Thursday, June 28, 2012

23 Months Old

Dear Tomboy deluxe,

I've been writing monthly updates on you now for the entirety of your little life. I've shed a few (ok, more like a boatload) tears while writing a few of those love letters. But this one is on a whole 'nother level. The tears they are a flowin' as I sit down to rewind this past month. I won't say "it can't be!" because it obviously IS. And I can't stop it. I've tried. You are my big girl now. No longer my baby. I'll save my alligator tears for your birthday next month but for now just know that I am in disbelief that it is only one short month away.

If I recall correctly, last month's theme was "challenging." I am thrilled to report that this month could not have been more opposite. I may even use the word "angellic." Ok, maybe that's going a little too far since it's no secret you have that ornery streak in you. Well, let's try the word "peaceful" instead. I may change the tune I'd humming when we make a three day weekend trip to Tulsa this weekend. The car ride is something I'm trying to block out. However, you have very few fits in the car these days and almost always sit quietly watching your Elmo Potty video. Ah yes, which brings me to my next train of thought....POTTY TRAINING. When to start, when to start??? Well, I don't think we are quite ready yet. Notice I said we. You are getting there though. You are able to give me signs and sometimes tell me "mommy, poo poo" or "pee pee" before you actually go. You don't seem interested in the potty at this point but I recently brought home Grammy's potty chair from when she was your age so that might spark your interest more. I'm sure potty training has many adventures in store for us and I'm ready for it whenever you are I suppose. I would love to say "bye bye" to diapers! You did have your first real potty experience the other evening when Jen was babysitting you. She asked you if you needed to go potty and you repeated her and said "potty." So she put you on the toilet and you PEED! She said you looked at her with shock and surprise. It looks like I just may have to get ready pretty quick because it seems that the time has come to buy some big girl panties and get to work. 

So with all that angelic talk being thrown out there I must be completely honest and add in that you scare me sometimes. Like for real. You didn't earn the nickname Hallie Monster for no reason. The first hour after I pick you up from daycare is the witching hour. During this sixty minute period of time I avoid getting too close because you are apt to throw objects at any moment or scream so loud my eardrum busts. Yes, I realize this is far from angelic behavior. I'm still puzzled as to why you begin the day as happy as a lark and end up as grumpy as a bear. Well except for mornings like this one when I have to drag you out of bed.....

Sleeping in is your new habit. Can I just say that you are a genius?!?! You require a LOT of sleep and it's evident when you don't meet your quota. Twelve hours is a must!!!

You are very interactive with cartoons and have made a habit of getting me involved too. Just the other day we you were watching your beloved Spanish-speaking friend Dora when all of a sudden I heard screams from the living room. "MOMMA! MOMMA!!!!" I looked at your from the kitchen to see what was the matter and found you pointing frantically at the tv as Dora and Boots were looking for Swiper the fox who was hiding behind the tree. I guess you had spotted that mean fox before Dora had and were trying to tell somebody. I couldn't help but giggle at how serious you were about it. Life or death right there, people. Cartoon foxes are dangerous. ;)

I'm unsure about your height and weight and unfortunately won't get to peek at it until your two year checkup in September. I have a feeling you've surpassed the 30 pound mark and remain a shorty like your parents. But we have noticed that your legs are getting longer! Go you! You are wearing size 5 shoes and 2T dresses and outfits. Your bathing suits seem to fit just like the ones I try on....TOO TIGHT! You wear up to a 3T bathing suit and that seems to be a little snug at times. You have a fascination with removing your clothes and have begun to try to dress yourself. Luckily you understand the importance of keeping your diaper on all the time. ;)

You are a prankster just like that dad of yours. I'm usually the target of your little pranks with your favorite one being the snake prank. You open up your jungle animal book to the page with a big snake on it and lay it on my lap. You are always sure to get my attention and yell "nake mama!" Of course I play along because I love to see the mischievous look on your face. I jump and scream in surprise and you run away giggling. I'm not sure who enjoys this game more. ;) You also get a kick out of making me taste your drinks. I must admit that drinking from a sippy cup that more than likely contains massive amounts of backwash makes me a bit leary so I've become at expert at pretending. But you've somehow caught on to my fake act recently. Maybe not an expert after, my little toot, are too smart for me!

