Sunday, May 6, 2012

I don't wanna forget....

Ya know, it seems that life just keeps getting busier. It feels like every weekend Riley and I plop down on the couch on Sunday evening and give eachother that look that says "are you as exhausted as I am?"  Life doesn't slow down just because I'm behind on laundry, have a million chores to do around the house, lots of blogging to catch up on, paperwork to get on top of, and a silly little girl to give my time and attention to. To say we've been busy this spring would be a ridiculous understatement. We've been a good kind of busy...but very busy nonetheless. There have been a handful of days where I've had to leave Hallie behind while I've traveled for showers and parties and this and that. And while I've loved every second of each of those events I miss my baby girl at the very same time. She's the center of my universe and things seem a little off balance when she's not around telling me how things are gonna go. With all that being said, I feel like I've been leaving out a TON of things on this blog about my Hallie lately. Her shenanigans have taken a backseat to the weekend goings-on and I've been hurrying to throw blogs together with some general stuff off the top of my head. But that isn't the purpose of why I write. I write to remember the details. I write to recall specific moments. I write to be able to tell her stories about her silly self someday. I write to share about what makes Hallie who she is. Her little personality is what I want to write about. And so tonight that's what I'm gonna do.....

I've been in awe all day long. After returning home from Aunt B's big wedding weekend we picked up a very excited and very talkative little gal. She had so much to say, in fact, that she didn't want to stop talking to take a nap. Miss chatty spouted off new words and sounds all day long. I noticed today how easy it is becoming to understand what she's trying to tell me when she wants something. She's got the pointing thing down...but the words are coming along now too. She was itching to ring the doorbell today as we walked into the house. Pointing, reaching, and saying something I couldn't understand....when finally I realized what it was that she wanted. So for the next five minutes she stood pushing the doorbell and giggling as the dogs howled with excitement. You best believe we repeated this on two more occasions today. ;)

Obviously I've made her obsession with Mickey Mouse very clear lately BUT I haven't mentioned the interesting spot that she chooses to watch her beloved show. Well here, I'll just show you.....

She squeezes her way in between the couch and table and hangs her arms over the couch and leans there. She has been known to watch two full episodes standing in this position without moving a muscle. And I've been known to come and photograph her without so much as a flinch of surprise from her. Girl, I'd try the couch out sometimes if I were you.

We made a mommy/daughter trip to the park today. It had been awhile it seemed. The temperature was just perfect so we stayed quite awhile. She naturally ventured over to the swing when we first arrived and I began pushing her. It wasn't long before she was pointing at the swing next to hers saying "mama! Ning!" Translation: momma, swing! She wanted me to have fun with her. Ok, I'm having sweetness overload syndrome right now. The girl had my heart flying up to the clouds. So we "ninged" together for awhile while she looked over at me the entire time making sure I was "ninging" too. ;)

She and I have developed our own little way of communicating lately. It's becoming quite fun creating our routines and patterns. She is definitely a creature of habit already and she keeps me in line when I go astray from the norm. Take this evening for example......

.....the two of us sat down for some meatloaf at the table tonight. Riley was outside working like crazy to get his outdoor chores done before dark so we went ahead and sat down without him. I sat our plates down and told Hallie it was time to pray. She didn't bow her head like she usually does when asked. I told her again to bow her head and she responded with a finger shake and a "no, no." I questioned her and said "what?" She knew exactly what was missing and told me "dada" and pointed outside. Yes, yes of course. We couldn't pray without him. So of course as my heart was growing about ten times in size I ran out to the garage to get Riley. He came back in with a grin on his face and she was excited to see him join us. We could pray at that point. It's amazing the things they understand. I'm still in awe and I can't help but smile everytime I replay that in my head.

We decided to jazz up bathtime a bit tonight with some bubbles! Not only did she love seeing "Melmo" on the bottle but she was ecstatic about seeing the "bubbos" everywhere in the tub....

"Cool, dude!"

"Why do you pay all that money for bows when we can just make them out of bubbles?"

We tried to take a bow out of bubbles on her head which she thought was pretty funny. She just stared and watched them move as she splashed around. It's times like these that I can't help but stare and her and wonder how on earth she is such a beautiful creature....

She's happiest when we are all home together. She is a lil lady that knows what she wants and when she wants it. We are all making headway each and every day learning how to communicate and understand eachother. She's got a lot to say but just doesn't know how to say it quite yet. But after today I can guarantee she's almost there. Oh how I love "livin' on Hallie time".....

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