silliness has been taken to a whole new level at this point. Now she knows that she's being silly. She knows that I'm going to laugh. And lastly, she knows that I'll call her a silly goose. Follow her goose prints through the week:

Monday was another beautiful day that was not made to be spent indoors. Hal donned her sequin orange and purple top to kick off the week with some style at Miss Paula's. She had to look cute for Mr. Dax, now didn't she?! And cute she was lookin'. But the little stinker may have let it go to her head. When I picked her up she was much too interested in her friend Lilly to even acknowledge that I had shown up. Now this is a far cry from the norm...usually she is in my arms in two seconds tops wrapping her arms around me trying to crawl up on my leg so I'll hold her. I have always wondered when the day would come that she would not run to me. Are we already there?!?! Oh my! So after I was rudely snubbed by Miss I.N.D.E.P.E.N.D.E.N.T I thought it was high time to remind her why she loves me so. Off to the park we went. Of course we took the long way to get there....strapped up in the jogger and strogged to the park. She should've known there would be a catch to my plan. It was 25% working out, 75% fun. She had every bit of fun she could climbing even more than she ever had before, worming her way in between bars and taking some more solo slides down the baby slide. Against my better judgment I watched (and filmed) as she turned a ladder rung into a musical instrument. She began blowing and making farting noises on the would have thought she'd discovered a land of binkies and milk. Coolest. Invention. Ever. She spent a good five minutes making her own music while I listened and laughed (and kept filming). ;) I snapped a photo with my phone and went to send it to Riley...I had to stop because I just couldn't believe my eyes. When did my little girl have such a grown up face???

"Sometime last week mom, duh"

Tuesday brought about even more silliness. This day is usually my highly anticipated day off work, but I did a swap this week to have Friday off. But it was a very short work day so it left me with plenty of Hallie Time that afternoon after she spent a fun morning with Nanny and having lunch with Papa and Aunt Katie. Our first order of business after work was this:

"It says it's rated R mom, does that stand for 'really funny?'"

Don't worry, she was not involved in the watching of this hilarious movie. And I don't reccommend her watching it for a very, very, very long time, if even then. But my goodness, it was a good movie. After our movie selection and some Hallie food shopping, we drove over to the park. And wouldn't you know it, our friends were there to greet us as we stepped out of the car. Hello friends.....

"We come in peace"

Sure they did. That was a lie. They wanted food, not friendship. But Hal didn't know the difference and I wasn't about to break her little duck-lovin' heart. So we did what any 14 month old and mother would do.....we got a container of Gerber puffs from the car and shared our snack.....

"Hey, who opened their loud mouth?! There's not enough to go around"

My mind was drifting back to a time when I was at the park in Enid with my mom. We were feeding bread to the cute little duckies when all of a sudden one evil creature came up to me and bit me with it's beak. OUCH!!!!! I cried all the way home. I began to think maybe we'd made the wrong decision feeding these creatures. Were they going to attack when we ran out of puffs? Hal needed puffs too, after all! We couldn't feed them all to the greedy ducks. I fooled them with my empty hands trick and off we went to put the container back in the car. They followed closely behind but never too close for comfort. Hallie was pleased with her generosity with her new friends and was ready to get her play on. I think she fit in quite well, being a silly goose herself. She rode on the car by herself for the first time....

"Do these keys go to this car?"

Well, kinda.....
"Call the mechanic mom, this car is broken"

Adding more to her list of "firsts", she crossed the bridge over the water all by herself and then kept walking and walking and walking until her face was beet red and I thought it was time for a break.

"Zippety do da..."

See what I mean....her face was starting to match her hair

Lots more playing at the playground across the bridge and then a trek back to the other side, me holding her that time, and we finished off our afternoon in the park with her favorite: swinging....

The park must've taken it's toll on her because when we got home she transformed into a very different baby. A baby that needed a nap....according to me. She had other plans. Plans to scream for 45 minutes straight while she chewed on her crib and banged on the wall while I attempted to get chores done. Finally I realized if she fell asleep at 5:30 then she probably would never go to bed. So up we got and headed back out to the park after a quick bite to eat. Daddy was reffing games again this week and needed our support again. What support do we provide? Kisses from Hal during every timout, of course. My kisses don't rate anymore, but I understand why. Hallie kisses are like gold. ;)

"Which one is dada?"

She spent most of her time at the football fields continuing her rehydration process...she downed two cups in thirty minutes.....

"Every. Last. Drop"

Wednesday. A pleasant surprise kinda day. Hallie had a very sleepy day at Miss Paula's. I was told that she literally passed out in the front of the playroom while everyone continued to play. There is a first time for everything.....I never pegged Hallie for the time to fall asleep willingly. ;) I had a lovely and long lunch date with Aunt Katie minus the boys. We have decided that boys only cause stress at lunchtime. Girl time was great and we continued it on into the evening when we got an invite to Wednesday night activities at church from our friend Lacy. Riley and had been thinking about getting involved in Wednesday night activities but didn't know what class we would join. Well, Katie and I have now joined a class alongside Lacy and some other women. Not sure what the class is called but I have a pretty good name for it: SELF-INFLICTED TORTURE. Ok, I kid. But seriously. The ladies do a 45 minute Insanity workout DVD followed by dinner and devotional. The devotional is perfect and goes right along with the workout's about food and cravings and finding other outlets for our bad cravings. Good stuff!!! I hope it can help me everyday when I somehow turn away from Braums and resist getting a juicy hamburger. It was so nice to have somewhere to take Carmen and Hallie while being able to have mommy time. Even better, Great Aunt Christy is the new nursery coordinator so Hal and Carmen are in great and familiar hands! Riley joined in on Wednesday night too! What did he do? He took the "make fun of the women exercising" class. Oh yeah, and the "play with Hallie" class. Looks like we will have to find him a better way to occupy his time next week. Calling all twenty-something males who want to start a Wednesday night class????

More beautiful weather continued to bless us on Thursday. Hallie had a great day with Nanny so I hear. But when do they not have fun together?! I pulled into the drive to meet my girl. We headed straight to the backyard for some fun. Binky cleaning fun to be more specific. She found a nice little puddle of rain water sitting in the chair and made use of it washing her binkies over and over. Oh, and splashing and getting soaking wet too, of course.

After a dinner of blacl-eyed-peas, bread and fruit, we took off on a walk with Katie and Carmen. Carmen was a perfect angle while I had to resort to pulling my child backwards to shield her sensitive eyes from the sun. I would say the singing to whining ratio was about 30:70. But the singing was music to our ears though. She's got a sweet little voice. Just a sidenote: the soreness after doing Insanity gets progressivley worse, even with walking. I felt more soreness by the time we got done than when we'd started. I expect to have to ask Riley to lift me out of bed and into the car tomorrow as I'm sure I won't be able to move. ;) Props to Aunt Katie though. For not having worked out since being pregnant and having a baby 6 weeks ago, she kicked some major behind! She's my new inspiration!

Hallie did her own version of the Insanity workout by going up and down the porch steps I don't know how many time while I sat with a very content Carmen on my lap. Riley got home shortly after and got to hold his sweet niecey.....

Nanny and Papa stopped by to pick up Bridesmaids to watch tonight and kept the little ones occupied and quiet while us moms ate as fast as we could. Pizza....that goes right along with the whole craving lesson, right? Probably not the best choice seeing as how my goal was to eat perfectly all week so that my level of guilt wouldn't be sky high after consuming mass amounts of fatty, fried foods at the fair tomorrow. More about that when the weekend draws to a close. That's our week.....and I love every bit of it. Come to think of it, it may have been the best week in a long time.You go week!!!

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