Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day 2011: All in a Day's Work

The first half of Labor Day 2011 could go take a flying leap into a pit of manure as far as I was concerned. But you will see it eventually came back around and totally redeemed itself. It began a lil' somethin' like this......

5:00 a.m.: Screaming child.
5:05 a.m.: I finally drag my tired bones out of bed to see what was the matter.
5:06 a.m.: Discover that my angel is sick. Dispense medicine, give hugs, pour milk and return to bed.
5:30 a.m./6:00 a.m./6:30a.m./7:05a.m.: Screaming child with fever. Not good.
8:00 a.m.: Bitterly leave for work on a holiday. Worried about baby and daddy.
8:00 a.m.: 2:00 p.m.: Smile my way through the day wondering why I had agreed to work.
2:10 p.m.: Came home to a very tired and cranky baby. Sure enough: fever of 101. NAPTIME.
2:10 -2:30 p.m.: Riley tries to convince me to take a nap instead of unloading the trailer.
2:31 p.m.: He lost. I won. We unloaded trailer.
2:32 p.m.: Somewhere amidst the work, the day took a turn for the better.

We had a surprisingly good time unloading all of our crap, er, I mean belongings out of the trailer. We had no idea where we were going to store everything so I made an executive decision to park my car in the driveway to free up one side of the garage. Of course I couldn't go without giving him a hard time about keeping the ol' Mustang safe in the garage while Black Betty has to be exposed to the elements. ;) We worked fast and efficiently besides stopping occasionally to put on a ridiculous hat or shirt that we found in a box. Our discovery of the day: my old twirling baton. Riley performed the most grand twirling performance I've ever witnessed. He's a natural...unlike me apparently. I tried to dust off my old skills but they must be hidden deep deep down because all I got were laughs instead of cheers from the hubs. It's gonna take some practice to get back to spinning. One spin made me feel like I was going to fall down. After our twirling exhibition was over we got back to work making piles. A garage sale pile and a keep pile. Our garage sale pile now takes up half of the large garage. Now to just muster up the energy and motivation to get things ready for a sale. Two weeks! I've got two weeks! That was supposed to help get me motivated right there but it didn't work. Oh well, maybe the magic pricing fairy will come and save me from hours in the garage.


Hal slept soundly for a record three and a half hours while we sorted junk. When she finally woke up from her slumber I went it to find a not so happy little person. She was rubbing her nose and her eyes with the back of her hand and sticking out that sad pouty lip.

Loving life, can't ya tell

While I smothered her with some love and hugs, Riley went to the gym and returned to find a very different Hallie. Her fever had broken and she was back to her old shenanigans…dumping out dog water bowls and emptying drawers. We had taken a trip to the grocery store to get some things to make dinner later that night. Of course we had to pick up some Goldfish which she later decided to share with her BFF while snuggling on the couch....
"Why does she only want to be around me when I have food?"

We decided that the best way to start the evening was a jog together. Riley got his turn pushing the jogging stroller and mentioned numerous times how difficult it was to run without being able to swing your arms….so I’m not just crazy for thinking it’s insanely hard to push while running. The weather was to die for and made the jog seem like a breeze compared to recent running attempts. Riley made sure to take us through his “routine” and convinced us to participate along with him. Hal added a new element to her daddy’s workout….

Meet the world's tiniest personal trainer....

"You can tell by looking at me that I do my fair share of sit-ups"

Oh what motivation she provided....

"Let's go mom!!!! Give me 20 more!!"

A mere 300 sit-ups later we were ready to hit the playground. Hallie was still going strong and showed no signs of her sickness. We thought it had all but left her little body. She made her way around the playground, made several solo trips down the little slide and climbed an extra rung on the ladder….go girl, go! Not sure if Riley is cut out for playground time as he is super duper protective of her….ladder time had him extremely nervous. If she were a boy I think he’d be singing a different tune. ;)
The rest of the evening was just perfect.  After eating dinner and getting a quick wash down in the sink.....

......Hal went to bed without a peep with no fever and happy as a lark. She had worn herself out helping me prepare this….
My form of a cookbook

Baked mac & cheese!

While us ladies worked inside, Riley grilled some steaks outside. Baby to bed. Steaks in our bellies. Peace in our minds. The day seemed like it had lasted forever which was fine by me because it gave the day some extra time get me on its good side. We labored on Labor Day but also found plenty of the fun family time I was hoping for. I figured we ought to reward ourselves so dessert was the treat I had in mind...

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