Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hallie's Video Diary

It's probably no surprise that I take short videos of Hallie on a daily basis. But I rarely post videos on here so I've been saving up a lot of them and these just happen to be my favorites......

Here you will see one very excited and intruiged cowgirl at the rodeo in July. We were so tickled by her nervous laugh...it was hard to tell if she was scared or just super excited. Definitely super excited it turned out!!

When Gman comes around there are always silly noises and goofy faces involved. This funny moment was on a Sunday that Gman came to visit. He was sharng some of his dessert with a hungry, hungry Hallie. She was lovin' every minute of it....

This is one of my favorite videos of my favorite baby and favorite canine. They do love eachother but haven't learned how to share well yet.....

This video gives a whole new meaning to the term "mobile phone".....

In this particular clip, it appears that my child has taken some sort of drug. That is not the case but I call this her "manic phase". Dad got this gem of a video one evening when they were having some daddy/daughter bonding time. It seems as though she wasn't ready to slow down enough to get to the bonding part. You can hear him trying to read to her but she had other plans....

I've mentioned several times before my absolute obsession with her love for books. Here is a short video of us parents being lazy on a Sunday requesting that she bring us a book to read.....

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