Monday, April 1, 2013

30 Days of......

That's how long it's been. 30 days of collecting pictures and stories. When the blizzard hit my beloved child decided that sleep was not a necessity. The girl has spoiled us for quite some time now with extra long naps and a reasonable bedtime. Those days are gone. Oh how I miss them dearly. So you may be wondering what her sleep patterns have to do with my inability to blog......

My normal blogging time = 9:00 - 10:00
Hallie's old bedtime = 9:00
Hallie new bedtime = ha.

Tonight is not too awful bad. She's chatting and singing from her bed but no screaming or begging. I figure while I'm monitoring the bedtime situation tonight I ought to get a start on playing catchup. Get ready because we're gonna go waaaaaaay back...back into time. Tons of pictures....a few words....and a whole lot of reading between the lines.....

While I finished the work week after the blizzard Hal spent Thursday and Friday with different sitters since Paula was taking some vacation days. She had a snow day with Nanny on Thursday.....

I hear that she wasn't a big fan of the sled that Nanny pulled her on. You would imagine that something like that would make her happy. But then I have to remember that she's two. Which means all bets are off....

"How bout we go inside and eat some snacks...."

It didn't take too much arm twisting to talk Jennifer into watching Hal that Friday. Hal was happy. Jen was happy. 

Munchkin talked Jen into having some shredded cheese after her breakfast. Only this child.....

They packed up all of her necessities for a day at a new friend's house. Jen took Hal with her to the little boy's house whom she babysits. It sounds like Hal wasn't so sure about sharing her Jen time with the little fella but I do know that whatever they did it pooped them both out.....

This picture below perfectly depicts her feelings about little boys.....

The week of the blizzard kick started our highly-avoided bathroom revamp. Praise the Lord for this fine man and his willingness to jump in head first and get to work....

We are nearly finished with the project and loving how it turned out. I'll post before and after pictures when it is complete...just waiting on a new shower door, bath spout and wall hangings. I've had my feel of texturing, painting and wallpaper removal. And I've been officially banned from installing towel bars and hooks....something about not following the directions....hmph. Although Mister Fixit did make a hilarious mistake while I was away one afternoon. Ya see, I'd painted the whole bathroom and ran out of paint with a tiny patch left (shaking fist). Riley said that he would go buy another small can of paint to finish the job. When he returned home from the paint store he must've mixed up the new can with a can of white paint he had lying around. When I walked in a bit later he was happy to have the painting finished and showed me the wall. His words were "the guy at the paint store said it might not match exactly since I only bought a quart instead of a gallon like last time.....but this looks waaaaay different." When I suggested the possibility that he had painted the wrong color on the wall he thought I was crazy.....and then he quickly retreated to the garage to find the new paint unopened. ;)

Hal and I have been fiddling with the setup of her new big girl room and we've really focused our efforts on something very important...where should we put all of these friends???? One evening I lined them all up underneath the window and walked in to find her hiding amongst her pals during a game of hide and seek....

We had some of our favorite people stop by late one evening on their way home from visiting Meme in Shattuck. Lisa and David joined us for some roast and potatoes and some playtime with Hallie. David jumped right into the kitchen with Hallie and started cooking up a storm. Well, actually he picked up the phone and "ordered a pizza".....

Hal finally gave in and showed some real love to her Uncle Dave as she jumped on her back and patted his head.....

Then she finished off the evening by doing something that could've only been a result of spending too much time with her daddy.....

Yes...that is my daughter sitting on her potty after dragging it in front of the tv....

We've been doing some sweet baking....and eating....

Little wants to help me in the kitchen ALL THE TIME. I just can't get enough of her little feet scurrying to the kitchen while she shouts "I wanna help!" She drags the same chair from the table to the kitchen counter and stands up tall where she can reach. The other day she chose brownies to make...with chocolate chips....AND pink icing. All her choices. My kinda lady!!!

The girl even cracked her first egg on her own and it slid right out with no shell in the batter. Proud momma right here!!!

As you can tell by the looks of those edible thighs, this gal's healthy appetite has returned!

The blizzard brought about a sudden fear of snow...and sleeping. So we changed things up a bit and she tested out the floor for one evening. She curled up on her sleeping bag with some puzzles and books....

The sunshine has been teasing us quite a bit lately. Milder temperatures are on the horizon, we just know it! But it's hard to figure out exactly what season it is because one day we are wearing shade and tshirts....

....and the next it's coats, boots and hats....

This is exactly how we feel about it too

On sunny days we've been having picnics and playtime at the park. The teeter totter is Hal's new favorite toy....

We'd be happy to have plenty more of these pretty spring days....but we're just waiting for spring to decide if it wants to stick around.....

We've kept up our daily exercise...although one of us (ahem) has been shunning the gym life lately. I'll give you one guess....

"Have you tried this move?"

She dislikes the childrens' room at the gym so much that I've almost given up taking her with me. I've gotten to the point where I expect the sitters to come out and hunt me to down to tell me that Hallie is having a meltdown. So one night she ended up in the workout room with Cari and I. She had us belly laughing as she attempted to do some ab work....

"How bout we eat snacks instead of this exercise stuff?"

Somedays I can bribe the lil lady with a snack to take with her to the gym. Those days make both of us happy, happy, happy....

That is until she has to actually go into the playroom. Then she looks like I'm placing her in some torture chamber....

But then there are those days when cousin Carmen shows up and makes everything all better!!!

Kissing cousins

All was well with the world after their early evening gym playdate....

Hmm, let's see. What else have we been up to? 


And this.

And this. 

So basically just being lovable and staying on my good side with that sweet smile and kiss. We had a picnic in the park a couple of weeks ago on a nice evening. The ducks decided to come beg for some tacos and Hal was happy to share....

After our dinner and some playtime we walked over to the sale barn to see what Papa Bill was up to. He was manning the district livestock show and Hal caught a glimpse into her future....

She even came close to petting a sheep. Almost. But then she chickened out and realized how creepy they looked....

We got a jump start on coloring some Easter eggs. I had picked up a coloring packet weeks in advance and she was a little too curious to wait!

Her insatiable appetite has led to this sort of activity....

"Suckers....where are yooooouuuuuu???"

And her extreme exhaustion and fighting sleep leads to this....


Strong willed doesn't even begin to cover it. Resistant....stubborn...and adorable all at the same time....

She was convinced that we could not leave for Walmart without her shopping cart.

We also couldn't leave without riding the jet plane

Her love for reading has grown stronger and she's become attached to her photobooks. While looking through her latest one that came in the mail she pointed to a picture of her last summer and said "dis one time when I was a wittle baby." 

The crazy part is that it seems like she was a tiny wittle baby learning how to toddle around the house. Now she's my little lady clutching her own baby doll in my rearview mirror. Not gonna cry, not gonna cry....not...gonna....


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