Monday, September 5, 2011

One Year Bloggiversary

Livin' On Hallie Time (LOHT) celebrated its first bloggiversary on August 27th this year....but I just now remembered today. A lil late but better late than never. What does one do to celebrate a bloggiversary you ask? Write a blog about it of course. I began this public journal of our lives when Hallie was four weeks old. I was apprehensive about starting one at first which might come as a suprise to most since I freely share nearly every detail of our lives at this point. I was hesitant about starting a blog because I thought I'd feel pressure to keep up with it as well as feeling that I wouldn't have anything to write about. Hallie has made sure that that wasn't a problem. ;) The blog is our photo album, scrapbook, journal, life story, etc. all in one. Simply put, I love to preserve memories. So much so that I get anxious when I don't have a camera within reach to document every moment of everything anywhere at get my point. Although it may seem like I go overboard with the pictures (according to a certain cooperative husband), it is like a drug to me. Capturing every little moment.....ah, makes me so happy. Livin' On Hallie Time has been my saving grace over this past year. Never in a million years did I think that we would be living the year we just lived. When I read back it's unreal to think that we actually survived so many life altering events in such a short time.  I have developed a love affair with LOHT that I just can't explain. It's like my form of a hot bubble bath or a glass of wine....therapeutic and peaceful. Each post I get to share is like a little time capsule of Hallie's life that gets put onto paper.

Now that LOHT is a year old I've decided to make some changes. After doing plenty of blog stalking, I've decided that the asthetics of my blog are not up to par. I'm excited to say that I am going to be a student of photoshop. ;) I'm trying out a 30 day free trial version and plan to spruce up the pics you see on here. This should be fun so wish me luck!! Also, I plan to order a printed book of LOHT through Hallie's first year and every year after that as far as I'm concerned. At the rate that I've been scrapbooking, this will  be her only form of a scrapbook.

Here's a month by month look at my favorite blog topic....

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months

8 Months

9 Months

10 Months

11 Months

12 Months
Here's to many more bloggable months! Thank you readers for keeping up with us...we love each of you!

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