Tuesday, September 13, 2011

How to Occupy a Grumpy Baby

This is simply a guide at attempting to occupy a child who is beyond cranky and on the mend. I am not saying that my attempts actually worked....but maybe someone else will have better luck. This was Sunday. A very long day. Poor baby, you could tell that her ears were making her miserable. And being cooped up inside was not helping the situation. I was desperate to find something....anything....to stop the sadness.

Attempt #1: The Park Playdate....

Not sure what to think yet

I think I captured her true feelings about being at the park in the next couple pictures....

The end of the world

"This was a stupid idea"

How dare I take her to the park!! She was cracking me up acting like it was the last place she wanted to be. This couldn't be further from the norm. We got off to a very slow start....a throw yourself on the hot rubber and scream, kinda start. But my playful pal eventually came around and chased me up the stairs to the slide.....

"This was a great idea mom!"

The sun was bearing down on us and bringing the crankiness back out of Hallie so we loaded up after a blah kinda park trip and headed for home. It was time to brainstorm. What was something else I can do to occupy her and keep her distracted from the pain in her ears? My mind wandered thinking of what Hallie loves most in this world......bingo, I've got it!! BINKIES!!!

Attempt #2: The Binky Bus

This was the most successful idea of the day. We loaded up all of her beloved pacifiers in her toy bus, shut the door and drove her around. Who would have thought that a bus full of binkies would be so funny...well, Hallie thought it was and was cracking up as she pushed it around and then opened up the top to peek in and check to make sure none had gone missing. ;)

"All accounted for"

"Every baby needs a couple backups"

After the binky bus had a rollover accident we parked it in the lot and just got plain silly....

Our fun in her room came to a screeching halt as she went searching for more binkies in her bin and it was empty. Cue dramatic meltdown. On to the next plan.....

Attempt #3: Wet and Not as Wild

We both jumped into our bathing suits, filled up three big bowls of water and set up on the back porch in the shade. Meet my friend Mr. Water, the immediate baby silencer. Instead of tears and frustration, we now had smiles and giggles. She plopped one foot in with one foot out and looked at me like she was pretty awesome...

"You sure are trying hard mom...I'll try to make this easier."

She kept her word and had an absolute blast and entertained herself by pushing the bowls across the patio...

We had a small hiccup when bowl #1 turned over and the water was "gone gone"....

Two seconds away from an ear-piercing scream

I reminded her that there were two more bowls to push and pour out....

Bowl #2 was empty within seconds and she moved straight on to our final bowl. Or into is more like it...

All of this work made a girl thirsty...

Although I captured some smiles on Sunday, it was anything but a smiley day. Thank goodness that happened to be her last and final day of the grumps. Life seems like a breeze since she has been back to her normal self. Hooray for happy Hallie!!!!

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