Sunday, June 15, 2014

Run to Remember 2014

Hubby has given me yet another reason to be oozing with pride for him. His second half marathon is now in the books and he did fantastic! He trained in a variety of awful weather conditions and it paid off on race day. That weekend in April seems to be the perfect weekend for crazy weather to crop up and this year was no exception. Last year my car was wrecked by a big hail storm. This year he woke up to torrential rain, thunder and lightening. Well, in fact, we were up listening to it all night it seemed seeing as how we were on the top floor of the hotel in the southwest corner taking the brunt of the storm. Hal slept right on through it all though. Riley snuck out that morning and parked his truck down the road a ways where he hopped on a shuttle that took him to the race. Hallie and I woke up to the continued rain and watched the news to see when we needed to head downtown. She watched some cartoons in bed while I got ready....
The race ended up being delayed for two hours. Riley waited in the First United Methodist Church (our old church when we lived in the city) and started the race in some light rain. He kicked some booty and finished with a time of 1:54 right as Hallie and I strolled up to the finish line area.
We didn't get close enough to see him finish because of the crowd but I had been tracking him on my phone all morning. When he finished he didn't even look like he'd just ran for nearly two hours. Must be the Marine in him. ;)
I thought I'd be bummed that I wasn't able to run the half this year but it turned out that pushing a stroller around uphill was enough of a challenge being eight months pregnant so missing the act of running didn't even cross my mind. Ha! We walked around the bombing memorial to give his legs time to cool down.....

We celebrated with Riley's version of a post-race celebratory meal....a healthy sandwich at McAlister's....if I had only half of that man's discipline with food it would he wonderful. ;) I offered to drive home but he insisted. His legs were ready for some horizontal naptime up in bed so that's just what he did for the remainder of the afternoon. He claims that this is his last half and he's going to hang up his running shoes. Mind you this is the tenth time he's said those words. So I'm not putting much stock into it seeing as how obvious it is how much satisfaction he gets from running. I'm so proud of the kind of man he is! Here's to next year where we can both tear up the pavement together!


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