Monday, September 26, 2011

Home Sweet Home

There's no place like home, there's no place like home. Maybe if I click my red heels together long enough I'll be teleported to Enid next time instead of having to drive the 90 minutes. It's not a long drive but sheesh it's boring. We made the trip to Enid on Friday to pick up Aunt B for our day at the fair. Despite eating all day long we were still up for some hamburgers at David and Lisa's house that night when we got back to Enid. We pulled up at their house around 7:00 and Hal got straight to doing what she does best. Searching for food.....

"Hey, where can I find the Teddy Grahams?"

Dara, David and Lisa were thrilled as usual to get their hands on Hal and brought about a million smiles out of her. Of course they had plenty of "nanas" on hand ready for the monkey. After dinner we plopped a sticky and tired baby into the bathtub for some playtime.....

"Do you think you can come live with us, Dara?"

She was pajama'd up and stayed awake long enough to go with the crew to Aunt B's house for another tour.

"Hey, y'all! I'm here!"

She had to check out all of the surfaces. Especially the guest bed since that's where she will be staying someday......

"I approve!"

Hunger struck again after checking out the house. Are you surprised?? Problem is that the new fridge was lacking the selection of food that she expected......

"Who can live like this!?!?"

After our main form of entertainment finally hit the hay around 9:00, we watched Bridesmaids and laughed til it hurt. That movie is too funny! Gman decided to join us around 10:00 and caught the last part of the movie. I decided to stay put Friday night as to avoid moving Hallie from her bed over to Gman's house. She slept perfectly and didn't ring the alarm until 8:00! What a nice treat!! The best part was listening to her rolling and squirming, chatting and gurgling for about thirty minutes before she stood up in her pack'n'play. Funny girl. Oh and the funniest part....when she tooted and started giggling afterward. Oh my, she is her dad's daughter. We walked into the living room to find Dara wide awake on the couch. Hallie was excited all over again to see her Auntie Doodoo. We dressed her in the onesie that Dara picked out for Hallie from her trip to the New Jersey boardwalk at the famous t-shirt store.

Future Guidette

Lisa cooked a yummy breakfast of sausage and eggs while Dara and I went for a run. We tried to take a quick walking break but we got caught by Uncle Dave looking out the door. He hollered "you better pick up the pace" we did. Kind of. Breakfast in our bellies, showered and dressed for gameday....we were ready to start crossing things off our list for the day. First on our list, visiting Auntie Heather at the store to pick up some shoes she set aside for me. As usual, she acted like she owned the place....

Heather had a full store to tend to so we left for the mall where we got plenty of "what a cute boy you have" comments. Hello people!! That's why I paired her jersey with a SKIRT!

My little "boy" wanted no part of shopping but instead tried to escape from each store like she was running for her life. She knows what she's doing too....she ran straight for this.....

"Ah man, I almost had it!"

Gman was awake and ready for some Hallie time after we were done shopping. She made her mark on his house very quickly. Magazines strewn about, Wii remotes spread throughout the room and dog food dumped out. About the time we had cleaned up her trail of mess it was time for a nap. Lisa, Dara and I left on our shopping mission after Hallie went down for a snooze. Hobby Lobby here we come!!! Our mission: to decorate Gman's living room. He is in need of decor to match his new wood floors and furniture. And he needed a woman's opinion of course. Dara texted and wandered around while Lisa and I chose piece after piece and ended up in the check out lane with two carts. After all, we were three chicks with a man's credit card who gave us a very generous budget to work with. I, for one, was in HEAVEN!! I just hope mom was looking down and approving of our choices for her living room. Gman was back at home spending some playtime with his favorite little girl. He proudly proclaimed that he changed his first Hallie diaper. Go Gman go!!! She learned a lot while hanging with Gman. For instance....

How to climb up the slide

Still learning how to turn around once at the top

Aunt B stopped by during a break from cleaning and unpacking her house. Happy baby was loving all of the attention....

Gman went and came up with the best idea of the day. Swimming in a bucket. What's more fun than that?!?!


She thought she was hot stuff in that bucket splashin' around and trying to eat the water....

The irony of it all was the giant warning sign and picture of a baby swimming in a bucket on the side of the container.

"Warning, Schmorning! This is fun!!"

I had to skip out on the bucket o' fun and get ready with BFF Heather for a night of wedding fun. I was Heather's "plus one" for her friend Tyree's wedding. I must say that my wedding date was looking smokin'....

The wedding was beautiful and elegant. Tasteful and perfect. We spent the reception in front of the tv so I could keep my eyes on the OU game. Not a good start to the game. If there was one plus to the Sooners less than mediocre start was that it kept me from eating the huge pile of yummy food in front of me. I saw a lot of familiar faces and one very beautiful face in particular made my night. We got to visit with Sara who I hadn't seen since a friend's wedding three years ago. I wonder what wedding I'll get to see her at next? On our way home I got this text from Aunt B. Melted my heart......

The angry face tells me he's watching the game

Gman gave his babysitting report and I listened with a huge smile on my face. He bragged about his diaper change count and how much fun they'd had swinging, splashing and reading. He had to give me an account of all the cute things she did. What a good Gman! He survived his first solo babysitting experience. I know that Grammy was keeping a close eye on them. ;) Heather, Dad and I hung out for awhile before she left for home. Aunt B and Spencer showed up shortly after to hang out. It was nice to kick back on the couch and just laugh with some of my favorite people. I love being home!!!!!!!!!!

I crashed in Aunt B's room with Hallie Saturday night and woke up bright and early with my rooster raring to go. She was in need of milk....and stupid mommy had forgotten to grab more milk the night before. Oops!! I tried to tide her over with water but she is no dummy. Gman was out the door in no time to pick up milk for his little girl. He was a hero in her books as he came through the door with jug of milk! We said adios to a very sad Gman about 9:00 Sunday morning. We didn't make it back in time for church but Riley was a good boy and got up for early service and was home when we pulled up. We spent another Sunday doing what else but WORKING in the garage and hauling and unloading boxes from our storage shed. I could be heard several times asking when we will get to spend a Sunday doing what it was meant for: resting. I won't hold my breath. :)

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