Monday, September 19, 2011


We could be found marchin' for babies Saturday night. Riley had been asked by Stephanie, the director of March of Dimes and a long time friend of both Riley and I's families, to be a judge for the March for Babies event. Our friends Steven and Rachelle are parents of Hallie's studly boyfriend, Kyler, who had his very own team for the event. Ya see, before Hallie and "Tank" (as he is nicknamed) became friends we were visiting him in the NICU after he was born eight weeks early. The little guy put up a big fight and isn't such a little guy anymore....

The various teams participated in contests for t-shirt design, stroller and bike decorating and amount of money raised. TEAM TANK won best stroller and for good reason. Check out his tank!!

The event didn't start out so pretty as it was pouring down rain when it started. We all crowded in the gym at teh grade school to meet each of the team's representatives and warm up before our walk. Hallie warmed up by eating some puffs and stretching her stomach while others actually stretched their legs and arms. No pictures from before or during the walk because I went against my desire to bring my camera along and instead left it in the car just in case another downpour came along. It was fun walking the trails with so many people...I wish I couldn't snapped a pic of the line of people snaking around the trails all walking for such a great cause. There were plenty of kiddos dressed in team shirts which left me wondering why I hadn't ordered one for Hal. But it wasn't for lack of trying....about an hour before the walk I had attempted to make her her very own TEAM TANK shirt....epic fail. I made a last minute Walmart run and found the craft aisle full of boxes which made for a difficult supply gathering process. I grabbed what I could reach and thought it would suffice. One camoflauge onesie (with an ugly helicopter on the front) and one bottle of yellow t-shirt paint later, I was on the living room floor attempting to design a shirt. Oh my, it looked so horrible that I didn't even take a picture of my failure. And to top it off Riley reminded me that I had about fifteen minutes for the paint to dry which was next to impossible. I have no idea what I was thinking. The brown dress sufficed as I tossed my "project" in the trashcan as we walked out the door. The walk itself was proved to be a good workout as Riley carried Lilly on his shoulders while I toted Hal on my hip. But well worth it and lots of fun. Plus I got to meet some new people which is always nice, especially when you're the new person in town. ;)

I grabbed my camera and was able to get a few pics after we were finished walking......

"Dad, I think I heard someone say 'free hotdogs'"

Look out Tank, I think Hal may have found a new man....
I am not sure if she was going in for a kiss or wanting a drink of water...probably the former ;)
Karen and Megan kept the three little ones occupied with snacks and drinks....

Pretty Miss L

I think I figured out why Hallie was so uninterested in the stroller ride. She wants something on two wheels....
"This thing has pegs mom, I can give you a ride along with me"

Or maybe something with a better view....

A great cause, great freinds and a great time. If you ever have the opportunity to participate or donate to the MOD, please do!!! The money raised in March for Babies funds important research and programs that help babies begin healthy lives!

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