Friday, September 2, 2011

For the Love of the Game

I've been polling my patients lately about which team they root for and whether or not they are a fan of the sport at all. General consensus has been this.....NOT fans of the sport at all. "Huh?", I ask. I get excited just saying the word football. It's makes my heart skip a beat sometimes when I stop and think about all of the things that football season means. I'll go into that later but back to the obvious......"HUH? You don't like football?" I almost feel defeated after getting a very simple "I don't watch football" if there is nothing left for us to talk about. Ok, I'm completely exaggerating...but seriously. It has left me wondering one thing all week long: do I take football too seriously?

I've had four days to ponder this and the answer is a resounding "NO" in my head. Football is woven into my DNA. There is a specific part of my brain that is set aside for remembering football related things. There is an entire section of my closet devoted to college football attire. I'm writing this blog while wearing my gameday pajamas. I have a lucky pair of gameday underwear that has served me well for over ten years (was that tmi? sorry....but NY&Co apparently makes long-lasting under garments).

The thought of a season full of possibilities, a clean slate, new shiny helmets, fresh uniforms, preseason polls, Corso & Herbstreet, SoonerVision, Campus Corner, Louie’s, crimson and cream, the visor, high fives and yelling at the top of your lungs, gameday traditions, good friends and memories to be made. Football gets the blood pumping and the heart racing. The word football usually makes me think of cooler weather...however, that is so not the case this year. We may be watching the Big 12 Championship wearing flip-flops and tank tops instead of Uggs and a winter coat. Either way...because it doesn't matter the weather...drizzly freezing rain, downpours, well below freezing temperatures and of course 100+ degree weather is all for the game.

100+ temps




And then every now and again, you get that perfect weather kinda day.....

Why do I love college football so much? I can't do this question justice with words. So I'll leave you with a picture.....

Are there more important things in life? Yeah. But just not on Saturdays.;)

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