Posing by her pink "nake" book

As far as talking goes, there is nothing you won't at least attempt to say. You have picked up on certain words or phrases that get me everytime. I won't try to list all of your new words because I don't think I have enough room....I'll put it this repeat everything. You have started using three-word sentences which most often include the words momma, dada, cracker, please or thank you. Yes, cracker is still your favorite word. You initiate "conversation" now by asking me questions like "momma dink?", "momma go?" You are still very skilled in giving commands. Your most commonly used phrase is "momma more!" I'd describe your vocab as SASSY. I know, surprise surprise! You chatter constantly and let out this hilarious manly giggle when you are being goofy. Try as I might, there are many things that come out of your mouth that I just can't understand. But not for lack of effort on your part. Keep trying! I'll get it soon!

I think you set out to make the biggest dinner mess possible. You've actually taken to rubbing your food into your belly AND your hair. I make sure to check your ears as well. Sometimes you even have some nose cloggage going on. Girl, be clean!!!!! I can't figure out the appeal....

On the weekends you enjoy a bowl of rice cereal with fruit for breakfast. I have a hard time finding the right meal for your lunches and dinners. It never fails...whatever I set it front of you is usually not on your food radar. Well, that is unless it is some sort of berry or grape or PASTA.....

So about that angel word up above....don't let that fool you. There are still plenty of those "oh my goodness, can we please just have silence" moments these days. Instead of throwing yourself on the ground there is a lot of whining and reaching and grabbing and begging. Fun stuff. Exhibit A:

The dress certainly "cutens" up the whining ;)

Speaking of cuteness.....check out these baby goggles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are learning more about swimming each day. First off, water temperature means NOTHING to you. I could toss you in the Arctic Ocean and you might not even flinch. I filled your pool up with hose water and we hopped in about ten minutes later. It was too much for me. Woo!!! But you didn't mind a bit....

You do better with your dad's help in the pool and can kick your feet while gliding on your belly. We have yet to dunk you underwater. Doesn't that just sound cruel?? You stick your face in the water and then giggle.  You are beginning to grow fish gills though so I think you will soon be ready to go underwater. ;) 

You are always surprising me with the big girl things you do. Your dad and I had a mixer to go to for his work this past week so you had a playdate with one of your favorite ladies, Jen. She took you out for ice cream and some playtime at McDonald's where you showed off your fearless moves on the slides. I just couldn't get over what a big girl you looked like sitting at the table having a treat with her. Here come the tears.....
"Mom, it's alright"

"I'm just a growin' girl"

"....and I whole lotta crazy!!"

Here's a barage of silly photos I've snapped over the past month.....

Getting a closer view of Dora

Air-drying after swimming at the pool

Pounding the piano during one of your nightly concerts

Lining up your crackers while out at dinner

Hallie + dirt + juice

You love to crawl up in the passenger seat and explore

At the office with mom

Lounging by the pool

That brings me to the end. There are many, many more things I would love to share about you but I'll be honest....I'm exhausted and ready for bed. Tomorrow we are headed out of town for a fun family weekend in Tulsa and I have a feeling I'll need all the energy I can get. ;) 

The more I get to know who you are, the more I am in awe of you. You are still and always will be my favorite part of the day. My favorite thing to do in this whole wide world is sitting on the couch with your favorite book under your favorite snuggly blanket, stroking your soft hair and listening to you "read" to me. Those are the moments when life slows down enough that I convince myself that you will stay little forever and I'll have endless amounts of moments like that. Next month will be the last of my monthly Hallie updates. Ok, someone get me a new box of tissues. We will cross that bridge when we get there......

I love you like you love crackers. 


Your biggest fan

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