Friday, March 16, 2012

A Little Bit of Everything

Consider this random post #1,540.

Yet another conglomeration of our goings on.

Hallie has been a tornado lately.

You can just call me the Red Cross or FEMA.....following behind to provide a cleanup effort.

Words have been rolling off her tongue literally every minute. She is constantly chatting, repeating or just spouting off jibberish.

I've talked about her talking a million times. Maybe more. But seriously....I cannot get over it. I give no apologies for running it into the ground. It's amazing.

Her increased vocab may have something to do with her new habit of reading in bed. I mentioned in my last post that Hallie Grace has done a 180 this past week and now prefers to spend a few minutes relaxing in bed before getting up. Compare this to last week when she would let it be very known that she was ready to get out of bed while it appeared that she was a monkey trying to climb the sides of her crib. No monkeys here....just worms.

Book worms, that is. ;)

As you can see, Goodnight Moon seems to be a clear new favorite. While I was reading the last few pages to her for the third time this morning she surprised me by repeating "goo ny moo." In case you didn't catch the baby language....that was "goodnight moon."

Sad because she had to get up and start the day

On a totally different and very unrelated note, I came home with a few of these tasty treats for Riley this week. After all, his Irish ancestors would have been proud of his blarney stone consumption....

I've been feeling very LUCKY (ah, the luck o' the Irish) this week seeing as how I have my very own red-headed Irish baby. Not only that but I also have my very own comedian....

Daycare clown!

 In honor of St Patty's Day which is drawing very near I've been questioning Riley about his Irish descent. It went something like this...."babe, just how Irish are you?" His answer: "quite a bit." I never said that it was an intriguing conversation, did I? ;) He did, however, follow up his quick answer with his standard explanation about the Fannings coming to the United States during the Irish Potato Famine. I may not be Irish but I sure as heck won't let anyone pinch me tomorrow.....

I had an interesting experience while getting this St. Patty's day-inspired pedicure. I'll start by saying that my mission to get the pedicure lasted from 2:00 to 4:30 Friday afternoon. Holy busy nail salons. Once I was finally sitting in the chair, getting my feet pampered and feeling some semblance of relaxation I asked the lovely and friendly pedicure man if he could draw a four leaf clover on one of my toes. The man looked at me as if I had just spoken Chinese back to him. Me being the bonehead that I am said "ya know, for St. Patrick's Day?" Blank stare. Ok, obviously a four leaf clover was not happening at that point which was alright. About five minutes later the man asked me "why is everyone picking out green polish today??" He he. Where was my husband to teach him about the Irish Potato Famine when I needed him??? ;)

I had a hankering for my favorite pasta bake for Friday night. To the store we went. Oh but wait...first we had to accessorize. I watched as diva stuffed five bows into her pink, rhine-stone studded purse, placed it on her little shoulder and set out towards the car. Oh my.

Of course, of course, we must take the purse into the grocery store just like mommy does. Fine by me....the five bows kept her busy which meant no meltdowns over not being able to pull Oreos off of the shelf. Note to self: always let her bring her purse. It was a seemingly peaceful and quick shopping trip. I was bee-bopping along in my brand spankin' new running shoes when all of a sudden.....

I was bummed. My shoes were bummed. And Hallie was staring at me as if to say "you can't blame this one on me for once mom." And she was right. I was the idiot who placed the jar of sauce in the front of the cart instead of the main part. Little miss diva had set up camp in the main part of the cart leaving me limited space to hide food from her reach. So technically......well, maybe.....ok, I guess it's still my fault. There was a nice man who tried to stifle his laughter as I cried out "MY SHOES!!!!!!" in the middle of the aisle. He even tried to add a little humor to my situation by passing me on another aisle and casually mentioning "uh ma'am, you have something on your shoe." Ha ha ha. My shoes weren't laughing.

We had our first BIG lesson in sharing tonight. I'd never heard Hallie say the word "mine" before. Or I guess I should say "scream" the word mine. Oh my. I wasn't prepared for a teaching moment such as this. Here's the scenario....she stole my Sonic cherry limeaide. Just straight up vandalized it. Which I honestly didn't mind as long as she was planning on sharing. Well, she wasn't. I let her place it gently in her wagon while I took her for a ride. She would randomly lean forward to get a drink without picking the giant Route 44 cup up to her mouth. Too much effort, I guess? ;) But the girl sure did move quick when I bent down to pick it up to take a drink. She saw my hands moving in, grabbed the cup, began sucking on the straw as if her life depended on it and screamed "MINE!!" Oh. My. Goodness.

Over the course of the next ten minutes I attempted to get her to calm down long enough to teach her about sharing. It wasn't pretty to say the least....but in the end she did finally offer up a tiny drink to me. Of course after she made sure that I knew it was her drink. Wish me luck.

I did some baking for St. Patty's day earlier in the week and it has spurred a cookie addiction in my little one. Not to say that she gets a cookie when she requests one....because that would be literally impossible. We've gotten quite a few laughs out of her this weeks when it comes to requesting treats. Her last word before going to bed Wednesday night and her first word Thursday morning was "cookie." Why does that little toot have to say it in the sweetest, most angelic voice ever??? I've been swapping grapes for cookies which she doesn't seem to mind. Does anybody else have a kiddo who tries to eat in the middle of a teeth brushing session. She was holding on for dear life to her bag of grapes when I plopped her down on the counter for some oral hygeine. In between me wetting her brush she popped in a few grapes. Very effective. Oh that girl!!

We took a bike ride this evening. Perfect weather. Great idea, right? Eh, not so much. The first half was fast, easy, peaceful, chatter-filled. She shouted out "hi" to each person we passed. The second half was an uphill ride against a thirty mph wind. She wouldn't speak a word on the way back (probably for fear that a bug would fly right into her mouth) except for an occasional "beep beep." Flying kites would've been a much more appropriate activity on a day like today. Or possibly wind surfing.

My biking buddy

Riley has been in handy man mode. He has had a sudden surge of testosterone and has been putting it to use in the garage. Ripping wall paper, painting doors, sanding cabinets for our small bathroom off of the laundry room....I'm exhausted just watching him. And completely impressed. I would have been cursing the inventors of wallpaper and stopping for a snack...or two or three or four.

Funny story. I have a habit of removing Hallie's diaper by the kitchen trashcan and asking her to go get another one for me to put on her. She happened to be wearing a skirt today and when I took her diaper off I got side-tracked and just up and forgot to replace it. She must've thought I was crazy trying to do some early form of potty-training. Lol, not my intention at all. Fast forward to thirty minutes later....Aunt Kylie had stopped by to drop something off for Riley and the four of us were hanging out on the side porch. All of a sudden we see Hallie waddling towards us with something running down her leg. It didn't look good. Oh my. My first thought was that she'd had diaper blowout. That was until I looked down to see that she was standing in a puddle of poop in her sandles. "HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!?!?" It finally occured to me that I'd forgotten to strap a poop catching device back on my little diaper dependent tot. Poor baby was kind of distraught and very confused about why she'd just pooped on herself. Two clean shoes, an outfit change and an impromptu standing bath in the sink she was all good. I won't make that mistake twice.....

Sometimes I feel like I'm not teaching her enough. And then other times I feel like I'm bombarding her with information. Bathtime seems to be the place where she doesn't matter how much I talk. This is when I turn into crazy alphabet/counting/animal sound/body part identifying momma.....

Ok, maybe just a little bit of learning....and a LOT of FUN!!!


alphabet soup

A busy/fun/fast/long-awaited day coming up tomorrow. Of course I'll share every last detail. But for now I'll leave you with a couple of clues about our day tomorrow........

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