Monday, June 25, 2012

Boiling at the Springs

In case you didn't get the memo: IT WAS HOT THIS WEEKEND.

That meant there was only one place to be: THE WATER.

Riley had business out of town again this Thursday and Friday so Hallie and I stuck around the house most of that time. Friday was an amazing day. Us girls slept in and lounged around that morning. Dora was on repeat, the juice was a'flowin' and the toys were flyin'! Baby heaven, I'm almost sure of it. It appeared that she was content in her little playworld when all of a sudden she hollered "mama! GO!!" Naturally I thought she was trying to tell me she wanted to play outside. So outside we went. But no. She wanted to GO go. As in get in the car and go somewhere. Where? I don't know. But we went. To Walmart that is.

After our quick but painstakingly tough decision on bubble bath we rushed over to pick up Cass, our babysitter, and swung by Heather's house and headed toward home to drop off Cass and Hal while Heather and I had some fun lunch plans with a group of new friends. Hal gave me a slight wave over the shoulder with little concern for me leaving so I headed out the door with a skip in my step feeling thankful that she was in good hands and didn't miss me. We met friends Lauren, Sarah V, and Sarah M at my favorite place, Cafe Eden for lunch. I have a feeling that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship with these ladies and I can tell you for sure that it won't be our last Friday get together! I dropped Heather off, took Cass home and Hallie Grace was more than ready for a nap. A very long nap as it turned out. What a coincidence because I was in the mood for a long session of doing nothing on the couch. Thanks baby girl. ;) After she woke up happily jumping up and down in her crib we suited up and headed for the waterpark. As I pulled out of the neighborhood we passed our favorite guy pulling in. He surprised us by saying he'd change clothes and meet us at the pool. SCORE! When we arrived it was right around her usual dinnertime so snacks were a must before hopping in the water.....

You could tell she was more worried about when her dad was going to show up than playing in the water. Although she did make friends with two cute little girls on the slide. They were trying their darndest to get her to slide with them but my darling prefers to sit atop the slide...and just sit. I actually get a kick out of the other kids looking at her with concern while she happily splashes and just sits...and sits....and sits some more.
"Yo mom! Where's pops? He said he'd be here!"

In came walking my handsome hubby wearing his Father's Day gift from Hal. I love that guy for being a good sport and wearing this ridiculous shirt out in public....

Now that's love. ;)

I took this time as an opportunity to get some sun and kick back while they did most of the playing. I watched as they swam in the deep end and took piggy back swim rides. They waited by the end of the big swirly slides and Hal clapped as the kids flew off the end of them into the water. By 7:00 she was pooped. 

And delirious. She spent a good ten minutes jumping in and out of twenty or so chairs. We continually asked her "are you ready to go eat dinner?" "are you ready to go home?" "Do you wanna swim some more?" The answer was always no as she continued to make her way to ALL of the chairs. I'd like to see inside the mind a two-year-old....

Miss Delirious wandered to bed that night and didn't wake until 9:45 on Saturday. I'm still not used to this whole sleeping in thing. I feel like an absolute sloth everytime we roll out of bed after 8:00. A well-rested sloth though. ;) Riley spent the morning at this second home while we met family out at Boiling Springs. It was still comfortable outdoors once we showed up but the temps they were a climbin' fast. Katie and Luke had rented a cabin while Nanny and Papa had slept in their camper the night before. Papa and Luke were playing horseshoes with some of Luke's friends while Katie and Carmen were getting ready inside. The four of us took a little hike down by the water. The weather was great in the shade and it was a beautiful morning by the water. Katie gave Hal the task of walking Betty the pug and she took her responsibilities very seriously at first....

"I'm the boss, okay?"

It didn't take long for her to lose her train of thought and let the leash fall from her hand.Betty would run off and Hal would have to holler for her to return. It took a lot of cuing but she and Betty did pretty darn good...

Carmen and I were pals as Hal did her dog walking duties. She was very interested in her cousin's hat all morning....

It was great just being outdoors watching the girls crawl, run and play. As always, here is my long reel of film from our morning in the woods....

Taking in the scenery

We looked over and she had taken it upon her self to undress

Outdoorsy on occasion

Beep beep! Happy gal coming through!

Slow and steady wins the race

Growing up too fast!

Can't believe she's almost ONE!

.....and I can't believe this lady's almost TWO!!!

I take that back. The fits help remind me. ;) 

She's so close to walking 

We walked back up to the cabin to cool off and in walked this man....

"Glad you made it dad"

Going in for a kiss....Betty never saw her comin'

Luke filled the kiddy pool up for Hal while Carmen and Katie laid down for a nap. The rest of us sat outside and tried to stay cool in the shade while watching Hal hop from the swimming pool to the ice chest to grab ice to put in the pool. She's got it figured out. But I think Papa got the bad end of the deal because he had to get up everytime she ran over to grab some ice out of the ice chest.....

"Papa, how bout you just leave the chest open so I don't have to ask you to get up?"

Her cute little suit was a bit on the tight side and I'm sad to say it's probably the only time she will be able to wear it....

We had plans to stay for lunch but it was getting late and Hal was hungry and tired so we made it back to the house where Hal enjoyed a nice little snack.....

By popular request....animal cereal!

Riley napped. I went on the world's dumbest run. I paid no attention to the fact that it was 99 degrees outside and too hot to take a deep breath. By the time I returned I was a shaky-legged sweaty mess with a headache. One long nap later she was wound for sound. I don't know what Riley put in her juice cup but it must have contained pure sugar mixed with water.....


I watched with pleasure as Hal ran around the house like a mad woman pulling her dad on a "leash" (my robe belt).....

Next it was Riley's turn to walk his "puppy"....

