Friday, September 2, 2011

The Lap Effect

I've said it before and I'll say it again.....that little girl climbing in your lap triggers an immediate response. And if you are my sister or I then that response is to cry. ;)

Aunt B and Uncle S came for a quick visit this Thursday night to pick up Chigger and Lizzy from doggy daycare. I made sure to keep Hal awake long enough for her to spend some playtime with them (as Aunt B had adamantly requested). The girl was in super spirits all evening as she showed off her new space, her room, her toys and her books of course. Aunt B found a spot on Hal's puzzle play mat and Hal found her way right into her lap with a book....

Aunt B had the same reaction I have everytime she does this and we both looked at eachother, teared up and then laughed because we couldn't stop the tears from coming. It's just too stinkin' cute....

As bedtime approached, Hal settled in on the chair in Aunt B's lap with her milk and her nursery rhymes....

In case she wasn't already, it's safe to say that Hal has Aunt B wrapped a little tighter around her finger now. Look out! Hallie could be coming to a lap near you with her book and that "read to me" face. ;)

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