Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hal's First Date

What do we do on an 80 degree day?

Go to the park! Duh.

I'm sure every rational human being has been thinking the same thing I've been thinking for the past month...."wouldn't it be nice to go outside and do something fun?" This summer has been a total bummer as far as outdoor activities go. Except for the occasional early Saturday morning trip to the playground we haven't done much of anything outdoors. It even got too hot to swim! Is that even possible?! But alas, we have been blessed with beyond perfect weather today which is supposed to continue through the rest of the week. I've already got big plans conjured up for us. Get ready Hal, you are going to be worn out after I get done with you this week! Picnics, bike rides, hikes and lots of park fun are in our future.

I strapped in my partner and we jogged down to the playground at the school. The place was empty so I let Hallie have free reign and roam around. She sure fooled me before I unstrapped her...I thought she'd fallen asleep on me....

Pretending to be asleep?

"Nah, just kiddin' mom!"

Lots of smiles, giggles and kisses. My sweetie was FULL of glee today!!! She must be as happy as everyone else is about the beautiful weather. Smart girl! Oh, and did I mention goofy? And ornery????

That face means trouble

Little did she know that her very first date was about to come strolling around the corner any moment. Hal monkeyed around for quite awhile and surprised me by climbing up a rung on the ladder. Really girl?!?!?

Here's where things get exciting. Sssssh!! Don't tell her I told you BUT........

Hal got her first kiss tonight. EEEEEK! (hope he brushes!) Little miss must have a keen eye for cuties because she spotted the people approaching us before I did. She took off very quickly toward them and for good reason I guess. Well, I guess I should give Hal a little bit of credit for playing hard to get first. She bypassed the sweet boy and gave his grandmother a hug. Might I add that we did not know these people. Besides the obvious fact that they weren't kidnappers or axe murderers, it seemed that they were a nice couple taking their grandson to the park. The two munchkins gazed at eachother for quite some time before pointing to eachother and jabbering. Hal pointed to his nose and he to her leg. Guess he was diggin' those chubby thighs or something. They are eye catching I must say! He didn't waste any time and went right in for a big kiss on the lips. My immediate reaction was "woah!! I thought I didn't have to worry about this of 16 more years?!" I waited for her reaction to her first kiss (from an older man by the way) and wouldn't ya know it...that little toot started clapping. We couldn't help but get a big laugh out of the two tots. They were having the best time just jabbering away. I thought at that moment "man, if I'd have known she would be going on her first date I would have dressed her like a girl."

"That was ok, I just wish you'd have asked me first."

After the brazen kiss, Hal played coy while walking past him several times but not making eye contact. He, on the other hand, could not stop staring and pointing at her. Hal continued her monkey activities while he stared at her through the holes in the playgym. Don't let her act fool you though, she really seemed to like this fella.....

"I think he likes me, mom"

It was time for Hal to eat dinner and brush the boy germs off of her mouth before bedtime so we waved (numerous times) and said goodbye. As we walked away I hollered to the grandparents of this darling little boy..."he had the nerve to kiss her but he didn't even get her digits."

Next date I'll at least put a bow on her head...oh wait, there won't be a next until she is 25 (dad's rules) ;)

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