Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Laughter's the best medicine

After three days of fever and just plain feeling like crud, all it took was a comedy skit put on by none other than daddy to turn her frown upside down. I didn't get to witness the debut of Riley's show but I was able to catch the encore once I returned from picking up some medicine for Hal gal. I had left the house very worried and in a hurry to pick up a second medication in hopes that it would kick whatever is kicking Hal's booty. One hour and two pharmacies later, I had the magic potion in my hands. As I pulled into the driveway I spotted a scampering Hal with a huge grin from ear to ear when I waved at her. Excuse me??? Surely God hadn't answered by prayers that quickly? Woah, talk about a turn around. He must've sensed my desperation to end this never-ending fever. She was playing chase with Papa and laughing at Riley. Did we really need this medicine that was so hard to find?? Lol. Yes, yes we did. She seemed overjoyed that I had returned with it.....

See what I mean?

I picked up my babe and felt her forehead....NO FEVER! She had lots of kisses for mom and I heard all about the big dinner she'd just scarfed down. PTL!!! When I left all she wanted to do was close her eyes with her burning head lying on my shoulder....

And this is how I found her after I got off work today.....

This just goes to show that laughter really is the best medicine......
Jamaica mon!

Super Dad!

Wayne's World

Can we do this every night?!

She was eating it up...along with all of her dinner. The things they do while I’m gone never cease to make me pee my pants with laughter. She lit up like a thousand Christmas lights each time he came in as a new character. I might add that each of his alter egos were inspired by random junk he found sitting in the garage.(that was his staging area of course). Apparently it was some sort of dinner theatre…well whatever it took to get her to eat a good meal before taking her potent meds was fine by me. After all, we haven't had the best luck with food lately....

"You are kidding, right?"

He claims that she ate turkey, pineapple, strawberries, banana and cookie tonight while watching "the show". COOKIES?!?!?  “Comfort food” was his response when I gave him a puzzled look as to why he gave her cookies for dinner. Lol!!! Makes sense, I guess. Those two are amazing together! I'm glad Riley is the cool parent because I would look like a complete moron trying to do that.

In addition to laughter, we also had these things on our side....

A lil of this...

....and a lil of that.

Oh wait! That's mom's medicine.

And speaking of "the help".....

She was sweet and brought me my paperwork

The past three days have been lots of napping, no sleeping at night, fever off and on, runny nose and droopy eyes. Nanny says “the eyes say it all.” Those sad eyes. :( Lots and lots of cuddling has been going on and I've got to be honest and say that that part has been wonderful. I love nothing more in this world than when she falls asleep on my chest. Moms have healing kisses, right???

We took a trip to the doctor on Tuesday after a terrible night. I got up with her at 3:00 a.m. and tried just about everything I could think of to sooth her…she thought I was nuts when I tossed her in a cool bath in the middle of the night. Lots of screaming and no sleeping. The bath didn’t help at all and only made her more restless. We spent most of the night rocking in the chair while she tried to calm down and sleep. When we all got up and around that morning Hallie was still burning up and it was obvious we needed to get her some meds ASAP. So Riley used one of the many perks of his job and we got into see one of his providers immediately. Well, I guess I shouldn’t say immediately. We had a nice little hour long wait in the waiting room since they’d squeezed Hallie in for the morning. Despite her fever and overall yuckiness she was tolerating the wait pretty well I must say. After handful after handful of puffs I decided she was going to turn into a puff so we put those away and resorted to books and running around the chairs for entertainment…..
On the go

On a side note: there was one good thing about Tuesday. A very good thing in fact. Hal and I got to bust out some of our fall clothes. Hal donned a super cute gray striped number with leggings and these cute black flats I've been dying to put on her chubby lil feet. Adorb!! I was pretty stoked about putting on something with sleeves.....

Girls in gray :)

"Must I wear a bow to the doctor?!"

The nurse practitioner told us she had a red throat, red ears and probably a sinus infection. Triple ugh.

"Hey, at least no shots today"

We picked up some meds and got home for some lunch and a nap. The tiny tot awoke after a wimpy hour long nap and seemed to be doing a lot better. She was even up for some play time in the sink....

Still looking a lil rough

That afternoon we both laid down for a record breaking 3.5 hour nap. I didn't move a muscle until Riley walked through the door from work at 6:30. I'm not gonna lie, that was probably the best nap I've ever had and I didn't feel one bit guilty for sleeping the day away. After all, I'm not cut out for this up all night stuff anymore. Good thing we slept that long because Tuesday night brought the same kind of sleeping patterns. She is just so unbelievably restless and can't get comfortable. Her fever always spikes in the nightime and I find her sweating and burning hot. Poor sweet baby. Today she had plenty of "Nanny care" instead of daycare at Miss Paula's.

Well there's the story and I'm stickin' to it. This tired momma is headed to bed to save time for lots and lots of prayers for health for Hallie. She went to bed tonight with a slight fever after all of her laughing and running around, driving her car and pulling on dog tails. She just needs time to rest. I'm not sure she knows what that word means though.....

Sick? Nah.

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