Saturday, September 7, 2013

Friday Funday

Enid was calling our names a couple of weeks ago. More specifically, fun was calling our names. I was determined to fit in one last Friday girl's day before Hallie started school and I'm so glad we did. We go together like peanut butter and black and Minnie and Daisy....BFFs.

First we met the other "Lil Red" for a fun lunch at Chick fil A. Hallie was attached to her side and giving her plenty of lovin'.....

But don't let the sweet face fool ya....the toot hurried us along with our lunch and chat time because she weally, weally, weally wanted to wide of da wides around the corner. Miss Heather hooked her up with a ride on all four vehicles. Add a yummy sugar cookie into the mix and all was well with the world. We love our Miss Heather! My mini and I then drove downtown for a stop at my most favoritest boutique in the history of the world (Pearl Junkie)....she was helpful for the most part as I tried stuff on....she even tried a few of the "mommy clothes" on as well. Ha! Oh and I should probably mention that baby giggles came along with us too.....

Lucky for my shopping partner she had fun waiting around the corner after being a sport with me while I shopped. To Leonardo's Warehouse we went!!!!! The first time she experienced all of the fun at LW she went with Aunt B. We had a fun couple of hours exploring and learning and climbing and sweating and painting and did I mention sweating???

She named each fish....

We got there at feeding time....

She called this fella a "cutie pie"....

And this fella "ugly"....

"Played" a game of giant checkers....

She was a very convincing patient at the doctor's office....

The little kiddy paint aprons always get me....too cute!!

Mona Hallie?

Nope, she's a queen on her throne....

The sweating part I mentioned came next. We went outside to the "big princess castle" and played like crazy!!!!!!!

We topped off the day with some Hobby Lobby and Cherry Berry to cool off.....

Friday Fundays have now turned into school days which are tons of fun for my girl as well.....but I not so secretly will miss having a full day at the end of the week to spend loving on her.

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