Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Happenings Around Our House This Week

Oh let's's a sampling of what we've been up to this week so far. It's hump day....we are on the downhill slide toward the beloved weekend. We have a very fun and exciting Saturday planned for our baby girl but I can't spoil the surprise right now...she's reads the blog after all. I'll leave it at that...BIG SURPRISE SATURDAY! But enough about Saturday....

...what about Monday? Oh, Monday was a Monday. But not too awful Monday-ish. Enough Monday to make me wish for Tuesday though. But oh wait, not the usual Tuesday. No Tuesday off this week (bummer, hiss, boo.) Let's play a game of "Did You Know?" Shall we?

*Did you know that yogurt is a lot more fun to eat if you rub it all over every inch of your body? Well apparently that is the case....

Exfoliated and feeling good

*Did you know that there are murderers in our neighborhood? Well, technically this is not true at all. But you would think there were knife-yielding crazy men around every corner with how spooked I get about running at night. Night after night I attempt to begin an evening run but rarely ever make it out of the driveway let alone around the corner. No crazy men....but usually a few cats that jump out and make me head for the hills (aka home).

*Did you know that my husband is funny? This is how I know. I walked out onto our side porch yesterday to find something very offensive to my eyes and extremely hideous. It was a pair of chairs sitting there staring back at me. My first instinct was to laugh....but before I could do that I hollered around the corner and asked him what on earth he was thinking. Apparently these two chairs he'd found in an old clinic and they seemed to him to be good for temporary outdoor seating. I'll let you be the judge.......

They are leaving ASAP.

*Did you know that Hallie is cool? Or at least that's what she told me this morning. I was getting her dressed when I held up her zebra print skirt and said "isn't this cool?" She immediately picked up on this new word and told me a few times that she was "coooooooooool."

*Did you know that reading a book is the best way to start out your morning? Take it from Hal...she's taken up a new morning habit. Riley put her to bed on Monday night and placed one of her books in the crib with her. Me being the paranoid freakazoid that I am would've been too nervous about placing something with sharp corners near her head while she was sleeping but she did survive so books in the crib it will be. She seems hooked already. I found her lying in bed Tuesday morning with her head propped up on some blankets with her body stretched out just reading to herself. Sweetest. Moment. Ever. In fact, she didn't even want to get out of bed (unheard of) and insisted on reading her book over and over and over. Each time she'd holler out "Mama! Book!" To which I replied with a fluttering heart and an "okay." Who needs to be at work on-time anyways? Being that it was my usual day off it made it that much harder to get her out of bed and get her dressed. Snuggling on the couch with cartoons sounded like a much better plan. She continued reading as I placed her on the changing table to get dressed. And believe it or not, her tiny book had to be put through her shirt sleeve as I put it on because she was not ready to let go of the book. Funny lady.....

Don't mind the mis-matched was in charge ;)

*Did you know that Mickey Mouse is universally loved by all. It's true.....

*Did you know that waddling is the cool new way to walk? Poor baby girl had some pretty killer rashes on both legs this week. Bad enough to force her to waddle around the house to keep her legs from rubbing together. Dresses were a must and she was slathered in cream which did wonders for healing them quickly. They are still hanging around but looking much better. No more waddling!

*Did you know that it's impossible for a baby to carry ten plastic eggs at once? She got an A for effort though. I had placed two Easter buckets full of eggs on the windowsill. She watched me place them up there, got a sly smile on her face, hopped down from the couch and immediately pulled them down. And so began her mission of picking up all ten eggs at once. There may have been a few tears shed in the process of trying....

"Three?!?!?!? That's all my tiny hands will hold?!?!"

*Did you know that Nanny spoils her grandbabies? No, surely not. Nanny went wild this week at Michelle's Chic Boutique. Oh my, talk about some insanely cute outfits that she picked out for Carmen and Hallie. I'm dying to put them on her little body. And speaking of spoiling, Nanny picked up Hal from daycare today and spent the afternoon and part of the evening with her...they ate dinner, played at the park, took a wagon ride, took a bath and ran around outside. I've got to admit it was very nice to have a little break from being Miss Sassy Pant's mom....I even got to go for a walk with my friend Amy.

*Did you know that Hallie likes to eat???

*Did you know that Hallie hates olives? I got a humorous text from Paula telling that my little mini had been helping her prepare pasta salad and had requested an olive. Paula handed her one and Hallie put it in her mouth...but it didn't stay there for long. Paula says that she spit it out, threw it on the counter, said "no, no" and walked away. The girl isn't afraid to tell you exactly how she feels.

*Did you know that sidewalk chalk is a good source of protein? Ok, I'm a liar liar pants on fire. But Hallie tried to chow down on a stick of blue sidewalk chalk as if it were a tasty hamburger. We happened to find a couple pieces of chalk hanging out by the driveway. Of course I felt compelled to write Hallie's name and draw a few hearts. She felt compelled to eat the chalk. I've never seen a cuter blue mouth. ;)

DID YOU KNOW that I'm pretty pumped about this upcoming weekend?

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