When asked to crawl she would slither on the ground ;)

All good and crazy times must come to an end though. Riley had tall grass that was calling his name so he hydrated up and head outside to mow while Hal and I drove back out to Boiling Springs for some swimming with the girls. The girls played/relaxed while waiting for Nanny to arrive....

This cracks me up!

The little swimmer just couldn't wait so she undressed and kicked back in the baby pool to cool off a bit....

"...much better...."

We went inside to suit up to go to the big girl pool and Hal continued her relaxation mode in the rocking chair where she looked mighty comfy if you ask me....

"It's nice to get away from life's everyday stresses, dontcha think momma?"

The girls heard that Nanny had pulled up and they waiting patiently anxiously at the door with Carmen clapping and Hallie banging on the window....

One minor peeing accident later Hal was back in her diaper and relaxing yet again outdoors in the lounge chair with Nanny....

They were pretending to be

Bathing suits went back on one more time and they girls were looking oh so cute in their polka dots....

Some more not so patiently waiting went on....

"COME ON!!!"

And finally we made our way over to the pool where we were bummed to find out that the pool would soon close in ten short minutes. What the heck kinda pool closes at 7:00 in the summer?? Come on people! But they did throw us a bone and told us we could get in for free and hop in for the last few minutes of swimtime. We gladly took them up on the offer!

Katie was awesome and had picked out blow up floaties for each of the girls. Hal was ready to get her boat revved up and tooting along....

"Let's get this show on the road! I've got some swimming to do"

Nanny pushed Hal around in her cruiser while she grinned from ear to ear....

"Faster! Faster! Faster!"

We were going to head down by the pond after the pool closed but there was a wedding going on down there. We figured it'd be best to stay out of the background of their pictures. ;)- So the girls just took the party back to the cabin where Carmen splished and splashed some more.....

.....and Hal went down with Nanny to find out how much luck Papa was having with the fishies.....

Checking out the minnows

Papa handed Hal a handful of minnows and to our surprise she grabbed a couple of them. It kinda threw me for a loop. But it wasn't long before one of the slippery suckers fell on the ground and it scared the snot out of her....

"Just this once...."

The fish was frying back up at the cabin thanks to Luke so Hal dug in for a few pieces before dinner....

It was delicious bass and some yummy fries. Not to mention Nanny's homemade vanilla ice cream that was to die for. I delivered these fishermen some big bowls of goodness.....

Hal gave fishing a go with a pole with no reel on it. Ok, more like she used it as a weapon on Uncle Luke and I.....

Armed and dangerous

They started a fire, Carmen got bathed and went to bed, everyone got comfortable outside and we decided it was time to head home to get Hal to bed. My sweet baby girl took a nice long bath, played with her new bath toys and washed the day off of her. I could almost see a faint halo floating above her head as she looked up at me....

"I'm always an angel, right?"

Hands down best mommy moment EVER happened last night. It was such a simple moment and I think that's what made it so sweet. She has told me "night night" before when going to bed but never voluntarily. Last night we said our prayers, gave her smooches, placed her in bed and walked toward the door. As I grabbed the door to close it I think my heart jumped out of my chest as I heard her sweet little voice sleepily say "night night momma." Instant tears. Almost alligator-sized. How did I get this girl?

Sunday: slept in again. A bit too late this time. We missed Sunday school and shamelessly blamed it on Hallie. ;) But we got our lazy rears in gear and made it to late service. Hal was wearing her little mini heels and having a tough time walking in them with her pinky toe poking out. But she was a trooper and tromped in carrying her babydoll....

Instead of taking her to the nursery we decided to try out something new. Her last and only children's church experience ended in supreme embarrassment so I was a little leary of testing it out again while Riley was all for it. Of course this is because he had appointed me as the "chaser" in case she decided to run laps around the church again. Grrrrrreeeeeaaaat! We were pretty early so she had a bit of time to warmup, if you will. She colored her dad a pretty picture and tended to her hungry baby. She organized the pens and paper in the pew and said "hi" to the ladies in front of us. Service started and things were going pretty good until Hal spotted my friend Jai two rows behind us and wanted me to know about it. Super duper cute when I think about she's saying "mommy, mommy, there's your friend!" So once she found her voice I decided to go ahead and take her to play in the nursery. We were so close to making it to children's church....maybe next week. ;)

Riley and I took our turns leaving the house to workout/do chores while she napped. He obviously didn't learn enough from my run in the heat the previous day so he went out in 100 degrees to run the trails. Ridic! The temps weren't budging so there was really only one solution: the pool. Duh. We packed up some afternoon snacks and drink, rubbed up with sunscreen and plopped our lazy bums on our towels by the kiddie pool. We had a blast just the two of us swimming in the deep end, practicing her leg kicks, sliding and testing out all of the lounge chairs.....ALL of the chairs. Again. Apparently this is a new trend. When we weren't splashing around in the water or testing out chairs we were in the shade eating some cantaloupe.....

Or in the sun munching on some grapes and enjoying some lemonade....

Or just looking cool in our shades while downing some juice she scored from the snack stand....

I've said it before and I'll say it again....she's a diva if I've ever seen one. Put a swimsuit and some sunglasses on her and she's out of control. I love watching her waddle all around the park dripping water along her path....she sits atop the slide innocently blocking the other kids from sliding down....pulls my beach towel into the water to swim with....sails her boat in the pool...insists on taking handfuls of food with her to climb up the slide....pulls her sunscreen out to reapply (it must be that Irish blood in her).

The three day weekend flew right on by. These summers days just don't seem long enough. I find myself trying to milk it for all it's worth before this season vanishes. We've got some fun family plans next weekend and will have TONS of pictures to share I'm sure! Here's hoping this week is a great one and the weekend even GREATER!!!

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