Monday, March 5, 2012

Those Two 'S' days

Dear Saturday & Sunday,

We can't get enough of you.

P.S.- You rock.

The Fannings

Seriously though. Why are these beloved days so fleeting?! Oh the weekend...what with all it's relaxation and gorgeous weather. Here's exactly how we spent our 'S' days....

Cartoons aren't as much fun without your friends!

Looks like she has perfected the lounge pose

Oh wait, this is the one!

Saturday morning was simply delightful. We had an enourmous amount of fun in the playroom...I think we managed to drag out every toy within reach which resulted in a very tired little girl when it was all said and done. Well it could also have something to do with her newborn babydoll that kept her up all night hungry and all....

"Sheesh baby....I'm not sure how much longer I can handle this. You eat constantly!"

She mothered her babydoll for quite some time in the recliner....her baby goes without eating for days so I reminded her that she had some catching up to do. She took her time and held her baby tight while feeding her a bottle. So ooey gooey sweet wouldn't ya say? So is this smile.....

And this one too.....

It turns out that a certain momma can be kinda funny (contrary to popular belief). I would pretend to fall asleep on Grizzo the bear and then wake up startled. This caused a riot of laughter and big belly laughs. And a little bit of drooling too. ;) She had had her share of momma time...then it was time for a date with dada. They hit up the hardware store together to hunt down wallpaper removing supplies, stopped by the livestock show to see chairman Papa (and the piggies of course) and finally made their way back home for some lunch. I hear that her experience with the pigs went a lot like last year. Not a fan. Not at all. The gal also wasn't a big fan of naptime either but can ya blame her? She had been having a blast with the grown-ups up to that point. She conceded and took a nice long nap in preparation for a playdate we had planned for the afternoon. We had made a date at the park with one of my cousin's friends (Lauren) who lives here in Woodward. My cousin's wife Kris has been telling me how well Lauren and I would get along so we added eachother on Facebook and have since been "stalking" eachother via the Internet (ha!). Riley met her last week at a work reception since they both work at the hospital together. It was high time I meet this chick. We met up with her family of four at Crystal Beach on Saturday afternoon. Her little girl is close to Hallie's age and is cute as can be. They all fed the ducks while Hallie stood frozen from shyness (that's a shocker!) and began to eat her piece of bread instead of sharing with those quacky creatures. The kiddos played on the playground for a while until it got pretty windy and chilly. Hal ended up getting a great big ol' hug from Kadence right before we all left. A repeat playdate is definitely a must very soon!

This mohawk-ed missy had worked up an appetite despite munching on her duck bread for the majority of the time we were at the park.....

We can thank dada for this hair-do

And these too. ;)

We had decided that Mexican food sounded good and we were both starving. Eating big deal, right? Well not if you have the busiest little girl in town with you. She has a long history of making eating out not worth the hassle. We've actually become conditioned to eating at home and accepting the fact that eating out just isn't in the cards for us until Hal is a bit older. It was time to give her another shot though....and let me tell ya, she. was. an. angel. No joke. The girl sat contently in her high chair just listening to us talk, munching on some chips and cheese, smashing lemons, smiling up a storm and "chatting" with passersby. She didn't mind waiting for her food to arrive at the table and didn't try to escape from her chair at all. Unheard of!!! I couldn't help but snap a picture of our growing girl eating her very first meal off the kid's menu. Probably doesn't seem like a big deal but I almost wanted to cry as she sat there drinking her kid's drink and chowing down on her chicken strips and fries. :( She's growing up on me....
The cutest little girl I ever did see

From dinner we made one last stop by the piggy pens at the livestock Papa in sight but we gave it one last shot at trying to talk Hallie into petting a pig. It wasn't happenin'.

"Fine by me...I've had enough human interaction for one day..."

Since it was too cold to play outdoors that evening we stayed cooped up inside cuddling and reading books. She grabbed one of my soft sleep shirts off of my closet bench and insisted on putting it on. Fine by me. She looks hilarious running around with it on. She soon realized that the only way to keep from tripping on it was to raise her arms up high.....


