Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pool Side Is Where We Be

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THE POOL IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh geez. We are excited.

Like really, really, really excited.

Last year we spent quite a few afternoons at the aquatic center here in town. Being the tiny tot she was last summer left us limited as far as activity in the pool. She was able to waddle around with my help through the water and slide down the slides on my lap. She was pretty timid when it came to the big pool and spent most of her time eating puffs on the lounge chair. Imagine that. ;)

BUT THIS YEAR IS DIFFERENT. When I asked her if she wanted to go to the pool on Thursday she held her arm up high shouting her standard "me! me! me! me!" Ok baby girl, I'm catching your drift! She was bouncing up and down in her carseat with excitement as we pulled into the park and she spotted the waterpark. I heard shouting from the backseat..."Mama! Mama!" and looked back to see her pointing out the fun to make sure I'd seen it as well. She was so distracted that she actually kept her shades on for a whole minute as we walked up to the entrance....
"These have gotta go mom. They will just be in the way"

I wasn't sure how she would react to all of the kids and water this year. Well, here's a preview of her reaction....

"Well duh mom. I LOVE WATER!"

We had to go through the whole "you are an Irish baby with your daddy's skin and we must apply an enormous amount of sunscreen and yes I'm sorry that I just got that in your eyes" ordeal. Once she was lathered up we had to address another issue. She is quite used to swimming in the nude at home. This is something we may need to put an end to unless we want to be known as the parents with the streaking baby....

"I've got nothin' to hide"

Her sweet little face in this next picture says it all. Hallie Grace is the queen of facial expressions and this one might top the list for me.....

"Whoo! Chilly!"

She let out a giant squeal/giggle as I splashed her legs with water. She did her silly running in place move and flashed me her "excited" face. One moment later she took off in a run toward the middle of the baby pool.....

"This is SO COOL!"

It took her a couple minutes to figure out what she wanted to do in the pool so she just stood and watched the other bigger kids get their swim on......
"So that's how it's done...."

Trust me when I tell you that she's contemplating her escape to the big kid pool

Oh but wait......

She has spotted the SLIDE!

She took off running as fast as her stubby legs could carry her.....

What you can't hear by looking at this photo is her excited babbling as she hurried toward the slide

She climbed up the steps with lightening speed and gave me a big excited wave!

"I'm gonna own this slide this year!"

"Ok mom, you got the camera ready?"

Her excitement soon turned to concern....

"Ok, so let's talk about this for a second."

"What are my options here?"

"Mom, I appreciate your support and encouragement.....but I'm not going down."

"Don't mind me, just chickening out."

"Maybe next time we come...."

"Ah, back on dry ground."

About two minutes after the first slide saga she could be found atop the big purple slide with the exact same look of question on her face......

"I think I can, I think I can. Ok Hallie, you can do this..."

"I thought it might be different this time"

"AHHHHHHHHH! You're gonna pay for this!!"

Despite her fear of the slide she ended up going down it several times with dear ol' momma's "help". We also went down the even bigger big girl slide a couple of times. She ditched the baby pool and stuck around in the big kid area watching everyone run by and splash. She's a little fish who isn't afraid of much. She's content just wandering around in the knee-high water splashing her face and stomping to make waves. And I'm content just watching her have fun. When I say that I love the waterpark...I really do mean that I LOVE THE WATERPARK!!! We are kinda bummed though that they don't offer a season pass. Looks like I'm going to have to set aside a waterpark fund because I think this will be our second home all summer long.

"I wouldn't mind that a bit!"

We've been three times in the past four days. I think she might shrivel up if we keep our fish out of the water for too long.

She's lovin' summer.

I'm lovin' summer.

We're lovin' summer.

The end.

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