Saturday, September 10, 2011

Trash or Treasure?

Garage sale mode engaged.

They say one man's trash is another man's treasure. But I'm not so sure about most of the items I sifted through today. What better blogging material than showing you some of my trash?!

Napoleon Dynamite and his goofy bro Kip. Wait before you knock em....they talk to your when you press their bellies. "Napoleon, you're just jealous because I've been chatting online with hot babes all day".....

My reading glasses? They've never been worn. Sorry mom and dad. I don't even recall owning a pair of glasses. I guess these really can't be anyone's treasure unless by some miracle they had the same prescription.

10 dolla???

This gem of a magazine cover. How on earth could I have put this in the garage sale pile?!? Holy moly, we were in good shape back then....

Little Giants.The greatest movie of all time? Quite possibly. ;) Ok, I might be going overboard but this is one of our all-time favorites that was lurking in the VHS box. Hahahahaha....the VHS box. That cracks me up just saying it. Riley loves to look through my old collection and badger me. Hey mister, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is a classic!

This may appear to be a horrendous dress....but I'm keeping it. This dress doesn't belong to me....well, now it does. This was my momma's dress. I borrowed it from her closet one weekend for dress up purposes. Yes, adult dress up parties...that's how you stay sane in grad school I guess. So anyways...she was very aware of how we felt about her wardrobe and loved to joke around with us. This was the dress that my sister and I begged her to get rid of for years but she continued to rock it Sunday after Sunday. I've gone from hating this dress to loving it...and I'm keeping it. Along with an ever so stylish pair of her black pumps that was also meant to be part of my dress up ensemble. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was laughing at me today as I stumbled upon her dress....

1995. Regional twirling competition. It appears that at that particular point in time I believed what this shirt says......

"Twirling is life.....the rest is just details."

Name clipboard. Ok, please tell me you all remember these!? These clipboards had magical powers that made doing schoolwork a little less yucky. And if I remember correctly, they were supposed to make you cool. But in my case, I still wasn't cool even with one....

Last but not least, I found this filthy little nugget covered in peanut butter, bread crumbs and milk. Can you guess which pile I put her in????


"Where's the water?!"

I have less than a week to sort through and price over 300 items of clothing. I've contemplated just throwing them in boxes and writing a price on the outside....but thinking about the unorganization of that makes me cringe. So pricing separately it will be! Wish me luck on getting it done before Friday. I'm sure Hal will be a HUGE help....

"Why are we selling this thing? It's kinda comfy"

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