You can just imagine what she thought of herself....HOT STUFF. Yep, that's right. My daughter turned into a teenager right before my very eyes. All she was missing was a major attitude and some Justin Beiber music. It's just a matter of time....

We curled up on the floor in Hallie's room and read just about every book in her book bin. A little bit of Mickey, a bowl of strawberries and a few more books later, she was ready for nighty night. She turned into a limp noodle as I carried her to bed. Very sleepy baby. Riley and I did plenty of relaxing Saturday night.....I blogged....he watched shows about cars and other man things. We lead such exciting lives people! ;)

Sunday morning snuck up on us. We had a peacefully quiet morning getting ready for church, watching cartoons and making breakfast. But first we had a big super important mission to attend to.....

"Binkyyyyyyy???? Binkyyyyyyyy???? Where are you?"

We found the bink and all was right with the world. At that point we could move on with life. Sigh of relief on her part. Am I ever going to be able to take that thing away from her?? The meer thought of it makes me shudder. :/ I had to pry myself off the couch to finish getting ready. I could've stayed curled up with Hal in our favorite blanket all day...Mickey on repeat and all! Someone wasn't budging from the couch though. I guess she was the first person in the house ready to go so she earned some extra relaxation.....
Notice our baby food catcher to the left
Sunday afternoon was just like any other. Lunch...nap for Riley and, cleaning and workout time for mommy. I was in denial most of the afternoon and I guess you could've just called me a bitter Betty. We had plans for our Sunday school class to serve a dinner before bible study that night. With a big number of people expected to be there we needed to be at the church at 3:00. The bitterness came from the fact that I would be missing out on time outside in the ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS WEATHER. It was disgustingly gorgeous (if that's possible). Hallie didn't go without a playmate though just because we were leaving.....

Nanny to the rescue!

The two girls have a fun time at the park and Hallie showed up at the church an hour later with plenty of signs that she'd been outside and had a good time. She had dirt of her hands, legs and face....not to mention a couple skinned up knees from earlier that day when her and Riley were running out on the back porch. She was looking more like the tomboy that I have always known she was. Nanny got called in to work unexpectedly so Hallie stayed with us in the kitchen. Well that is until she started stealing too many crackers and cookies. Riley, Matt, BJ, Heather, Raenell and I spent some time outside at the playground area while Hallie got her play on. That was followed by some time demolishing the nursery. But I must say that she surprised me by leaning down to pick up some of her messes she'd made.

"I know there's food in here people....hand it over!"

Riley ended up having to take Hallie home early to feed and bathe her. It sounds as though they had an interesting night complete with Hallie leaving a trail of poop on the floor during her post bath naked laps through the house. Thankfully this did not happen on the carpet. He cleaned up the mess and lotioned our girl who had developed a rash all over her body. Lotion and the rash apparently didn't mix well. He said there was lots of squirming and screaming. Poor baby. It breaks my heart when her skin breaks out. Once she was lotioned up he tells me that she took off running and ended up on the back patio. She was running a little too fast for being so slippery with lotion and fell pretty hard on the cement. The girl had a rough evening it sounds like. He was able to get her settled down and they curled up in the recliner for some reading time.....that is until she peed on him. From what I gather her diaper wasn't tight enough and had come had a wet lap. The little toot (literally, she was tooting all night long) stayed up running like crazy until after 9:00. She's got me wrapped so tight around her chubby finger it's not even funny. We read her mouse book about 10,001 and each time she got increasingly excited about pointed out the mouse's whereabouts to me. We put our little smarty pants to bed and kissed her goodnight. She was asleep before I closed the door I'm almost sure of it.

Great weekend. We learned lots of new things about our favorite little one. Like how she can say " I dunno" and "beep beep" in her best hick accent. Hilarious!!! There are about a billion little new things she did this weekend that I'm forgetting but I'm sure she'll be repeating them again in no time so I'll just keep my eyes peeled. She's full of personality and hard to miss so it shouldn't be hard! Here's to more spectacular 'S' days like the ones we just had.

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